Dam deformation map and time series example
P. Milillo, R. Bürgmann, P. Lundgren, J. Salzer, D. Perissin, E. Fielding, F. Biondi, and G. Milillo, “Space geodetic monitoring of engineered structures: The ongoing destabilization of the Mosul dam, Iraq,” Scientific reports, vol. 6, p. 37408, 2016.
[Bibtex]@Article{Milillo2016, author = {Milillo, Pietro and B{\"u}rgmann, Roland and Lundgren, Paul and Salzer, Jacqueline and Perissin, Daniele and Fielding, Eric and Biondi, Filippo and Milillo, Giovanni}, title = {Space geodetic monitoring of engineered structures: The ongoing destabilization of the Mosul dam, Iraq}, journal = {Scientific reports}, year = {2016}, volume = {6}, pages = {37408}, __markedentry = {[periz:6]}, doi = {10.1038/srep37408}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, }