periz replied to the topic Stratified APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
DSF is the downsampling factor of the final APS. R is the length of the correlation filter (pixels).
periz replied to the topic Master Extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
together with the log file you have to include also the lasterror.mat
periz replied to the topic Manage version in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
– you have to zip log files
– check this http://www.sarproz.com/groups/sarproz-group/forum/topic/sarproz-release-2016-00/ -
periz replied to the topic Phase unwrapping in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
Perhaps you can read the messages given by the software: why it is not working?
periz started the topic Phase unwrapping in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
Dear all,
a bug was found and fixed in the phase unwrapping code.
Moreover, a new option has been added: you can now load a mask to select on which pixels to apply phase unwrapping (in this way you can e.g. discard water bodies). To create a mask use the module “Custom Mask Generation” which takes a kml file as input.Tests and comments are most…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Subsidence in mm in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
hi Sandersax,
if you want to apply spatial phase unwrapping, please download the last sw version, a bug was found and fixed.
dp -
periz replied to the topic Subsidence in mm in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
hi Sandersax,
to work on a single interferogram, use this module: http://sarproz.com/manual/insar_analysis_site.html
to see a description of insar parameters, check this http://sarproz.com/manual/insar_params.html
The idea is that, to convert the phase into mm, you have to unwrap the interferogram
so, if you check the “unwrap” option, then you can…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic APS – Ext. Dem Option in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
“Site Processing”–>[Visulalization tools]–>”View Parameters”–>scroll the list to “Ext. DEM height”–>pick it–>Click “Plot”
periz replied to the topic APS – Ext. Dem Option in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
you need to plot and check the DEM in SAR coordinates -
periz replied to the topic APS – Ext. Dem Option in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
If it takes too long,
as I previously explained, it means that there is something wrong.
You did not include the log file, it seems the error is happening in a file that has been modified in the last version.
Anyway, by remotely sensing you case, I think your DEM is containing NaNs.
If you remember, I told you to check it, since your DEM is not…[Read more] -
periz started the topic Sarproz Release 2016.10 in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
Dear all,
a new Sarproz release is being uploaded at the time of writing.
Changes/new features:
– Time Series module. Beside some bug fixes and minor changes, you can now use this module for importing the time series generated from a different dataset. All what you need is: a) the export site par file (generated from the dataset selection window)…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic APS – Ext. Dem Option in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
Checking External DEM means removing a phase component proportional to what is written in the external DEM file.
So, this is not directly related to movement.
However, you estimate the movement from phase time series. If you remove or not remove a component from the phase values, clearly you are changing your data. As a consequence, the estimated…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic Ramp in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
Hi Nader,
yes, there are some residual fringes, when Yuxiao will have time he will improve his code.
In the meanwhile, as previously said, you can still process your data. There are several ways to remove or at least reduce spurious fringes.
The first thing to do is using the residual fringes estimation and removal module: did you do it?…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic radarsat2 master extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Matus,
try the new pcodes
d -
periz replied to the topic Sub-setting in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
if you pick up manually a GCP,
you should not get significant problemshowever, just make sure not to have NaNs in the DEM in SAR coordinates
in case, place them to zero
d -
periz replied to the topic Slave extraction: no images found in TIFF file in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Ivana,
we are adding an option for visualizing which image has the problem.
I’ll send you the pcodes by email, there are also some other changes going on, keep it as a temporary version.
You’ll have to use the “debug” option in advanced parameters.
In that way, you can post here which is the image with problems, Yuxiao needs to look into it.
d -
periz replied to the topic SLC Sentinel Data Import in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Santiago,
send us the file name of a VV/VH image so that we can download and check it
dan -
periz replied to the topic Coregistration– in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Sg,
– here http://sarproz.com/manual/slc_data_module.html you can read that you can update your dataset, trying to coregister again the failed images (be careful, when you press buttons always read carefully the messages given by the sw. in particular, if you do not check the “update” option you may overwrite your work if you press randomly…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic Ramp in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
hi Nader,
as mentioned by Yuxiao in a previous topic, there could be several reasons for having a ramp on an interferogram.
E.g. orbital inaccuracies, coregistration problems, atmospheric artifacts and so on.
Yuxiao is checking it because the Sentinel processing still deserves some extra care.
Generally speaking, forgetting for a moment that you…[
periz replied to the topic DEM in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Nader,
in your picture you can see 2 different types of NaNs (not-a-number):
a. some spots here and there (usually in areas of steep slopes): they correspond to SRTM missing data. Sarproz interpolates those values when the DEM in SAR coordinates is generated. You can check the result after your process it, by plotting it with the “view…[Read more] - Load More