F. Foroughnia, S. Nemati, Y. Maghsoudi, and D. Perissin, “An iterative PS-InSAR method for the analysis of large spatio-temporal baseline data stacks for land subsidence estimation,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 74, pp. 248-258, 2019.
[Bibtex]@Article{FForoughnia2019, author = {Foroughnia, F. and Nemati, S. and Maghsoudi, Y. and Perissin, D.}, title = {An iterative PS-InSAR method for the analysis of large spatio-temporal baseline data stacks for land subsidence estimation}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation}, year = {2019}, volume = {74}, pages = {248-258}, month = {February}, issn = {0303-2434}, doi = {10.1016/j.jag.2018.09.018}, owner = {periz}, }
P. Milillo, G. Giardina, D. Perissin, G. Milillo, A. Coletta, and C. Terranova, “Pre-Collapse Space Geodetic Observations of Critical Infrastructure: The Morandi Bridge, Genoa, Italy,” Remote Sensing, vol. 11, iss. 12, p. 1403, 2019.
[Bibtex]@Article{Milillo2019, author = {Pietro Milillo and Giorgia Giardina and Daniele Perissin and Giovanni Milillo and Alessandro Coletta and Carlo Terranova}, title = {Pre-Collapse Space Geodetic Observations of Critical Infrastructure: The Morandi Bridge, Genoa, Italy}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = {2019}, volume = {11}, number = {12}, pages = {1403}, month = {jun}, doi = {10.3390/rs11121403}, publisher = {{MDPI} {AG}}, }
M. Roccheggiani, D. Piacentini, E. Tirincanti, D. Perissin, and M. Menichetti, “Detection and Monitoring of Tunneling Induced Ground Movements Using Sentinel-1 SAR Interferometry,” Remote Sensing, vol. 11, iss. 6, p. 639, 2019.
[Bibtex]@Article{Roccheggiani2019, author = {Matteo Roccheggiani and Daniela Piacentini and Emanuela Tirincanti and Daniele Perissin and Marco Menichetti}, title = {Detection and Monitoring of Tunneling Induced Ground Movements Using Sentinel-1 {SAR} Interferometry}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = {2019}, volume = {11}, number = {6}, pages = {639}, month = {mar}, doi = {10.3390/rs11060639}, publisher = {{MDPI} {AG}}, }
S. Azadnejad, Y. Maghsoudi, and D. Perissin, “Investigating the effect of the physical scattering mechanism of the dual-polarization sentinel-1 data on the temporal coherence optimization results,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 40, iss. 18, p. 7033–7047, 2019.
[Bibtex]@Article{Azadnejad2019, author = {S. Azadnejad and Y. Maghsoudi and D. Perissin}, title = {Investigating the effect of the physical scattering mechanism of the dual-polarization sentinel-1 data on the temporal coherence optimization results}, journal = {International Journal of Remote Sensing}, year = {2019}, volume = {40}, number = {18}, pages = {7033--7047}, month = {apr}, doi = {10.1080/01431161.2019.1597309}, publisher = {Informa {UK} Limited}, }
J. Widodo, Y. Izumi, A. Takahashi, H. Kausarian, D. Perissin, and J. T. S. Sumantyo, “Detection of Peat Fire Risk Area Based on Impedance Model and DInSAR Approaches Using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Data,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, p. 22395–22407, 2019.
[Bibtex]@Article{Widodo2019, author = {Joko Widodo and Yuta Izumi and Ayaka Takahashi and Husnul Kausarian and Daniele Perissin and Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo}, title = {Detection of Peat Fire Risk Area Based on Impedance Model and {DInSAR} Approaches Using {ALOS}-2 {PALSAR}-2 Data}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, year = {2019}, volume = {7}, pages = {22395--22407}, doi = {10.1109/access.2019.2899080}, publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})}, }
S. Wu, L. Zhang, X. Ding, and D. Perissin, “Pixel-Wise MTInSAR Estimator for Integration of Coherent Point Selection and Unwrapped Phase Vector Recovery,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 57, iss. 5, p. 2659–2668, 2019.
[Bibtex]@Article{Wu2019, author = {Songbo Wu and Lei Zhang and Xiaoli Ding and Daniele Perissin}, title = {Pixel-Wise {MTInSAR} Estimator for Integration of Coherent Point Selection and Unwrapped Phase Vector Recovery}, journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, year = {2019}, volume = {57}, number = {5}, pages = {2659--2668}, month = {may}, doi = {10.1109/tgrs.2018.2876115}, publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})}, }
G. Giardina, P. Milillo, M. J. DeJong, D. Perissin, and G. Milillo, “Example Applications of Satellite Monitoring for Post-tunnelling Settlement Damage Assessment for the Crossrail Project in London,” in Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, Springer, Cham, 2018, vol. 18, pp. 2225-2235.
[Bibtex]@InCollection{Giardina2018, author = {Giardina, G and Milillo, P. and DeJong, M. J. and Perissin, D. and Milillo, G.}, title = {Example Applications of Satellite Monitoring for Post-tunnelling Settlement Damage Assessment for the Crossrail Project in London}, booktitle = {Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions}, publisher = {Springer, Cham}, year = {2018}, volume = {18}, pages = {2225-2235}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-99441-3_239}, }
A. M. Ruiz-Armenteros, M. Lazecky, I. Hlavacova, M. Bakon, M. Delgado, J. J. Sousa, F. Lamas-Fernandez, M. Marchamalo, M. Caro-Cuenca, J. Papco, and D. Perissin, “Deformation monitoring of dam infrastructures via spaceborne MT-InSAR. The case of La Vinuela (Malaga, southern Spain),” Procedia Computer Science, vol. 138, pp. 346-353, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{Armenteros2018, author = {Ruiz-Armenteros, A. M. and Lazecky, M. and Hlavacova, I. and Bakon, M. and Delgado, M. and Sousa, J. J. and Lamas-Fernandez, F. and Marchamalo, M. and Caro-Cuenca, M. and Papco, J. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Deformation monitoring of dam infrastructures via spaceborne MT-InSAR. The case of La Vinuela (Malaga, southern Spain)}, journal = {Procedia Computer Science}, year = {2018}, volume = {138}, pages = {346-353}, doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.049}, owner = {periz}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, }
Y. Qin, D. Perissin, and J. Bai, “A Common “Stripmap-Like” Interferometric Processing Chain for TOPS and ScanSAR Wide Swath Mode,” Remote Sensing, vol. 10, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{YQin2018, author = {Qin, Y. and Perissin, D. and Bai, J.}, title = {A Common "Stripmap-Like" Interferometric Processing Chain for TOPS and ScanSAR Wide Swath Mode}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = {2018}, volume = {10}, doi = {10.3390/rs10101504}, }
K. F. Lin and D. Perissin, “Single-Polarized SAR Classification Based on a Multi-Temporal Image Stack,” Remote Sensing, vol. 10, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{KFLin2018, author = {Lin, K.F. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Single-Polarized SAR Classification Based on a Multi-Temporal Image Stack}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = {2018}, volume = {10}, doi = {10.3390/rs10071087}, }
P. Razi, J. T. S. Sumantyo, D. Perissin, H. Kuze, M. Y. Chua, and G. F. Panggabean, “3D Land Mapping and Land Deformation Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) ALOS PALSAR: Validated by Geodetic GPS and UAV,” in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 12395-12404, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{PRazi2018, author = {Razi, P. and Sumantyo, J. T. S. and Perissin, D. and Kuze, H. and Chua, M. Y. and Panggabean, G. F.}, title = {3D Land Mapping and Land Deformation Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) ALOS PALSAR: Validated by Geodetic GPS and UAV}, journal = {in IEEE Access}, year = {2018}, volume = {6}, pages = {12395 - 12404}, month = {February}, doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2804899}, }
G. G. Milillo P., M. J. DeJong, D. Perissin, and G. Milillo, “Multi-temporal InSAR Structural Health Monitoring Via Relative Stiffness Method: The London Cross Rail case study,” Remote Sensing, vol. 10, iss. 2, p. 287, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{PMilillo2018, author = {Milillo, P. , Giardina, G. and DeJong, M. J. and Perissin, D. and Milillo, G.}, title = {Multi-temporal InSAR Structural Health Monitoring Via Relative Stiffness Method: The London Cross Rail case study}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = {2018}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {287}, month = {feb}, doi = {10.3390/rs10020287}, publisher = {{MDPI} {AG}}, }
A. G. Mullissa, D. Perissin, V. Tolpekin, and A. Stein, “Polarimetry based distributed scatterer processing method for PSI applications,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 56, pp. 3371-3382, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{AGMullissa2018, author = {Mullissa, A. G. and Perissin, D. and Tolpekin, V. and Stein, A.}, title = {Polarimetry based distributed scatterer processing method for PSI applications}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, year = {2018}, volume = {56}, pages = {3371-3382}, month = {June}, doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2018.2798705}, publisher = {IEEE}, }
N. Richter, J. T. Salzer, E. de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, D. Perissin, and T. R. Walter, “Constraints on the geomorphological evolution of the nested summit craters of Lascar Volcano from high spatio-temporal resolution TerraSAR-X interferometry,” Bulletin of Volcanology, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{NRichter2018, author = {Richter, N. and Salzer, J. T. and de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, E. and Perissin, D. and Walter, T. R.}, title = {Constraints on the geomorphological evolution of the nested summit craters of Lascar Volcano from high spatio-temporal resolution TerraSAR-X interferometry}, journal = {Bulletin of Volcanology}, year = {2018}, month = {Feb}, doi = {10.1007/s00445-018-1195-3}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, }
J. Park, H. Cai, and D. Perissin, “Bring Information to the Field: Automated Photo Registration and 4D BIM,” ASCE’s Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 32, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{JPark2018, author = {Park, J. and Cai, H. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Bring Information to the Field: Automated Photo Registration and 4D BIM}, journal = {ASCE's Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering}, year = {2018}, volume = {32}, month = {March}, doi = {10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000740}, }
Z. Wang, T. Balz, L. Zhang, D. Perissin, and M. Liao, “Using TSX/TDX Pursuit Monostatic SAR Stacks for PS-InSAR Analysis in Urban Areas,” Remote Sensing, vol. 11, iss. 1, p. 26, 2018.
