periz replied to the topic Orbit heading angle in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years ago
Hi Mahtab,
https://www.sarproz.com/groups/sarproz-group/forum/topic/orbit-heading/regarding your formula, you should check the source from where you got it. and if you know the relation between two angles, you can simply replace the angle in the formula with the other one
here you can see similar discussions…[Read more]
mahtab started the topic Orbit heading angle in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years ago
I have a question about the orbit heading angle that SARPROZ gives us. In the SiteDescription.txt file for a time-series in Ascending orbit, I see AcqHeading: <<-169.7791>>.
Is this Acquisition Heading angle the orbit heading angle? if so, I expect for an ascending orbit, the orbit heading angle (αh) should be the blue angle as plotted in…[Read more] -
nickm5611 joined the group sarproz-group 2 years ago
periz replied to the topic lat/lon for each pixel in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 1 month ago
the answer from Anti (exporting the extended -raster- image) is a possible solution
alternatively, you can export sparse data -like a vector- for a selection of points. if you select ALL points, you will select lat/lon coordinates for all points.
in any case, I suggest you to take the sarproz course. write to courses at sarproz dot com if interested.
best -
antig replied to the topic lat/lon for each pixel in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 1 month ago
Export image that you are interested to geotif
Then use, for example, gdal to translate tif file to csv. It should be possible to do in Qgis to -
seweryn started the topic lat/lon for each pixel in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 1 month ago
Dear PeriZ team,
I need to track how amplitude and phase of one pixel is changing in my S1 dataset. I have done the coregistration for my SLC S1 images and I’d like to know lat/lon of each pixel to find the exact location of my feature in SAR coordinate, I know that in the siteprocessing module we can do geocoding and after that Lat.mat and…[Read more]
seweryn joined the group sarproz-group 2 years, 1 month ago
periz replied to the topic Quasi-PSI processing details in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
Hi Zahra,
firstly, few general comments:
* there is no perfect solution that works in all situations. you have to choose the proper solution given your particular situation
* the secret of the best InSAR expert is being able to look at and read the data. only afterwards one can properly choose the processing options
* we try to teach looking at…[
zahrasadeghi started the topic Quasi-PSI processing details in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
I’ve done a QPSI processing using my 2.5 year S1 images, and only found a few points around my small case study, at the moment I am working on different things (working around thresholds etc) to help to increase the density. Could you please let me know if you have any specific advice or suggestions on bellow:• MT adaptive mask: I sel…[Read more]
zahrasadeghi replied to the topic Parallel processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
Thanks, it was helpful.
periz replied to the topic Parallel processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
1. you can do all the processing you want in the same project, just you need to keep track of what you do. e.g. if you firstly estimate the velocity in one method, then make sure you do not mix the result with the velocity estimated in an other method. how do you do that? by choosing “replace” when you save the results. the sw makes a backup copy…[Read more]
zahrasadeghi started the topic Parallel processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
Dear periZ developer,
I’d like to do some different processing with same data sets, including PSI, QPSI and DInSAR (single interferograms). I know that the preprocessing should be the same including master and slave extraction, coregistartion and preliminary analysis and geocoding. could you please let me know how I can use the same SLC folder…[Read more]
zahrasadeghi joined the group sarproz-group 2 years, 2 months ago
raingmaco replied to the topic Error code 006 in pcodes in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
Thanks you! It worked
nkguinn replied to the topic Incidence Angle in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
I read that post but didn’t really understand it. If my AcqHeading in SARPROZ is -11, then according to the previous post, on a 360 degree circle, that would correspond to 169?
periz replied to the topic ManualLims in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
This is an option that can be used only in the Command Line Mode and it allows extracting an AOI based on given Input SAR coordinates. ManualLims is a row vector made of 4 elements: Sin, Sfin, Lin, Lfin (where S stays for samples -range- and L for lines -azimuth). When ManualLims is given, other inputs for AOI identification are neglected
antig started the topic ManualLims in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
In new SarProz version I saw that it is new option to set AOI name is ManualLims field. How to use it?
periz replied to the topic Incidence Angle in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
please search the forum before posting questions
https://www.sarproz.com/groups/sarproz-group/forum/topic/orbit-heading/ -
nkguinn replied to the topic Incidence Angle in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
I have a similar question for heading angle, for AcqHeading in the dataset description. Why are the angles negative?
periz replied to the topic Error code 006 in pcodes in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
usually, when you get license problems, the software tells you to send the license.key file to licensing at sarproz dot com. they will tell what is the problem related to your license
it seems anyway that your license.key file is corrupted. if the compiled version is working on the same workstation, copy the license file in the compiled…[Read more] - Load More