mohsen-ebrahimian started the topic 2 S1A images coregistration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 12 months ago
I am trying to process 2 S1A images. In coregistration step, i faced with a problem.It is worth noting that the orbits are not downloaded and I downloaded them manually.
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Thanks -
periz replied to the topic Normalization in change detection? Yes or no? in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
If you are talking about the normalization option that you can find here: https://sarproz.com/manual/change_detect.html (sorry, I noticed we did not include yet a module description in the manual -but you can find several tutorials on it…-) the idea is the following:
change = filter [ (A1 – A2)/(A1 + A2) ]
The normalization allows detecting any…[
steffan started the topic Normalization in change detection? Yes or no? in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Normalization places the amplitude values of the product in well defined parameters, correct?
For Long term change analysis, does this in any way result in the loss of information? Does it facilitate comparison between images taken in different periods? What benefit is there leaving it off?
The tutorials available on the site all seem to have…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic APS estimation errors in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Here you inputed a threshold on the connections length.
When you do so and you get isolated points, the way to fix it is using the graph analysis and refinement module.
We will implement a modification in the near future to remove isolated points at the time of the graph creation in the APS module, when a threshold on the connections length is inputed. -
steffan replied to the topic How can I stop Google Earth auto-loading KML after Export? in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Thank you!
jaroslav started the topic APS estimation errors in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Hello everyone,
I have encountered a bunch of errors while estimating the APS.
The graph seems to be coherent enough, but some points are disconnected.
Is it mandatory in this case to refine my graph. Is there another may to resolve those errors?Thank you.
artemiziy replied to the topic How can I stop Google Earth auto-loading KML after Export? in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Hi Steffan,
Menu “MAIN” – “Select Dataset” – “Advavced params”. Uncheck “Auto GE call”.
Best regards,
Artem -
steffan started the topic How can I stop Google Earth auto-loading KML after Export? in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I am processing a very large volume of change detection (60+ S1 images), and exporting as KML for later viewing in GE. The problem is GE opens the output every time after processing, is there any way I can stop it?
steffan replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
For anyone having the same problem, selecting an appropriate manual GCP seems to fix the problem. Roads and other landscape features are properly aligned now. I used a floodlight from a football field and it seems to do the job just fine.
The all zero error seems to be due to ocean, as the satellite data does cover some coastal area.
Thanks for the help.
carolina replied to the topic small area – load area in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Thank you very much for help 🙂
I create in the DEM program according to the following steps:
1. Loading data – Select Dataset,
2. Coregistration – SLC Data Processing
3. Performing processes in the Site Processing window marked in red
4.Small Area Processing:
– Select Area
-InSAR Analysis: execution flattening, DEM removal, filtering…[
periz replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
1. if DemSynt is not found it means you have to generate it via “external DEM and synthetic amplitude in SAR coordinates” (this could be the reason for wrong georeferencing)
2. if an SRTM tile is all zeros there are 2 possible explanations: (a) it’s on the sea (b) the sw tried to download it but there was a failure. If (b) then delete the all…[Read more] -
steffan replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I am now getting an SRTM error:
sel_par: neither file D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017RESULTSDemSynt nor D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017RESULTSDemSynt.mat found
files D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017RESULTSDemSynt and D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017RESULTSDemSynt.mat not found
leggi_srtm: Warning! file D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017..SRTMN05W033.hgt is all zeros!!…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
First of all, check well the data. Usually Sentinel should have good orbits, not requiring a manual GCP (keeping current orbits option works in most cases). By the way, what DEM did you use?
About posts, if he post is big enough and isolated (like those in parking lots) it should be firly well visible also in Sentinel data.
Buildings can be…[
steffan replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I will try to select a different GCP than the auto GCP option. What are the best practices for GCP selection at Sentinel 1 resolution? I am aware posts are good for higher res. sensors, but what about ST1? A building?
periz replied to the topic small area – load area in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
check this tutorial: https://www.sarproz.com/publish/tutorials_partIV.pdf
best -
steffan replied to the topic small area – load area in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Hi carolina,
Did you follow the tutorials available on the site? If you want to select a small area, go:
1. Select Area -> View Refl. Map
2. Now zoom in to the area of interest in the new image window
3. Once you have it in the field of view, press the Grab Area button
4. The values should be automatically input in the boxes, now press Load
periz replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Hi Steffan,
to properly judge the geo-referencing you should observe carefully the reflectivity map (not the changes) and you should look at multiple areas. If all areas present the same coherent shift, then it is a problem that can be corrected by choosing a GCP. Check this tutorial: https://www.sarproz.com/publish/data_import_partII.pdf
If the…[
steffan started the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Hello all,
I am currently working with 60 Sentinel 1 images taken in 2017. I am processing change detection over a very large area. Orthorectification does a great job but there is still a slight shift between SAR results and Google Earth, in some places as much as 100+ meters. This is especially noticeable over lakes or center pivot irrigation…[Read more]
carolina replied to the topic loading TOPS data problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I understand the unfinished.
I should use Mathlab Compiler? https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler.html -
periz replied to the topic loading TOPS data problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
It looks like you are missing the Matlab Signal Processing Toolbox.
You can use the compiled version instead
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