[Bibtex]@Article{Wang2018, author = {Ziyun Wang and Timo Balz and Lu Zhang and Daniele Perissin and Mingsheng Liao}, title = {Using {TSX}/{TDX} Pursuit Monostatic {SAR} Stacks for {PS}-{InSAR} Analysis in Urban Areas}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = {2018}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {26}, month = {dec}, doi = {10.3390/rs11010026}, publisher = {{MDPI} {AG}}, }
P. Y. Declercq, J. Walstra, P. Gerard, E. Pirard, D. Perissin, B. Meyvis, and X. Devleeschouwer, “A Study of Ground Movements in Brussels (Belgium) Monitored by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry over a 25-Year Period,” Geosciences, vol. 7, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{PUDeclercqGosci2017, author = {Declercq, P.Y. and Walstra, J. and Gerard, P. and Pirard, E. and Perissin, D. and Meyvis, B. and Devleeschouwer, X.}, title = {A Study of Ground Movements in Brussels (Belgium) Monitored by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry over a 25-Year Period}, journal = {Geosciences}, year = {2017}, volume = {7}, month = {Oct}, doi = {10.3390/geosciences7040115}, }
E. Chaussard, P. Milillo, R. Burgmann, D. Perissin, E. J. Fielding, and B. Baker, “Remote sensing of ground deformation for monitoring groundwater management practices: application to the Santa Clara Valley during the 2012-2015 California drought,” Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{EChaussard2017, author = {Chaussard, E. and Milillo, P. and Burgmann, R. and Perissin, D. and Fielding, E. J. and Baker, B.}, title = {Remote sensing of ground deformation for monitoring groundwater management practices: application to the Santa Clara Valley during the 2012-2015 California drought}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth}, year = {2017}, month = {Sep.}, doi = {10.1002/2017JB014676}, }
P. -Y. Declercq, P. Gerard, E. Pirard, D. Perissin, J. Walstraa, and X. Devleeschouwer, “Subsidence related to groundwater pumping for breweries in Merchtem area (Belgium), highlighted by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{PYDeclercq2017, author = {Declercq, P.-Y. and Gerard, P. and Pirard, E. and Perissin, D. and Walstraa, J. and Devleeschouwer, X.}, title = {Subsidence related to groundwater pumping for breweries in Merchtem area (Belgium), highlighted by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1016/j.jag.2017.07.012}, }
J. T. Salzer, P. Milillo, N. Varley, D. Perissin, M. Pantaleo, and T. R. Walter, “Evaluating links between deformation, topography and surface temperature at volcanic domes: Results from a multi-sensor study at Volcan de Colima, Mexico,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 479, pp. 354-365, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{JTSalzer2017, author = {Salzer, J. T. and Milillo, P. and Varley, N. and Perissin, D. and Pantaleo, M. and Walter, T. R.}, title = {Evaluating links between deformation, topography and surface temperature at volcanic domes: Results from a multi-sensor study at Volcan de Colima, Mexico}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, year = {2017}, volume = {479}, pages = {354 - 365}, month = {December}, doi = {10.1016/j.epsl.2017.09.027}, }
P. D. Q. Luo Zhou G., “Monitoring of Subsidence along Jingjin Inter-City Railway with High-Resolution TerraSAR-X MT-InSAR Analysis,” Remote Sensing, vol. 9, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{ALuo2017, author = {Q. Luo, Zhou G., D. Perissin}, title = {Monitoring of Subsidence along Jingjin Inter-City Railway with High-Resolution TerraSAR-X MT-InSAR Analysis}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {9}, month = {July}, year = { 2017}, doi = { 10.3390/rs9070717}, }
Y. Maghsoudi, F. D. Vandermeer, C. A. Hecker, D. Perissin, and S. A., “Using PS-InSAR to Detect Surface Deformation in Geothermal Areas of West Java in Indonesia,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{YMaghsoudi, author = {Maghsoudi, Y. and Vandermeer, F. D. and Hecker, C. A. and Perissin, D. and Saepuloh A.}, title = {Using PS-InSAR to Detect Surface Deformation in Geothermal Areas of West Java in Indonesia}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation}, year = {2017}, issn = {0303-2434}, doi = {10.1016/j.jag.2017.04.001}, }
A. G. Mullissa, V. Tolpekin, A. Stein, and D. Perissin, “Polarimetric Differential SAR Interferometry in an Arid Natural Environment,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 59, pp. 9-18, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{AGMullissa2017, author = {Mullissa, A. G. and Tolpekin, V. and Stein, A. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Polarimetric Differential SAR Interferometry in an Arid Natural Environment}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation}, year = {2017}, volume = {59}, pages = {9-18}, month = {July}, doi = {10.1016/j.jag.2017.02.019}, publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}, }
F. Bozzano, P. Mazzanti, D. Perissin, A. Rocca, P. De Pari, and D. M., “Basin Scale Assessment of Landslides Geomorphological Setting by Advanced InSAR Analysis,” Remote Sens, vol. 9, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{FBozzano2017, author = {Bozzano, F. and Mazzanti, P. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, A. and De Pari, P. and Discenza M.}, title = {Basin Scale Assessment of Landslides Geomorphological Setting by Advanced InSAR Analysis}, journal = {Remote Sens}, year = {2017}, volume = {9}, doi = {10.3390/rs9030267}, }
M. Bakon, I. Oliveira, D. Perissin, J. J. Sousa, and J. Papco, “A Data Mining Approach for Multivariate Outlier Detection in Post-Processing of Multi-Temporal InSAR Results,” IEEE JSTARS, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{MBakon2017, author = {Bakon, M. and Oliveira, I. and Perissin, D. and Sousa, J.J. and Papco, J.}, title = {A Data Mining Approach for Multivariate Outlier Detection in Post-Processing of Multi-Temporal InSAR Results}, journal = {IEEE JSTARS}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2686646}, }
K. F. Lin and D. Perissin, “Identification of Statistically Homogeneous Pixels Based on One-Sample Test,” Remote Sensing, vol. 9, 2017.
