I want to use an external DEM, and I selected it at the DEM source at coregistration parameters, but when I try to run coregistration I get the error I listed below this message.
I have tried 2 DEM .tif files:
– High Mountain Asia from NSIDC
– AW3D30 from JAXA
and they definitely cover the selected area.
Coordinates System:
Horizontal Coordinates: WGS 1984 [EPSG: 4326]
Vertical Coordinates: WGS84 (EGM96 GEOID)
I want to use a different DEM than the provided SRTM as I want more current data as I am researching from 2015-2021 (and a DEM more suitable for the Himalayas where the choice of DEM can have a big influence I believe).
What am I doing wrong? (everything does work when using the default SRTM)
Thanks in advance!
Slave images coregistration
get_master_pts: previous files available. Exiting.
Coregistration Mode: Automatic (Cross-Correlation for Restituted Orbits and Only Orbits for Precise ones)
Initial Offset: Orbits
Amplitude Cross-Correlation:
Keeping existing files -if available- (to overwrite them, select the Overwrite option in Coregistration Parameters)
Reference Window 64, 64
Pixel Search 12, 12
Correlation OVS 64, Win 16
Thresholds: Corr. 0.3, SNR 7
Points Skimming:
Using the External DEM
Polynomial degree: 1
Thresholds: Nsig 1.5, MaxRms 0.05, MinPts 50
Resampling coefficients:
Using the External DEM
Polynomial degree: 1
Coregistration (Only Orbits) between images 20180712_VV and 20141025_VV
SAR2xyz: NaNs detected in Height, aborting!!!!
SAR2xyz: NaNs detected in Height, aborting!!!!