brandinsar replied to the topic Error downloading COPERNICUS DEM in the forum Sarproz Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago
I have tried the SFTP connection and followed the instructions, but it ended up not connecting to the server. In turn, no DEM files were downloaded
brandinsar replied to the topic Error downloading COPERNICUS DEM in the forum Sarproz Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago
I did not follow the steps since I do not know and understand where to fix them correctly. Yes, I am currently using the latest version of the software (27-Feb-2024).
periz replied to the topic Error downloading COPERNICUS DEM in the forum Sarproz Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago
did you do the steps suggested by the software?
generally speaking, keep always in mind this: https://sarproz.com/manual/Sarproz_errors_management.html
and report log files and error files, if any.
are you using the last version of the software?best
brandinsar started the topic Error downloading COPERNICUS DEM in the forum Sarproz Forum 11 months, 2 weeks ago
As I try to process the GCP selection, an error occurs in downloading the COPERNICUS DEM (the one I chose for my external DEM). I have properly followed the instructions for inputting my verified DEM account (both correct username and password) and I would always run into the said problem. In the command prompt, the following lines…[Read more]
brandinsar joined the group sarproz-group 11 months, 2 weeks ago
periz replied to the topic Which ip address sarproz connects to when it starts? in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year ago
when you get problems/errors, it’s good practice to send also the logs and possible additional error files.
Anyway, in your case, please be aware that when Sarproz starts, it does not try to connect to a specific IP/server. It’s only checking internet connectivity through common webpages, like yahoo. Do you have internet access?
If you are…[
tuinhekje started the topic Which ip address sarproz connects to when it starts? in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year ago
I keep getting “no internet connection error” when starting the program even though the pc has a working LAN cable.
Possibly my company IT policy is blocking connectivty to Sarproz’ server.Does anyone know which ip address sarproz tries to connect to?
I tried looking in the log files but couldn’t find it.thanks in advance
periz replied to the topic Seeking Advice: Adjusting Measurement Points for Bridge Deformation Monitoring in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year ago
Hi Arslan,
your question would require to talk about many topics, it cannot be answered with a short post. There are 2 ways for you to solve this issue: 1. take a Sarproz course and learn deeper the technology; 2. get some processing assistance (someone who does the processing for you). Given your student status, I strongly suggest you to go with…[Read more] -
arslank started the topic Seeking Advice: Adjusting Measurement Points for Bridge Deformation Monitoring in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year ago
I have 72 Sentinel-1A satellite images acquired in the SM mode covering the period of January 2015 to July 2017. The images’ data is in HH and HV polarization mode. I want to measure the deformation trend of a steel truss bridge over a river using the images. I am using Multi Image InSAR Processing in SARPROZ following the 2018 tutorial (InSAR…[Read more]
arslank joined the group sarproz-group 1 year ago
mahtab replied to the topic Sentinel-1 orbits – new repository (Nov 2023) in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year ago
Dear Daniele,
Problem solved! I noticed that I did not put my account information in the advanced parameters for the automatic downloading. I am all set now.
Mahtab -
mahtab replied to the topic Sentinel-1 orbits – new repository (Nov 2023) in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year ago
Dear Daniele,
I am using the latest version of the software; however, it still seems automatic downloading does not work for Sentinel-1 orbit files. I have got empty folders of orbits. Is the issue with my case specifically or it has not been implemented yet in the software?
Just in case I have also attached the log file.Best regards,
Mahtab -
tuinhekje replied to the topic Batch processing from terminal? in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 1 month ago
Thanks a lot for the quick reply.
We will contact you once we start testing sarproz from within a docker image.
best regards
periz replied to the topic Batch processing from terminal? in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 1 month ago
We call it “command line” or “background” mode.
If you type it in the search line of the forum here https://www.sarproz.com/sarproz-forum/, you’ll get some discussions.
Here some updates short descriptions containing command line mode infos (there are more…[Read more] -
tuinhekje started the topic Batch processing from terminal? in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 1 month ago
Did anyone manage to run saproz in batch mode from a terminal?
I can’t find any instruction or documentation on batch processing with sarproz. Is it possible to create a configuration file with all parameters for batch processing?
Does one need Matlab to run sarproz in batch mode?
Did anyone manage to run sarproz from a docker file?
tuinhekje joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 1 month ago
sohaiskhan joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 2 months ago
antig replied to the topic Sentinel-1 orbits – new repository (Nov 2023) in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
i did not saw any update option in the morning
alpetrucci replied to the topic Sentinel-1 orbits – new repository (Nov 2023) in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
Dear users,
a beta-version of the new downloader for the Sentinel-1 orbits is now implemented in the software.
In this version there are some know issues that will be fixed soon. In the meanwhile, please read below for the solutions:1) in case you receive a message from the server aobut “Too Many Requests”, please just repeat the downloading…[Read more]
liuhongzhi joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 3 months ago
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