[Bibtex]@Article{KFLin2017, author = {Lin, K.F. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Identification of Statistically Homogeneous Pixels Based on One-Sample Test}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = {2017}, volume = {9}, doi = {10.3390/rs9010037}, }
P. Milillo, M. C. Porcu, P. Lundgren, F. Soccodato, J. Salzer, E. Fielding, R. Burgmann, G. Milillo, D. Perissin, and B. F., “THE ONGOING DESTABILIZATION OF THE MOSUL DAM AS OBSERVED BY SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR INTERFEROMETRY,” in IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, USA., 2017.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Conf-Mililo2017, author = {Milillo, P. and Porcu, M. C. and Lundgren, P. and Soccodato, F. and Salzer, J. and Fielding, E. and Burgmann, R. and Milillo, G. and Perissin, D. and Biondi F.}, title = {THE ONGOING DESTABILIZATION OF THE MOSUL DAM AS OBSERVED BY SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR INTERFEROMETRY}, booktitle = {IGARSS 2017}, year = {2017}, address = {Fort Worth, Texas, USA.}, doi = {10.1109/igarss.2017.8128442}, }
J. T. Sri Sumantyo, N. Imura, S. Onishi, T. Yasaka, R. H. Triharjanto, K. Ito, S. Gao, K. Namba, K. Hattori, F. Yamazaki, C. Hongo, A. Kato, and D. Perissin, “L BAND CIRCULARLY POLARIZED SAR ONBOARD MICROSATELLITE,” in IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, USA., 2017.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Conf-Sumantyo2017, author = {Sri Sumantyo, J. T. and Imura, N. and Onishi, S. and Yasaka, T. and Triharjanto, R. H. and Ito, K. and Gao, S. and Namba, K. and Hattori, K. and Yamazaki, F. and Hongo, C. and Kato, A. and Perissin, D.}, title = {L BAND CIRCULARLY POLARIZED SAR ONBOARD MICROSATELLITE}, booktitle = {IGARSS 2017}, year = {2017}, address = {Fort Worth, Texas, USA.}, doi = {10.1109/igarss.2017.8128220}, }
M. C. Chim and D. Perissin, “MOTION COMPENSATION OF L-BAND SAR USING GNSS-INS,” in IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, USA., 2017.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Conf-Chim2017, author = {Chim, M. C. and Perissin, D.}, title = {MOTION COMPENSATION OF L-BAND SAR USING GNSS-INS}, booktitle = {IGARSS 2017}, year = {2017}, address = {Fort Worth, Texas, USA.}, doi = {10.1109/igarss.2017.8127736}, }
K. -F. Lin and D. Perissin, “Hybrid Analysis for SAR Change Detection based on Time Series Data,” in IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 2017.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Conf-Lin2017, author = {Lin, K.-F. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Hybrid Analysis for SAR Change Detection based on Time Series Data}, booktitle = {IGARSS 2017}, year = {2017}, address = {Fort Worth, Texas, USA}, month = {July}, doi = {10.1109/igarss.2017.8127143}, }
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{Conf-Qin2017, author = {Qin, Y. and Perissin, D. and Milillo, P.}, title = {A NEW ERA OF INSAR APPLICATIONS WITH SENTINEL-1: A CASE STUDY OF SEVERE GROUND SUBSIDENCE IN CALIFORNIA CENTRAL VALLEY}, booktitle = {IGARSS 2017}, year = {2017}, address = {Fort Worth, Texas, USA}, month = {July}, doi = {10.1109/igarss.2017.8127111}, }
J. T. S. Sumantyo, B. Setiadi, D. Perissin, M. Shimada, P. P. Mathieu, M. Urai, and H. Z. Abidin, “Analysis of Coastal Sedimentation Impact to Jakarta Giant Sea Wall Using PSI ALOS PALSAR,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. PP, iss. 99, p. 1–5, 2016.
[Bibtex]@Article{jtssumantyo-aocsitjgswupap2016, author = {Sumantyo, J. T. S. and Setiadi, B. and Perissin, D. and Shimada, M. and Mathieu, P. P. and Urai, M. and Abidin, H. Z.}, title = {Analysis of Coastal Sedimentation Impact to Jakarta Giant Sea Wall Using PSI ALOS PALSAR}, journal = {IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters}, year = {2016}, volume = {PP}, number = {99}, pages = {1--5}, month = aug, doi = {10.1109/LGRS.2016.2592940}, }
M. Lazecky, I. Hlavacova, M. Bakon, J. J. Sousa, D. Perissin, and N. Real, “Bridge Displacements Monitoring Using Space-Borne X-Band SAR Interferometry,” IEEE JSTARS, 2016.
[Bibtex]@Article{mlazecky-bdmusxsi2016, author = {Lazecky, M. and Hlavacova, I. and Bakon, M. and Sousa, J. J. and Perissin, D. and Real, N.}, title = {Bridge Displacements Monitoring Using Space-Borne X-Band SAR Interferometry}, journal = {IEEE JSTARS}, year = {2016}, month = jun, doi = {10.1109/jstars.2016.2587778}, }
P. Milillo, D. Perissin, J. T. Salzer, P. P. Lundgren, G. Lacava, G. Milillo, and C. Serio, “Monitoring Dam Structural Health from Space: Insights from Novel InSAR Techniques and Multi-Parametric Modeling Applied to the Pertusillo Dam Basilicata, Italy,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 2016.
[Bibtex]@Article{pmilillo-mdshfsifnitammattpdbi2016, author = {Milillo, P. and Perissin, D. and Salzer, J. T. and Lundgren, P. P. and Lacava, G. and Milillo, G. and Serio, C.}, title = {Monitoring Dam Structural Health from Space: Insights from Novel InSAR Techniques and Multi-Parametric Modeling Applied to the Pertusillo Dam Basilicata, Italy}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation}, year = {2016}, month = jun, doi = {10.1016/j.jag.2016.06.013}, }
- A. N. Matori, A. S. Ab Latip, and D. Perissin, “Monitoring Deformation of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal with TerraSAR-X Persistent Scatterer Interferometry,” in Proc. of ICCOEE 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{anmatori-mdolngtwtpsi2016, author = {Matori, A. N. and Ab Latip, A. S. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Monitoring Deformation of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal with TerraSAR-X Persistent Scatterer Interferometry}, booktitle = {Proc. of ICCOEE 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia}, year = {2016}, month = {August}, }
M. C. Chim and D. Perissin, “Application of Ground Based Radar System in Structural Monitoring,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mcchim-aogbrsism2016, author = {Chim, M. C. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Application of Ground Based Radar System in Structural Monitoring}, booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China}, year = {2016}, month = {July}, }
M. Bakon, I. Oliveira, D. Perissin, J. J. Sousa, and J. Papco, “A Data Mining Approach for Multivariate Outlier Detection in Heterogeneous 2D Point Clouds: an Application to Post-Processing of Multi-Temporal InSAR Results,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mbakon-admafmodih2pcaatpomir2016, author = {Bakon, M. and Oliveira, I. and Perissin, D. and Sousa, J. J. and Papco, J.}, title = {A Data Mining Approach for Multivariate Outlier Detection in Heterogeneous 2D Point Clouds: an Application to Post-Processing of Multi-Temporal InSAR Results}, booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China}, year = {2016}, month = {July}, }
Y. Qin and D. Perissin, “Sentinel-1a TOPS Interferometry Application over the Dead Sea,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{yqin-stiaotds2016, author = {Qin, Y. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Sentinel-1a TOPS Interferometry Application over the Dead Sea}, booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China}, year = {2016}, month = {July}, }
D. Roque, D. Perissin, A. P. Falcao, R. Gomes, A. J. Roque, and A. M. Fonseca, “Displacement Measurement Using SAR Interferometry – An Application to the Lisbon Regional Outer Circular and Its Neighbourhood,” in Proc. of ICUR 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{droque-dmusi-aattlrocain2016, author = {Roque, D. and Perissin, D. and Falcao, A. P. and Gomes, R. and Roque, A. J. and Fonseca, A. M.}, title = {Displacement Measurement Using SAR Interferometry - An Application to the Lisbon Regional Outer Circular and Its Neighbourhood}, booktitle = {Proc. of ICUR 2016, Lisbon, Portugal}, year = {2016}, month = {June}, }
