Dear all,
in the past months we have been busy on many developments. Here a brief review of them.
1. The coregistration process has undergone many modifications. Some operations have been speeded up, some new options are available in the coregistration parameters. Data have been re-organized in subfolders in the EXT directory.
But most important, initial and final shift in pixel coordinates can now be loaded into Sarproz for cross-checking and for deeper analysis. This paves the way to a new coming module for pixel tracking.
2. You can now update a dataset without the original Master SLC image
3. If you want to save processing time you can now skip the Jpeg generation (careful: displaying images will take more time and use more memory). Do it via “Advanced Parameters”
4. New multi-temporal adaptive filtering module: changes have been implemented in this module, you have now also the option to filter the amplitude of radar images for speckle suppression. In the near future we will extend this new concept also to interferogram filtering
5. Sentinel code various improvements
6. Many other small improvements and bug fixes (see the updates list for more details)
Use the “Manage Version” module to update the code: