Dealing with errors in Sarproz

Please read carefully this document before contacting the Sarproz Support.

Error Files

When you get an error in Sarproz, the software saves some information about the error in a matlab file. The file is usually called "lasterror.mat" and Sarproz displays in the command line where the file is located (other error files are also possible, see More about Error Files). Since different errors will be saved with the same file name ("lasterror.mat"), before doing other operations, read carefully this document. Running other tasks could cause the error file to be overwritten, and if this should happen, we cannot check the error and we cannot help you anymore.

Log Files

In addition to the error file, the history of messages displayed by Sarproz (in the command line) can help understanding what happened. The history of messages is saved in log files. When you get an error, the software tells you which log file recorded the most recent messages. Usually this log file is located in the Sarproz directory and it is named as "dd_mmm_yyyy_HH_MM_SS_sarproz.log". For more infos about Sarproz log files see More about Log Files.

What to do when you get an error in Sarproz

When you get an error in Sarproz, the first thing to do is reading carefully the messages given by the software before the error happened. Very often, errors happen as a consequence of missing data. Search messages looking for warnings about anything missing or any other uncommon message. More than 50% of problems can be solved by simply reading the Sarproz command line messages.

If you don't find a solution in the messages, the second thing to do is checking whether you are running the most recent software version. To do so, use the "Manage Version" module. With that module, you can connect to the Sarproz update server and see if a new Sarproz version is available. If a new version is available, download it and install it. After downloading the new version, you can check the list of updates and see if something new related to your error was implemented. Highly probably, installing the most recend Sarproz version will solve your problem.

Important note: please don't write to the Sarproz Support if you are not running the last Sarproz version. The Sarproz Support will not debug old codes.

What to do if you are already running the most recent Sarproz version

If you cannot find any clue in the command line messages, if you are already running the most recent Sarproz version, then you might have encountered a bug. To get support related to bugs, you have to send an email to and you must include the error and the log files. If you do not attach to the error AND the log file, we cannot help you. The Support section will respond to your email in the shortest possible time.

You have also a second option, in case you are already using the most recent Sarproz version. In fact, we adopted the policy to release Sarproz updates on the fly. In other words, as soon as an update or a bug fix are available, they are uploaded on the update server. This is very useful for testing purposes but it has a drawback: beta releases might introduce new bugs. Thus, in case you encountered a new bug, which you did not encounter in previous Sarproz versions, you can temporarily revert back to an older Sarproz version. This feature is also available in the "Manage Version" module. But before doing so, plese send error and log files as instructed above, to inform the developers about the bug.

Important note: please don't write to the Sarproz Support without attaching error file AND log file. Without receiving those files, the Sarproz Support will not answer your email.

Receiving emails automatically when errors occur

If you want to keep trace of errors and do it automatically, you can set up Sarproz to send you emails automatically. To do so, input your email address in the "Advanced Parameters" module. In this way, you will get emails in case errors occur, but also whenever a processing task is finished. The nice thing is that lasterror and log files will be automatically attached to the email.

IMPORTANT: Sarproz Pcodes version users

If you are using the Sarproz pcodes version (the version that needs Matlab to run), it is important to know what Matlab release you are using. In fact, from Matlab 2015b on, Mathworks decided to disable the pcodes debugging capability. So, if you have Matlab 2015b or a more recent version, we cannot read the error information from the error file and we cannot help you debugging your problem. In such a situation, either you find a workaround, or you have to reproduce the error in an other configuration. In particular, you have 2 options: A. you use an older Matlab version (2015a or earlier) or B. you install the Sarproz compiled version.

If you are running the Sarproz Pcodes version and you need the compiled one, please write to, specifying what Operating System you are using (Windows, Linux or Mac).

More about Error Files

In some specific cases, Sarproz ouputs error files with different names. For instance, if an error occur during an SLC data processing cycle, in order to avoid overwriting possible multiple error files, a suffix is appended to the error file name, like "lasterror_19980101.mat". Anyway, when Sarproz outputs an error file, the file name and its location are always reported in the command line window. Moreover, if you set up Sarproz to send you automatic emails, the proper file will be attached to the message.

Other error files are possible as well. Examples are errors occurred becaus of Operating System problems, licensing issues, internet data downloading failures and more. Sometimes Sarproz does not explicitely inform about outputing an error file. However, if some uncommon issue arises, you can check for new ".mat" files in the Sarproz directory.

More about Log Files

Sarproz keeps a current log file in the Sarproz directory. The file name contains the date and hour when Sarproz was started, as "dd_mmm_yyyy_HH_MM_SS_sarproz.log". This log file contains all current commands and messages. However, when a project is opened and closed (either because Sarproz is closed or because you are switching between multiple projects), all messages related to that specific project are transferred to a log file contained in that project folder. The project-specific log file is called "site.log". The name is the same for all projects, but the location of the file is different: each log file is located in the corresponding project folder.

As a consequence of this, messages relative to a specific error can be found in different locations. If the error has just occurred and Sarproz is still open and you did not change the current project, the log file you need to send together with the error file is the most recent file "dd_mmm_yyyy_HH_MM_SS_sarproz.log" that you find in the Sarproz folder. However, if in the meanwhile you closed Sarproz or you loaded a different project, messages were transferred to the project "site.log" file, and, to seek assistance, this is the file you have to send. If you are not sure about which log file to send, open the most recent "dd_mmm_yyyy_HH_MM_SS_sarproz.log". In case messages have already been transferred to the project log file, this will be explicitely written in the "dd_mmm_yyyy_HH_MM_SS_sarproz.log" file body. There, you will also find the path to the "site.log" file where all last messages were dumped.