C. F. Canaslan, A. Ustun, M. Lazecky, and D. Perissin, “Capability of Detecting Subsidence with COSMO SKYMED and Sentinel-1 Dataset over Konya Basin,” in Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{fcanaslancomut-codswcsasdokb2016, author = {Canaslan, Comut F. and Ustun, A. and Lazecky, M. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Capability of Detecting Subsidence with COSMO SKYMED and Sentinel-1 Dataset over Konya Basin}, booktitle = {Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic}, year = {2016}, month = {May}, }
- M. U. Mahmud, T. A. Yakubu, T. O. Adewuyi, J. J. Sousa Moreira, A. M. Ruiz Armenteros, M. Bakon, M. Lazecky, and D. Perissin, “Subsidence Monitoring in the Coastal Region of Nigeria Using Multi Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MT -InSAR),” in Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mumahmud-smitcronumtisar-2016, author = {Mahmud, M. U. and Yakubu, T. A. and Adewuyi, T. O. and Sousa Moreira, J. J. and Ruiz Armenteros, A. M. and Bakon, M. and Lazecky, M. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Subsidence Monitoring in the Coastal Region of Nigeria Using Multi Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MT -InSAR)}, booktitle = {Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic}, year = {2016}, month = {May}, }
- M. Lazecky, P. Rapant, P. Blaha, and D. Perissin, “Performance of High Resolution Satellite Insar in Detection of Dangerous Subsidence in Case of Brno Urban Area,” in Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mlazecky-pohrsiidodsicobua2016, author = {Lazecky, M. and Rapant, P. and Blaha, P. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Performance of High Resolution Satellite Insar in Detection of Dangerous Subsidence in Case of Brno Urban Area}, booktitle = {Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic}, year = {2016}, month = {May}, }
D. Roque, E. Simonetto, A. P. Falcao, D. Perissin, F. Durand, L. Morel, A. M. Fonseca, and L. Polidori, “An Analysis of Displacement Measurements for Lisbon, Portugal Using Combined InSAR and GNSS Data,” in Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{droque-aaodmflpuciagd2016, author = {Roque, D. and Simonetto, E. and Falcao, A. P. and Perissin, D. and Durand, F. and Morel, L. and Fonseca, A. M. and Polidori, L.}, title = {An Analysis of Displacement Measurements for Lisbon, Portugal Using Combined InSAR and GNSS Data}, booktitle = {Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic}, year = {2016}, month = {May}, }
- A. Rocca, P. Mazzanti, and D. Perissin, “Investigating Ground and Structures Deformation with Satellite InSAR: a Review of Case Studies Processed by Sarproz,” in Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{arocca-igasdwsiarocspbs2016, author = {Rocca, A. and Mazzanti, P. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Investigating Ground and Structures Deformation with Satellite InSAR: a Review of Case Studies Processed by Sarproz}, booktitle = {Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic}, year = {2016}, month = {May}, }
- M. Bakon, J. Papco, D. Perissin, and J. J. Sousa, “Multi-Sensor InSAR Deformation Monitoring over Buildings and Infrastructures in Bratislava (Slovakia),” in Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mbakon-midmobaiib2016, author = {Bakon, M. and Papco, J. and Perissin, D. and Sousa, J. J.}, title = {Multi-Sensor InSAR Deformation Monitoring over Buildings and Infrastructures in Bratislava (Slovakia)}, booktitle = {Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic}, year = {2016}, month = {May}, }
- M. U. Mahmud, T. A. Yakubu, T. O. Adewuyi, J. J. Sousa Moreira, A. M. Ruiz Armenteros, M. Bakon, M. Lazecky, and D. Perissin, “Application of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Technique to Land Deformation Monitoring in Ikeja and Its Environs, Lagos State, Nigeria,” in Proc. of UNILAG ANG-2016, Lagos, Nigeria, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mumahmud-aoisarttldmiiaielsn2016, author = {Mahmud, M. U. and Yakubu, T. A. and Adewuyi, T. O. and Sousa Moreira, J. J. and Ruiz Armenteros, A. M. and Bakon, M. and Lazecky, M. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Application of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Technique to Land Deformation Monitoring in Ikeja and Its Environs, Lagos State, Nigeria}, booktitle = {Proc. of UNILAG ANG-2016, Lagos, Nigeria}, year = {2016}, month = {April}, }
- M. U. Mahmud, T. A. Yakubu, T. O. Adewuyi, J. J. Sousa Moreira, A. M. Ruiz Armenteros, M. Bakon, M. Lazecky, and D. Perissin, “Subsidence Monitoring in Badagry Metropolis, Lagos State, Nigeria, Using Multi -Temporal InSAR Technique,” in Proc. of UNILAG ANG-2016, Lagos, Nigeria, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mumahmud-smibmlsnum-it2016, author = {Mahmud, M. U. and Yakubu, T. A. and Adewuyi, T. O. and Sousa Moreira, J. J. and Ruiz Armenteros, A. M. and Bakon, M. and Lazecky, M. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Subsidence Monitoring in Badagry Metropolis, Lagos State, Nigeria, Using Multi -Temporal InSAR Technique}, booktitle = {Proc. of UNILAG ANG-2016, Lagos, Nigeria}, year = {2016}, month = {April}, }
M. Lazecky, F. Canaslan Comut, Y. Qin, and D. Perissin, “Sentinel-1 Interferometry System in the High-Performance Computing Environment,” in Proc. of GIS Ostrava 2016, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2016.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mlazeck-sisithce2016, author = {Lazecky, M. and Canaslan Comut, F. and Qin, Y. and Perissin, D.}, title = {Sentinel-1 Interferometry System in the High-Performance Computing Environment}, booktitle = {Proc. of GIS Ostrava 2016, Ostrava, Czech Republic}, year = {2016}, month = {March}, }
P. Milillo, R. Bürgmann, P. Lundgren, J. Salzer, D. Perissin, E. Fielding, F. Biondi, and G. Milillo, “Space geodetic monitoring of engineered structures: The ongoing destabilization of the Mosul dam, Iraq,” Scientific reports, vol. 6, p. 37408, 2016.
[Bibtex]@Article{Milillo2016, author = {Milillo, Pietro and B{\"u}rgmann, Roland and Lundgren, Paul and Salzer, Jacqueline and Perissin, Daniele and Fielding, Eric and Biondi, Filippo and Milillo, Giovanni}, title = {Space geodetic monitoring of engineered structures: The ongoing destabilization of the Mosul dam, Iraq}, journal = {Scientific reports}, year = {2016}, volume = {6}, pages = {37408}, __markedentry = {[periz:6]}, doi = {10.1038/srep37408}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, }
Y. Qin and D. Perissin, “Monitoring Ground Subsidence in Hong Kong Via Spaceborne Radar: Experiments and Validation,” Remote Sensing, vol. 7, p. 10715–10736, 2015.
[Bibtex]@Article{qin-mgsihkvsreav2015, Title = {Monitoring Ground Subsidence in Hong Kong Via Spaceborne Radar: Experiments and Validation}, Author = {Qin, Y. and Perissin, D.}, Journal = {Remote Sensing}, Year = {2015}, Pages = {10715--10736}, Volume = {7}, Doi = {doi:10.3390/rs70810715}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
F. Bozzano, C. Esposito, S. Franchi, P. Mazzanti, D. Perissin, A. Rocca, and E. Romano, “Understanding the Subsidence Process of a Quaternary Plain by Combining Geological and Hydrogeological Modeling Modelling with Satellite InSAR Data: The Acque Albule Plain Case Study,” Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 168, pp. 219-238, 2015.
