
Sarproz Release 2019.1

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    • #4162

        Dear all,
        we post here some news about recent updates.

        1. Wunderground has changed policies and it is not offering historical weather data as before anymore. We have implemented new functions to download data from Consider anyway that temporal and spatial coverage is not as before. Also the number of details can now be retrieved is lower. You still need to get an API key and there are limitations on the free use, however, they won’t affect common SAR processing.

        2. The Advanced Parameters module has been changed to account for the previous modifications. Also, advanced parameters are now saved in the Sarproz directory (before, they were saved in the project directory). Here more infos:

        3. ICEYE data are now supported. Also, the current co-registration algorithms have been improved to co-register images with highly different viewing angles

        4. A new option is available when geocoding sparse points (you find it both in the sparse data export and in the time series module): “No Orthorect.”. This option will cause geocoded points to be aligned with geocoded SAR data/results, without considering the estimated residual height. It can be useful in cases where the residual height is not well estimated, or simply for aligning points to geocoded SAR images/results.

        More small updates and bug fixes can be found as well.

        You can use the Manage Version module to download the new updates:

      • #5118

          Hi Prof Periz

          I have encountered a problem recently when I want to download data from the site of ( read_w_darksky: failed reading data online!!).
          Is this a software issue or is it due to stop and not support the site?
          Thank you

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by sjhossene.
        • #5122

            it looks like darksky has changed its security protocol and this is conflicting with the default java options used to connect to the webpage. this is not affecting everybody, it depends on the used java version. we are searching for a workaround and we’ll keep you posted

          • #5142
              • #5146

                  Hi Prof Periz

                  Thanks for the quick response,, I’m still having trouble downloading meteorological data from ( read_w_darksky: failed reading data online!!!).

                  I installed a new SARPROZ and Java version, but can not download meteorological data from

                  Thanks in advance.

                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by sjhossene.
                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by sjhossene.
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              • #5152

                  to be sure that java is correctly set in Matlab, you have to check the sarproz messages. when you start sarproz, now a message is given about the used java version. please report here those messages or the log file

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