periz replied to the topic Sentinel-1 SLC IW intensity grayed out, corregistration not possible in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
The new version is available for download through the “manage version” module (pcodes and compiled for win and lnx).
please try it out and let us know!
d -
periz replied to the topic Slaves Extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
hi qingli, please zip all files together
periz replied to the topic Sentinel-1 SLC IW intensity grayed out, corregistration not possible in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
I do not know what you mean with “grayed out”.
I’d suggest to show you a comparison between a normal image and what you call a “grayed out” one.
Isn’t it that it was raining? Anyway, if problems, I guess they belong to the data, not to the extraction code…
About the examples you attached, the first 2 images look coregistrable but shifted.
periz replied to the topic Sentinel-1 master extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
check the formatting of text files (end lines/carriage returns/tabs/…)
it may have been messed up by some operations (like ftp-ing files from linux to windows)
d -
periz replied to the topic Sentinel-1 master extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Dora,
together with Yuxiao we are downloading your data and checking what’s the problem.
We’ll let you know soon
dan -
periz replied to the topic Atmospheric effect? in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
as a kind of general comment, with 6 images you should use a multi-master approach, and use also unwrapped interferograms. However, there are many comments more for your case, and also many options that could be chosen to help you solving your case. So, again, I suggest you to take a direct contact with some of us and have a remote session…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic sentinel 2016 in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Nader,
when you get an error, zip the log and the lasterror.mat files and attach them together with your message.
From the very brief message visible in your attachment, it looks like one of the folders in the path of your data is containing spaces.
As previously said, you should learn the patience to go through the messages given by the…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic Atmospheric effect? in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Dear Nader,
here my comments:
1. yes we know that a complete manual is needed and we are working at that. in the meanwhile, please take seriously the available documentation. even if limited, it’s containing a lot of information and it takes time to be digested.
2. together with the documentation, you need to patiently read all the messages that…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic Atmospheric effect? in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Nader,
about the second question, here you can read something:
Also, check the references mentioned there in the manual.About the first question, we should find some time to have a remote session for looking at your data and at all steps…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic select sub area Processing with sentinel TOPS data in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Qingli,
is your area close to the borders of the footprint of Sentinel?
Check the footprint.kml and the masterarea.kml
what about the amplitude of ALL images?
You can check it either from the SLC data processing or by selecting the images one by one in the view parameters module -
periz replied to the topic Sarproz Release 2016.00 in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Check if psftp.exe is in the Sarproz folder.
If not, google it, download it and place it there.
If psftp.exe is there and you still cannot download, write to support at sarproz dot com
we need to check in more detail ur case -
periz started the topic Sarproz Release 2016.00 in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Dear all,
a new Sarproz release is now available for download through the “manage version” module.
The main improvement is a new module in the “Post-Analysis” frame, “Site Processing” window: the “Time Series Module”.
It’s a new set of post-processing options to export, visualize and analyze the time series results.
Now you can plot and extract…[
periz replied to the topic Linear trend threshold in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 2 months ago
why are you surprised that the result is within the imposed range?
the range is used exactly for the purpose to limit the result within a minimum and a maximum.
the result can be different in case of noisy data (the algorithm has a random component, and random data can lead to random results)anyway, never use a-symmetric ranges in the APS…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Error in co-registration step in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 2 months ago
Hi Amir,
this means that you are missing the matlab parallel processing toolbox.
You should contact your IT person for that. I can anyway send you the compiled version and you can keep both versions on your computer (the license is the same). You can use the compiled one for running the operations requiring functions not installed in your matlab…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic update online error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 2 months ago
Your matlab version is not supporting the function needed for the update
periz replied to the topic update online error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 2 months ago
hi Shimin,
you should reduce the jpg image and paste it here again, so that we can see the error. Also, if you got a lasterror.mat include it together with the log (zip them before attaching them here).
In the meanwhile, to get an update write to support at sarproz dot com, specifying whether you are using the pcodes version, compiled for win or…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic Using GAMMA .rslc in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 3 months ago
The coregistration refinement may be needed if you are working with high resolution, high normal baselines, important topography.
We had clear evidence of that with Cosmo datasets in mountainous areas.
Your errors look a bit strange and in fact may be due to the 2015b version of matlab
d -
periz replied to the topic Using GAMMA .rslc in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 3 months ago
Hi Jackie,
unfortunately at this moment the coregistration refinement works only with images coregistered by Sarproz. The reason is that the algorithm is using the results of the first coregistration.
Would that be possible for you to access SLC images? it would also be a chance to compare the result with yours.
We could also implement a…[
periz replied to the topic amplitude values in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 3 months ago
Hi Ivana,
you raised a good point. We used to store the normalization constants many years ago, but we did not implement it when we included the SLC module. The image amplitude is normalized to have an average value equal to 1. You could further equalize the images using only stable targets. But the matter of fact is that at this moment the…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Message from sarproz, during "Sparse Points Multi-image Processing" in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 3 months ago
also, please be aware that memory stays for RAM which is a different concept from disk space.
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