[Bibtex]@Article{bozzano-utspoaqpbcgahmmwsidtaapcs2015, Title = {Understanding the Subsidence Process of a Quaternary Plain by Combining Geological and Hydrogeological Modeling Modelling with Satellite InSAR Data: The Acque Albule Plain Case Study}, Author = {Bozzano, F. and Esposito, C. and Franchi, S. and Mazzanti, P. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, A. and Romano, E.}, Journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, Year = {2015}, Pages = {219-238}, Volume = {168}, Doi = {doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.07.010}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
M. Bakon, J. Papco, D. Perissin, M. Lazecky, J. J. Sousa, I. Hlavacova, K. Batorova, P. Ondrejka, P. Liscak, P. Paudits, and N. Real, “Monitoring of Landslide Activity in Slovakia Territory Using Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques,” in Proc. of Fringe 2015, Frascati, Italy., 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mbakon-molaistumit2015, Title = {Monitoring of Landslide Activity in Slovakia Territory Using Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques}, Author = {Bakon, M. and Papco, J. and Perissin, D. and Lazecky, M. and Sousa, J. J. and Hlavacova, I. and Batorova, K. and Ondrejka, P. and Liscak, P. and Paudits, P. and Real, N.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of Fringe 2015, Frascati, Italy.}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
- D. Closson, N. A. Karaki, D. Perissin, and Y. Qin, “Dead Sea Salt Karst Dynamics Revealed by Multi-Temporal Radar Interferometric Techniques,” in Proc. of AOGS 2015, Singapore, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{dclosson-dsskdrbmrit2015, Title = {Dead Sea Salt Karst Dynamics Revealed by Multi-Temporal Radar Interferometric Techniques}, Author = {Closson, D. and Karaki, N. A. and Perissin, D. and Qin, Y.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of AOGS 2015, Singapore}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
M. Lazecky, M. Bakon, J. J. Sousa, D. Perissin, I. Hlavacova, G. Patricio, J. Papco, P. Rapant, and N. Real, “Potential of Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring,” in Proc. of Fringe 2015, Frascati, Italy, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mlazeck-pomitfshm2015, Title = {Potential of Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring}, Author = {Lazecky, M. and Bakon, M. and Sousa, J. J. and Perissin, D. and Hlavacova, I. and Patricio, G. and Papco, J. and Rapant, P. and Real, N.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of Fringe 2015, Frascati, Italy}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
M. Lazecky, I. Hlavacova, M. Bakon, J. J. Sousa, G. Patricio, and D. Perissin, “Satellite SAR Interferometry for Monitoring Dam Deformations in Portugal,” in Proc. of DAM WORLD, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mlazeck-ssifmddip2015, Title = {Satellite SAR Interferometry for Monitoring Dam Deformations in Portugal}, Author = {Lazecky, M. and Hlavacova, I. and Bakon, M. and Sousa, J. J. and Patricio, G. and Perissin, D.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of DAM WORLD, Lisbon, Portugal}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
M. Lazecky, D. Perissin, J. J. Sousa, M. Bakon, I. Hlavacova, and N. Real, “Potential of Satellite InSAR Techniques for Monitoring Bridge Deformations,” in Proc. of JURSE 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mlazeck-positfmbd2015, Title = {Potential of Satellite InSAR Techniques for Monitoring Bridge Deformations}, Author = {Lazecky, M. and Perissin, D. and Sousa, J. J. and Bakon, M. and Hlavacova, I. and Real, N.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of JURSE 2015, Lausanne, Switzerland}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
Q. Luo, G. Zhou, and D. Perissin, “Validation Experiments of MT-INSAR Results Along Railway with Leveling Data of High Spatial/temporal Sampling,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2015, Milan, Italy, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{qluo-veomrarwldohss2015, Title = {Validation Experiments of MT-INSAR Results Along Railway with Leveling Data of High Spatial/temporal Sampling}, Author = {Luo, Q. and Zhou, G. and Perissin, D.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2015, Milan, Italy}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
P. Mazzanti, D. Perissin, and A. Rocca, “Structural Health Monitoring of Dams by Advanced Satellite SAR Interferometry: Investigation of Past Processes and Future Monitoring Perspectives,” in Proc. of SHMII 2015, Torino, Italy, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{pmazzanti-shmodbassiioppafmp2015, Title = {Structural Health Monitoring of Dams by Advanced Satellite SAR Interferometry: Investigation of Past Processes and Future Monitoring Perspectives}, Author = {Mazzanti, P. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, A.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of SHMII 2015, Torino, Italy}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
P. Milillo, P. Lundgren, D. Perissin, and C. Serio, “COSMO-SKYMED Very Short Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry over Rural Areas: the Val D’Agri and Potenza Test Cases in Basilicata, Italy,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2015, Milan, Italy, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{pmilillo-cvsrsioratvdaptcibi2015, Title = {COSMO-SKYMED Very Short Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry over Rural Areas: the Val D'Agri and Potenza Test Cases in Basilicata, Italy}, Author = {Milillo, P. and Lundgren, P. and Perissin, D. and Serio, C.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2015, Milan, Italy}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
- M. S. Pakdaman, D. Perissin, and S. A. Zanjani, “Surface Deformation Monitoring of Fogo Volcano Using DInSAR Technique of Sentinel-1A Images,” in Proc. of SMPR 2015, Kish Island, Iran, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mspakdaman-sdmofvudtosi2015, Title = {Surface Deformation Monitoring of Fogo Volcano Using DInSAR Technique of Sentinel-1A Images}, Author = {Pakdaman, M. S. and Perissin, D. and Zanjani, S. A.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of SMPR 2015, Kish Island, Iran}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
Y. Qin and D. Perissin, “Monitoring Underground Mining Subsidence In South Indiana With C- And L-Band Insar Technique,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2015, Milan, Italy, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{yqin-mumsisiwcalit2015, Title = {Monitoring Underground Mining Subsidence In South Indiana With C- And L-Band Insar Technique}, Author = {Qin, Y. and Perissin, D.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2015, Milan, Italy}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
D. Roque, D. Perissin, A. Falcao, F. A., and M. Henriques, “Monitorizacao de Infraestruturas Com Interferometria SAR,” in Proc. of CNCG2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{droque-mdicis2015, Title = {Monitorizacao de Infraestruturas Com Interferometria SAR}, Author = {Roque, D. and Perissin, D. and Falcao, A. and Fonseca A. and Henriques, M.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of CNCG2015, Lisbon, Portugal}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
D. Roque, D. Perissin, A. Falcao, A. Fonseca, and M. Henriques, “Dam Regional Safety Warning Using Time-Series InSAR Techniques,” in Proc. of DAM WORLD, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{droque-drswutit2015, Title = {Dam Regional Safety Warning Using Time-Series InSAR Techniques}, Author = {Roque, D. and Perissin, D. and Falcao, A. and Fonseca, A. and Henriques, M.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of DAM WORLD, Lisbon, Portugal}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
D. Roque, D. Perissin, A. Falcao, A. Fonseca, and M. Henriques, “Monitoring Structure and Regional-Level Displacements for Lisbon Using Multitemporal InSAR Techniques,” in Proc. of Fringe 2015, Frascati, Italy, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{droque-msardflumit2015, Title = {Monitoring Structure and Regional-Level Displacements for Lisbon Using Multitemporal InSAR Techniques}, Author = {Roque, D. and Perissin, D. and Falcao, A. and Fonseca, A. and Henriques, M.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of Fringe 2015, Frascati, Italy}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
D. Roque, D. Perissin, A. Falcao, A. Henriques, and M. Fonseca, “Dam Regional Safety Warning Using Time-Series InSAR Techniques,” in Proc. of Second International DAM WORLD Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{roque-drswutit2015, Title = {Dam Regional Safety Warning Using Time-Series InSAR Techniques}, Author = {Roque, D. and Perissin, D. and Falcao, A. and Henriques, A. and Fonseca, M.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of Second International DAM WORLD Conference, Lisbon (Portugal)}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
J. J. Sousa, M. Lazecky, I. Hlavacova, M. Bakon, G. Patricio, D. Perissin, and N. Real, “Satellite SAR Interferometry for Monitoring Dam Deformations in Portugal,” in Proc. of CNCG2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{jjsousa-ssifmddip2015, Title = {Satellite SAR Interferometry for Monitoring Dam Deformations in Portugal}, Author = {Sousa, J. J. and Lazecky, M. and Hlavacova, I. and Bakon, M. and Patricio, G. and Perissin, D. and Real, N.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of CNCG2015, Lisbon, Portugal}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
- B. Tetuko Sri Sumantyo J. ans Setiadi, A. Hooper, D. Perissin, S. Masanobu, P. P. Mathieu, and M. Urai, “Analysis of Land Deformation Velocity Using PSI ALOS PALSAR: Impact of Coastal Sedimentation to Future Jakarta Giant Sea Wall and Waterfront City,” in Proc. of APSAR 2015, Singapore, 2015.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{jtetukosrisumantyo-aoldvupapiocstfjgswawc2015, Title = {Analysis of Land Deformation Velocity Using PSI ALOS PALSAR: Impact of Coastal Sedimentation to Future Jakarta Giant Sea Wall and Waterfront City}, Author = {Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, J. ans Setiadi, B. and Hooper, A. and Perissin, D. and Masanobu, S. and Mathieu, P. P. and Urai, M.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of APSAR 2015, Singapore}, Year = {2015}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
A. Rocca, P. Mazzanti, D. Perissin, and F. Bozzano, “Detection of Past Slope Activity in a Desert Area Using Multi-Temporal DInSAR with ALOS PALSAR Data,” Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2014.
[Bibtex]@Article{rocca-dopsaiadaumdwapd2014, Title = {Detection of Past Slope Activity in a Desert Area Using Multi-Temporal DInSAR with ALOS PALSAR Data}, Author = {Rocca, A. and Mazzanti, P. and Perissin, D. and Bozzano, F.}, Journal = {Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and the Environment}, Year = {2014}, Doi = {doi:10.4408/IJEGE.2014-01.O-03}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
E. Pichelli, R. Ferretti, D. Cimini, D. Perissin, N. Pierdicca, F. Rocca, and B. Rommen, “InSAR Water Vapor Data Assimilation into Mesoscale Model MM5: Technique and a Preliminary Experiment,” IEEE JSTARS, 2014.
