periz replied to the topic ENVISAT PRODUCTS in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
this confirms my supposition: the code is there but it needs to be adjusted for your situation.
in order to modify it to match your data, we need 2 main things:
1. some data samples
2. some time.
We are not in the best moment of the year, so, I cannot promise you a very fast response.
We need to arrange some data sharing, please write to us…[Read more] -
egimenezlwd replied to the topic ENVISAT PRODUCTS in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
Thank you for your answer.
We are working with InSAR in some sites of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). We have had good results using Sentinel-1 imagery but, now, we need to analyze a period not covered by Sentinel-1 (2009-2012). We have tried with ERS-2 but we got nothing. The catalog of Envisat ASA_IMS images for this window is very poor so,…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic ENVISAT PRODUCTS in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
long time ago we did process some envisat wideswath data, however, at this moment we are not aware of anybody using it and I suppose nobody really worked with those data after we developed the related code.
it means, the code might need some adjustment and at the moment I cannot tell you more. if you are not in a hurry, we’ll check it sometime…[Read more] -
egimenezlwd started the topic ENVISAT PRODUCTS in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
Are ENVISAT ASA_WSS_1PN products supported by SARPROZ?.
niloofaralizadeh joined the group sarproz-group 3 years ago
manap98 joined the group sarproz-group 3 years ago
leilaranjbarlari joined the group sarproz-group 3 years ago
periz started the topic library problems in linux in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
this error was brought to our attention:/usr/bin/gnome-terminal.real:
version `CXXABI_1.3.9′ not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvte-2.91.so.0)This Matlab post helped finding the…[Read more]
periz started the topic Sentinel orbits timeout errors in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
Since a few days some users reported timeout errors while downloading Sentinel orbital data.
So, if you get such errors this is the post to read.
First of all, please consider that this is a problem on the ESA side (scihub.copernicus.eu). Not sure yet what is the cause, it could be some slow network response depending on the location from where…[Read more] -
matereo joined the group sarproz-group 3 years ago
periz replied to the topic How to fit a Seasonal model? in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
about the smart option:
https://www.sarproz.com/groups/sarproz-group/forum/topic/about-time-series/1. don’t use 3, it’s too short. use 5 or more
2. sarproz has a “seasonal trend” field. you find tutorials on that (small area, high buildings), e.g.…[Read more] -
mehrdad-moshtaghivito-be started the topic How to fit a Seasonal model? in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
Using 161 Sentinel-1 images, I want to estimate seasonality in my data. After doing APS based on a linear model, I want to add seasonality in MISP. I see polynomial and smart options. I couldn’t find a detailed description of “smart” in the manual.
1- What would be the difference between smart=3 and smart=5?
2- I want to estimate ve…[
janbu replied to the topic Failure playing “ding” and spatial coherence in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
Awsome! Thanks
periz replied to the topic Failure playing “ding” and spatial coherence in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
We found out the reason: a hidden bug.
The number of interferograms was so high that, when splitting the data to contain the memory, the size of tiles became so small to generate an empty process.
A new version is being uploaded while this post is being published
best -
periz replied to the topic Delete specific dates after APS in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
Hi Mehrdad,
your atmosphere is perfectly fine and no problematic at all. Values of the phase are close to ambiguity so you have a phase jump from -pi to pi but that is normal, the phase is wrapped. So, I strongly suggest you not to discard any images because you would just waste precious data. Generally speaking, unless you have huge problems (in…[Read more] -
mehrdad-moshtaghivito-be started the topic Delete specific dates after APS in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
I did APS estimation and my overall results looks good. However, I’m not happy with some of atmosphere phase estimation on specific dates like the enclosed one named “unexpected_atmosphere.jpg”. To me, it doesn’t make sense to have such an atmospheric phase over a city area. As I’m processing with Sentinel-1 and I have more than 60 images in the…[Read more]
mehrdad-moshtaghivito-be joined the group sarproz-group 3 years ago
janbu replied to the topic Failure playing “ding” and spatial coherence in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
Thanks. I’ve double-checked the graph and as per the image attached, is a full graph (with 11027 connections). The few interferograms I’ve plotted seems ok. Of course, I couldn’t manually plot over 11K interferograms but there are 11028 interferograms in the respective folder.
I’ve also tried to run it again using other filtering parameters for…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Failure playing “ding” and spatial coherence in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
1. you can neglect the “ding” message. it means the sound message could not be played. if you want to suppress it, uncheck “play sounds” in advanced parameters.
2. the coherence map generation was done in a few seconds. to me, it means no interferograms were included in the processing. since no messages are shown, it could be that your images…[Read more] -
janbu started the topic Failure playing “ding” and spatial coherence in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years ago
I am encountering the following issue. I have processed the interferograms with the full graph and created the “Coherence Map”. However, the spatial coherence plot is all made of “zero” values.
While the interferogram processing is “successfully concluded”, I noticed the “failure in playing ding” message. Could these be related? what could…[Read more]
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