antig replied to the topic Question for Capella products in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 8 months ago
SLC Should work well
hyuki044 started the topic Question for Capella products in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 8 months ago
Are Capella SICD or SLC products supported by SARPROZ? Or how can I put the Capella products in folder/ or rename them when processing?
Thank you
hyuki044 joined the group sarproz-group 2 years, 8 months ago
niloofaralizadeh replied to the topic Cannot configure sarproz mac matlab2020 in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 8 months ago
Dear Friend, I have the same problem did you get your ansewr?
niloofaralizadeh replied to the topic Problem with SARProz license file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
Dear friends,
I have a question, if i change version of my MATLAB, can i still work with SARPROZ? or i should give a new license? -
periz replied to the topic coregistration failed!!!! in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
Please read carefully the document below before taking any actions:
https://sarproz.com/manual/Sarproz_errors_management.html -
Mehrabi started the topic coregistration failed!!!! in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
Dear admins/PeriZ’
I’ve tried to produce a displacement field through TOPS Sentinel-1A with two independent datasets, but in both of them, the coregistration failed!!!!. I changed the co-registration parameters, but the error was there again.
with the following error message :An UndefinedFunction error was thrown on the workers for ‘Undefined…[Read more]
periz started the topic Sarproz release 2022 in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
Dear all,
a brief message to inform you about some major recent updates in Sarproz, listed hereafter (for the full list of changes please check the manage version log):
** new source of weather data
we have implemented functions to download weather data from a new provider: visualcrossing.com
data policy is very similar to the old darksky…[Read more] -
mahtab replied to the topic No trend shown in exported KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
You were right, there was a bit difference in the name of the file from the automatic one, that I don’t know how!, but yes the name was the issue!
Thank you for your helpful hints.
Best regards,
Mahtab -
mahtab replied to the topic No trend shown in exported KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
Hello again,
Yes, I know it is not an issue with the software. I thought maybe I am exporting wrongly.
Thank you for the hints, all answers are yes, same things, but the problem is still there. I need to investigate what is going on afterwards as you mentioned.Thank you 🙂
Best regards,
Mahtab -
periz replied to the topic No trend shown in exported KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
Hi Mahtab,
unfortunately, as you can understand, this problem does not apply to Sarproz. Instead, it is related to something else, happening afterward. So, hereafter some hints, hope it helps, but then you find the problem yourself.
are you re-opening the exact same KMZ (not kml!) file? search for that, check location, size and date. Are you…[Read more] -
mahtab started the topic No trend shown in exported KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
An issue with the KML file: When the software creates a KML output file, it gets automatically opened on GE and deformation time series trend will be shown for each point; however, if I close the KML file and reopen it, time series trend for each point will get disappeared. I would appreciate it if you help me to solve the issue.
Best…[Read more]
egimenezlwd replied to the topic Testing TerraSAR-PAZ images in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 10 months ago
Thank you again for your comments.
periz replied to the topic Testing TerraSAR-PAZ images in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 10 months ago
to interpret the coherence value, one should give many more details: what model you are using, what parameters are estimated, what options you applied, which images graph, whether weights are used, whether the atmosphere is corrected or not, and so on and so fort, the list could be long. Without having those details, you cannot interpret well…[Read more] -
egimenezlwd started the topic Testing TerraSAR-PAZ images in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 10 months ago
We are testing a short set of TerraSAR-PAZ images (3 scenes) with the Small Area procedure. Everything works fine but when we visualize results in the Geocoding option, we found that all points show a coherence value of 1, and the color bar is ranged from 1 to 1. Is something going wrong?. Is due to the short number of images?
janbu replied to the topic Empty KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 10 months ago
I am using windows. I’ve scanned through the files and haven’t noticed any obvious difference between the >1GB and <1GB.
I agree that is good to know if this is confirmed by others and hopefully there will be ways to go around it. Maybe a functionality from the Time Series Module to split the area in tiles (separate archives, maybe with a…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic Empty KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for this info,
a few more details that can help:
1. are you using windows? this problem could be system-specific
2. do you see anything different between data/files > 1GB and data/files < 1GB? this can help understanding whether it's a problem related to big kmz files generation (affecting Sarproz at some points) or to big kmz file…[Read more] -
janbu replied to the topic Empty KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 10 months ago
Thanks. I did a few tests creating kmz of different sizes (by filtering the n. of points) and wanted to circle back the results here, as it may help others with the same issue. I found that files <1GB are working fine, while files over 1GB keep returning the above-mentioned error.
Regards -
periz started the topic InSAR position in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 10 months ago
Dear all,
it’s a bit unusual to post here an opening, but hoping to make something useful, here it is. Please check the attachment.
Best -
periz replied to the topic Empty KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 10 months ago
the file you are showing is not the root one
to make it clearer:
the KMZ file is a zipped file that contains:
* a KML file (let’s call it the root one)
* a folder
In the folder you can find many more kml files, numbered at different levels
The root kml file contains links to files in the folder, which are linked to other files in the folder in a…[Read more] - Load More