[Bibtex]@Article{pichelli-iwvdaimmmtaape2014, Title = {InSAR Water Vapor Data Assimilation into Mesoscale Model MM5: Technique and a Preliminary Experiment}, Author = {Pichelli, E. and Ferretti, R. and Cimini, D. and Perissin, D. and Pierdicca, N. and Rocca, F. and Rommen, B.}, Journal = {IEEE JSTARS}, Year = {2014}, Doi = {doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2357685}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Q. Luo, D. Perissin, Y. Zhang, and Y. Jia, “L- and X- Band Multi-Temporal InSAR Analysis of Tianjin,” Remote Sensing, p. 7933–7951, 2014.
[Bibtex]@Article{luo-laxbmiaot2014, author = {Luo, Q. and Perissin, D. and Zhang, Y. and Jia, Y.}, title = {L- and X- Band Multi-Temporal InSAR Analysis of Tianjin}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, year = {2014}, pages = {7933--7951}, doi = {10.3390/rs6097933}, owner = {periz}, timestamp = {2015.02.08}, }
O. Dogan and D. Perissin, “Detection of Multitransition Abrupt Changes in Multitemporal SAR Images,” IEEE JSTARS, vol. Volume: 7, p. Page(s): 3239 – 3247, 2014.
[Bibtex]@Article{dogan-domacimsi2014, Title = {Detection of Multitransition Abrupt Changes in Multitemporal SAR Images}, Author = {Dogan, O. and Perissin, D.}, Journal = {IEEE JSTARS}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {Page(s): 3239 - 3247}, Volume = {Volume: 7}, Doi = {doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2295357}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
M. Bakon, D. Perissin, M. Lazecky, and J. Papco, “Infrastructure Non-Linear Deformation Monitoring Via Satellite Radar Interferometry,” in Proc. of SARWatch Workshop (CENTERIS 2014), Troia (Portugal), 2014.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{bakon-indmvsri2014, author = {Bakon, M. and Perissin, D. and Lazecky, M. and Papco, J.}, title = {Infrastructure Non-Linear Deformation Monitoring Via Satellite Radar Interferometry}, booktitle = {Proc. of SARWatch Workshop (CENTERIS 2014), Troia (Portugal)}, year = {2014}, doi = {10.1016/j.protcy.2014.10.095}, owner = {periz}, timestamp = {2015.02.08}, }
- M. Bakon, D. Perissin, J. Papco, and M. Lazecky, “Persistent Scatterer InSAR Monitoring of Bratislava Urban Area,” in Proc. of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna (Austria), 2014.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{bakon-psimobua2014, Title = {Persistent Scatterer InSAR Monitoring of Bratislava Urban Area}, Author = {Bakon, M. and Perissin, D. and Papco, J. and Lazecky, M.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna (Austria)}, Year = {2014}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
F. Bozzano, C. Esposito, S. Franchi, P. Mazzanti, D. Perissin, A. Rocca, and E. Romano, “Analysis of a Subsidence Process by Integrating Geological and Hydrogeological Modelling with Satellite InSAR Data,” in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Vol. 5, 2014, p. pp 155–159..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{bozzano-aoaspbigahmwsid2014, Title = {Analysis of a Subsidence Process by Integrating Geological and Hydrogeological Modelling with Satellite InSAR Data}, Author = {Bozzano, F. and Esposito, C. and Franchi, S. and Mazzanti, P. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, A. and Romano, E.}, Booktitle = {Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Vol. 5}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {pp 155--159.}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
M. Lazecky, D. Perissin, Z. Wang, L. Lei, and Y. Qin, “Observing Dam’s Movements with Spaceborne SAR Interferometry,” in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Vol. 5, 2014, p. pp 131–136..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{lazeck-odmwssi2014, Title = {Observing Dam's Movements with Spaceborne SAR Interferometry}, Author = {Lazecky, M. and Perissin, D. and Wang, Z. and Lei, L. and Qin, Y.}, Booktitle = {Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Vol. 5}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {pp 131--136.}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
M. Lazecky, P. Rapant, D. Perissin, and M. Bakon, “Deformations of Highway over Undermined Ostrava-Svinov Area Monitored by InSAR Using Limited Set of SAR Images,” in Proc. of SARWatch Workshop (CENTERIS 2014), Troia (Portugal), 2014.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{lazecky-dohouoambiulsosi2014, Title = {Deformations of Highway over Undermined Ostrava-Svinov Area Monitored by InSAR Using Limited Set of SAR Images}, Author = {Lazecky, M. and Rapant, P. and Perissin, D. and Bakon, M.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of SARWatch Workshop (CENTERIS 2014), Troia (Portugal)}, Year = {2014}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
A. N. Matori, A. S. A. Latip, I. S. H. Harahap, and D. Perissin, “Deformation Monitoring of Offshore Platform Using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Technique,” in Applied Mechanics and Materials (Trans Tech Pubs), 2014, p. pp 325–330.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{matori-dmooputpsit2014, Title = {Deformation Monitoring of Offshore Platform Using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Technique}, Author = {Matori, A. N. and Latip, A. S. A. and Harahap, I. S. H. and Perissin, D.}, Booktitle = {Applied Mechanics and Materials (Trans Tech Pubs)}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {pp 325--330}, Volume = {Vol 567}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
A. Rocca, P. Mazzanti, F. Bozzano, and D. Perissin, “Advanced Characterization of a Landslide-Prone Area by Satellite A-DInSAR,” in Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Vol. 5, 2014, p. pp 177–181..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{rocca-acoalabsa2014, Title = {Advanced Characterization of a Landslide-Prone Area by Satellite A-DInSAR}, Author = {Rocca, A. and Mazzanti, P. and Bozzano, F. and Perissin, D.}, Booktitle = {Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Vol. 5}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {pp 177--181.}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
Y. Qin, D. Perissin, and L. Lei, “Design and Experiments of Corner Reflectors for Urban Ground Deformation Monitoring in Hong Kong,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2013.
[Bibtex]@Article{qin-daeocrfugdmihk2013, Title = {Design and Experiments of Corner Reflectors for Urban Ground Deformation Monitoring in Hong Kong}, Author = {Qin, Y. and Perissin, D. and Lei, L.}, Journal = {International Journal of Antennas and Propagation}, Year = {2013}, Doi = {doi:10.1155/2013/191685}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Q. Luo, D. Perissin, H. LIN, Y. Zhang, and W. Wang, “Subsidence Monitoring of Tianjin Suburbs by TerraSAR-X Persistent Scatterer Interferometry,” IEEE JSTARS, vol. Vol. PP, 2013.
[Bibtex]@Article{luo-smotsbtpsi2013, author = {Luo, Q. and Perissin, D. and LIN, H. and Zhang, Y. and Wang, W.}, title = {Subsidence Monitoring of Tianjin Suburbs by TerraSAR-X Persistent Scatterer Interferometry}, journal = {IEEE JSTARS}, year = {2013}, volume = {Vol. PP}, doi = {10.1109/jstars.2013.2271501}, owner = {periz}, timestamp = {2015.02.08}, }
- S. Abdullaev, P. Blaha, M. Lazecky, and D. and Perissin, “Possibilities of Radar Interferometry for Monitoring Vertical Deformations Considering Central Asia,” in Proc. of Mountainhazards 2013, Bishkek, 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{abdullaev-porifmvdcca2013, Title = {Possibilities of Radar Interferometry for Monitoring Vertical Deformations Considering Central Asia}, Author = {Abdullaev, Sh. and Blaha, P. and Lazecky, M. and Perissin, D. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of Mountainhazards 2013, Bishkek}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
F. Bozzano, C. Esposito, S. Franchi, P. Mazzanti, D. Perissin, A. Rocca, and E. and Romano, “Analysis of a Subsidence Process by Integrating Geological and Hydrogeological Modeling with Satellite InSAR Data,” in Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh (UK), 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{bozzano-aoaspbigahmwsid2013, Title = {Analysis of a Subsidence Process by Integrating Geological and Hydrogeological Modeling with Satellite InSAR Data}, Author = {Bozzano, F. and Esposito, C. and Franchi, S. and Mazzanti, P. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, A. and Romano, E. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh (UK)}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
M. Lazecky, D. Perissin, L. Lei, Y. Qin, and M. Scaioni, “Plover Cove Dam Monitoring with Spaceborne InSAR Technique in Hong Kong,” in Proc. Of JISDM, Nottingham (UK), 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{lazecky-pcdmwsitihk2013, Title = {Plover Cove Dam Monitoring with Spaceborne InSAR Technique in Hong Kong}, Author = {Lazecky, M. and Perissin, D. and Lei, L. and Qin, Y. and Scaioni, M.}, Booktitle = {Proc. Of JISDM, Nottingham (UK)}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
L. Lei, D. Perissin, and Y. and Qin, “Change Detection with Spaceborne InSAR Techniques in Hong Kong,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2013, Melbourne (Australia), 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{lei-cdwsitihk2013, Title = {Change Detection with Spaceborne InSAR Techniques in Hong Kong}, Author = {Lei, L. and Perissin, D. and Qin, Y. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2013, Melbourne (Australia)}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
L. Ling, D. Perissin, and Y. Qin, “Atmospheric Phase Screen Estimation with TerraSAR-X Data in Hong Kong,” in Proc. of ISRSE 2013, Beijing, 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{ling-apsewtdihk2013, Title = {Atmospheric Phase Screen Estimation with TerraSAR-X Data in Hong Kong}, Author = {Ling, L. and Perissin, D. and Qin, Y.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of ISRSE 2013, Beijing}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
- P. Mazzanti, A. Rocca, D. Perissin, and F. and Bozzano, “Landslides Investigated by A-DInSAR Methods: from the Feasibility Analysis to Detailed Dynamics Characterization,” in Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh (UK), 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{mazzanti-libamftfatddc2013, Title = {Landslides Investigated by A-DInSAR Methods: from the Feasibility Analysis to Detailed Dynamics Characterization}, Author = {Mazzanti, P. and Rocca, A. and Perissin, D. and Bozzano, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh (UK)}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
- S. M. Ng, D. Perissin, and Y. F. Wang, “The Activity of the Tatun Volcanic Groups in Taiwan Revealed by Dual Techniques of Radar Interferometry,” in Proc. of AOGS 2013, Brisbane (Australia), 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{ng-taottvgitrbdtori2013, Title = {The Activity of the Tatun Volcanic Groups in Taiwan Revealed by Dual Techniques of Radar Interferometry}, Author = {Ng, S. M. and Perissin, D. and Wang, Y. F.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of AOGS 2013, Brisbane (Australia)}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Y. Qin, D. Perissin, and L. Lei, “An Evaluation of the Performance in Ground Settlement Monitoring in Hong Kong Using Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Technology,” in Proc. of ISRSE 2013, Beijing, 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{qin-aeotpigsmihkusrrst2013, Title = {An Evaluation of the Performance in Ground Settlement Monitoring in Hong Kong Using Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Technology}, Author = {Qin, Y. and Perissin, D. and Lei, L.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of ISRSE 2013, Beijing}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Y. Qin, D. Perissin, and L. Lei, “InSAR Multi-Band Analysis of Atmospheric Water Vapour in Hong Kong,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2013, Melbourne (Australia), 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{qin-imaoawvihk2013, Title = {InSAR Multi-Band Analysis of Atmospheric Water Vapour in Hong Kong}, Author = {Qin, Y. and Perissin, D. and Lei, L.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2013, Melbourne (Australia)}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
A. Rocca, P. Mazzanti, D. Perissin, and P. De Pari, “Supporting the analyses of a high-density landslides basin by ADInSAR,” in Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 2013, p. pp. 273–275.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{rocca-ateoaftaoahdlb2013, Title = {Supporting the analyses of a high-density landslides basin by ADInSAR}, Author = {Rocca, A. and Mazzanti, P. and Perissin, D. and De Pari, P.}, Booktitle = {Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It.}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {pp. 273--275}, Volume = {Vol. 24}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
A. Rocca, D. Perissin, P. Mazzanti, and F. Bozzano, “Monitoring Ground Instability in Wide Areas and Single-Building Cases by Means of Satellite A-DInSAR,” in Proc. of HKIE 2013, Hong Kong, 2013.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{rocca-mgiiwaascbmosa2013, Title = {Monitoring Ground Instability in Wide Areas and Single-Building Cases by Means of Satellite A-DInSAR}, Author = {Rocca, A. and Perissin, D. and Mazzanti, P. and Bozzano, F.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of HKIE 2013, Hong Kong}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
C. Shilai, D. Perissin, and H. and Lin, “Atmospheric Delay Analysis from GPS Meteorology and InSAR APS,” Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP), vol. Volume 86, p. Pages 71–82., 2012.
[Bibtex]@Article{shilai-adafgmaia2012, Title = {Atmospheric Delay Analysis from GPS Meteorology and InSAR APS}, Author = {Shilai, C. and Perissin, D. and Lin, H. and }, Journal = {Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP)}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {Pages 71--82.}, Volume = {Volume 86}, Doi = {doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2012.06.005}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, Z. Wang, and H. and Lin, “Shanghai Subway Tunnels and Highways Monitoring Through Cosmo-SkyMed Persistent Scatterers,” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. Volume 73, p. Pages 58–67., 2012.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-sstahmtcps2012, Title = {Shanghai Subway Tunnels and Highways Monitoring Through Cosmo-SkyMed Persistent Scatterers}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Wang, Z. and Lin, H. and}, Journal = {ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {Pages 58--67.}, Volume = {Volume 73}, Doi = {doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2012.07.002}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and T. and Wang, “Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry with Partially Coherent Targets,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. Volume 50, p. Pages 271–280, 2012.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-rsiwpct2012, Title = {Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry with Partially Coherent Targets}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Wang, T. and }, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {Pages 271--280}, Volume = {Volume 50}, Doi = {doi:10.1109/TGRS.2011.2160644}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Cimini, N. Pierdicca, E. Pichelli, R. Ferretti, V. Mattioli, S. Bonafoni, M. Montopoli, and D. and Perissin, “On the Accuracy of Integrated Water Vapor Observations and the Potential for Mitigating Electromagnetic Path Delay Error in InSAR,” Atmos. Meas. Tech., vol. 5, p. 1015–1030, 2012.
[Bibtex]@Article{cimini-otaoiwvoatpfmepdeii2012, Title = {On the Accuracy of Integrated Water Vapor Observations and the Potential for Mitigating Electromagnetic Path Delay Error in InSAR}, Author = {Cimini, D. and Pierdicca, N. and Pichelli, E. and Ferretti, R. and Mattioli, V. and Bonafoni, S. and Montopoli, M. and Perissin, D. and}, Journal = {Atmos. Meas. Tech.}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {1015--1030}, Volume = {5}, Doi = {doi:10.5194/amt-5-1015-2012}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
T. Balz, L. Wei, K. Liu, M. Liao, and D. and Perissin, “TomoSAR and PS-InSAR Analysis of High-Rise Buildings in Berlin,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2012, Munich (Germany), 2012.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{balz-tapaohbib2012, Title = {TomoSAR and PS-InSAR Analysis of High-Rise Buildings in Berlin}, Author = {Balz, T. and Wei, L. and Liu, K. and Liao, M. and Perissin, D. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2012, Munich (Germany)}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Q. Luo, D. Perissin, O. Dogan, and H. and Lin, “Tianjin Suburbs PS-QPS Analysis and Validation with Leveling Data,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2012, Munich (Germany), 2012.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{luo-tspaavwld2012, Title = {Tianjin Suburbs PS-QPS Analysis and Validation with Leveling Data}, Author = {Luo, Q. and Perissin, D. and Dogan, O. and Lin, H. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2012, Munich (Germany)}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, Y. Qin, M. Pang, and Z. Wang, “Research on the Performance of Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Technology in Ground Settlement Monitoring,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2012, Munich (Germany), 2012.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-rotposrrstigsm2012, Title = {Research on the Performance of Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Technology in Ground Settlement Monitoring}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Qin, Y. and Pang, M. and Wang, Z.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2012, Munich (Germany)}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, Z. Wang, C. Prati, and F. and Rocca, “Terrain Monitoring in China Via PS-QPS InSAR: Tibet and the Three Gorges Dam,” in ESA Dragon Special Publication, 2012.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-tmicvpitattgd2012, Title = {Terrain Monitoring in China Via PS-QPS InSAR: Tibet and the Three Gorges Dam}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Wang, Z. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {ESA Dragon Special Publication}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
Z. Wang and D. and Perissin, “Cosmo Skymed AO Projects – 3D Reconstruction and Stability Monitoring of the Three Gorges Dam,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2012, Munich (Germany), 2012.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{wang-csap-3rasmottgd2012, Title = {Cosmo Skymed AO Projects - 3D Reconstruction and Stability Monitoring of the Three Gorges Dam}, Author = {Wang, Z. and Perissin, D. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2012, Munich (Germany)}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and T. and Wang, “Time Series InSAR Applications Over Urban Areas in China,” IEEE JSTARS, vol. Volume: 4, p. Pages: 92–100, 2011.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-tsiaouaic2011, Title = {Time Series InSAR Applications Over Urban Areas in China}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Wang, T. and }, Journal = {IEEE JSTARS}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {Pages: 92--100}, Volume = {Volume: 4}, Doi = {doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2046883}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
S. Cheng, D. Perissin, F. Chen, and H. and Lin, “Atmospheric Delay Analysis from GPS and InSAR,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{cheng-adafgai2011, Title = {Atmospheric Delay Analysis from GPS and InSAR}, Author = {Cheng, S. and Perissin, D. and Chen, F. and Lin, H. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Q. Li, D. Perissin, Q. Luo, H. Lin, Pang, and M. and, “High Resolution SAR Change Detection in Hong Kong,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{li-hrscdihk2011, Title = {High Resolution SAR Change Detection in Hong Kong}, Author = {Li, Q. and Perissin, D. and Luo, Q. and Lin, H. and Pang, And M. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Q. Luo, D. Perissin, H. Lin, Duering, and R. and, “Railway Subsidence Monitoring by High Resolution INSAR Time Series Analysis in Tianjin,” in Proc. of CPGIS 2011, Shanghai (China), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{luo-rsmbhritsait2011, Title = {Railway Subsidence Monitoring by High Resolution INSAR Time Series Analysis in Tianjin}, Author = {Luo, Q. and Perissin, D. and Lin, H. and Duering, And R. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of CPGIS 2011, Shanghai (China)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Q. Luo, D. Perissin, H. Lin, Duering, and R. and, “Tianjin InSAR Time Series Analysis with L and X-Band,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{luo-titsawlax2011, Title = {Tianjin InSAR Time Series Analysis with L and X-Band}, Author = {Luo, Q. and Perissin, D. and Lin, H. and Duering, And R. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, F. Rocca, N. Pierdicca, E. Pichelli, D. Cimini, G. Venuti, and B. and Rommen, “Mitigation of Atmospheric Delay in InSAR: the ESA METAWAVE Project,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-moadiitemp2011, Title = {Mitigation of Atmospheric Delay in InSAR: the ESA METAWAVE Project}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Rocca, F. and Pierdicca, N. and Pichelli, E. and Cimini, D. and Venuti, G. and Rommen, B. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, Z. Wang, and T. and Wang, “SARPROZ InSAR Tool for Urban Subsidence/manmade Structure Stability Monitoring in China, The,” in Proc. of ISRSE 2011, Sidney (Australia), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-tsitfusssmic2011, Title = {SARPROZ InSAR Tool for Urban Subsidence/manmade Structure Stability Monitoring in China, The}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Wang, Z. and Wang, T. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of ISRSE 2011, Sidney (Australia)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
N. Pierdicca, F. Rocca, P. Basili, S. Bonafoni, D. Cimini, P. Ciotti, R. Ferretti, F. S. Marzano, V. Mattioli, M. Montopoli, R. Notarpietro, D. Perissin, E. Pichelli, B. Rommen, and G. and Venuti, “Synergic Use of EO, NWP and Ground Based Measurements for the Mitigation of Vapour Artefacts in SAR Interferometry,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{pierdicca-suoenagbmftmovaisi2011, Title = {Synergic Use of EO, NWP and Ground Based Measurements for the Mitigation of Vapour Artefacts in SAR Interferometry}, Author = {Pierdicca, N. and Rocca, F. and Basili, P. and Bonafoni, S. and Cimini, D. and Ciotti, P. and Ferretti, R. and Marzano, F. S. and Mattioli, V. and Montopoli, M. and Notarpietro, R. and Perissin, D. and Pichelli, E. and Rommen, B. and Venuti, G. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
- N. Pierdicca, F. Rocca, D. Perissin, R. Ferretti, E. Pichelli, B. Rommen, and D. and Cimini, “Numerical Weather Prediction Models and SAR Interferometry: Synergic Use for Meteorological and INSAR Applications,” in Proc. of SPIE 2011,, 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{pierdicca-nwpmasisufmaia2011, Title = {Numerical Weather Prediction Models and SAR Interferometry: Synergic Use for Meteorological and INSAR Applications}, Author = {Pierdicca, N. and Rocca, F. and Perissin, D. and Ferretti, R. and Pichelli, E. and Rommen, B. and Cimini, D. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of SPIE 2011, }, Year = {2011}, Volume = {Vol 8179.}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
N. Pierdicca, F. Rocca, B. Rommen, P. Basili, S. Bonafoni, D. Cimini, P. Ciotti, R. Ferretti, F. S. Marzano, V. Mattioli, M. Montopoli, R. Notarpietro, D. Perissin, E. Pichelli, and G. and Venuti, “Synergic Use of EO, NWP and Ground Based Data for the Characterisation of Water Vapour Field,” in Proc. of EUCAP 2011, Rome (Italy), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{pierdicca-suoenagbdftcowvf2011, Title = {Synergic Use of EO, NWP and Ground Based Data for the Characterisation of Water Vapour Field}, Author = {Pierdicca, N. and Rocca, F. and Rommen, B. and Basili, P. and Bonafoni, S. and Cimini, D. and Ciotti, P. and Ferretti, R. and Marzano, F. S. and Mattioli, V. and Montopoli, M. and Notarpietro, R. and Perissin, D. and Pichelli, E. and Venuti, G. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of EUCAP 2011, Rome (Italy)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
Z. Wang, D. Perissin, and H. and Lin, “Subway Tunnels Identification Through Cosmo-SkyMed PSInSAR Analysis in Shanghai,” in Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada), 2011.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{wang-stitcpais2011, Title = {Subway Tunnels Identification Through Cosmo-SkyMed PSInSAR Analysis in Shanghai}, Author = {Wang, Z. and Perissin, D. and Lin, H. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. of IGARSS 2011, Vancouver (Canada)}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
T. Wang, D. Perissin, R. F. Liao, and M. and, “Three Gorges Dam Stability Monitoring with Time Series InSAR Analysis,” Science China Earth Sciences, 2010.
[Bibtex]@Article{wang-tgdsmwtsia2010, Title = {Three Gorges Dam Stability Monitoring with Time Series InSAR Analysis}, Author = {Wang, T. and Perissin, D. and Liao, F. Rocca and M. and }, Journal = {Science China Earth Sciences}, Year = {2010}, Doi = {doi:10.1007/s11430-010-4101-1}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
T. Wang, M. Liao, and D. and Perissin, “InSAR Coherence Decomposition Analysis,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. Vol. 7, p. Pages: 156 – 160., 2010.
[Bibtex]@Article{wang-icda2010, author = {Wang, T. and Liao, M. and Perissin, D. and}, title = {InSAR Coherence Decomposition Analysis}, journal = {IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters}, year = {2010}, volume = {Vol. 7}, pages = {Pages: 156 - 160.}, doi = {10.1109/lgrs.2009.2029126}, owner = {periz}, timestamp = {2015.02.08}, }
E. Pichelli, R. Ferretti, D. Cimini, D. Perissin, M. Montopoli, F. S. Marzano, and N. and Pierdicca, “Water Vapour Distribution at Urban Scale Using High Resolution Numerical Weather Model and Spaceborne SAR Interferometric Data,” Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., vol. 10, p. 121–132, 2010.
[Bibtex]@Article{pichelli-wvdausuhrnwmassid2010, author = {Pichelli, E. and Ferretti, R. and Cimini, D. and Perissin, D. and Montopoli, M. and Marzano, F. S. and Pierdicca, N. and}, title = {Water Vapour Distribution at Urban Scale Using High Resolution Numerical Weather Model and Spaceborne SAR Interferometric Data}, journal = {Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.}, year = {2010}, volume = {10}, pages = {121--132}, doi = {10.5194/nhess-10-121-2010}, owner = {periz}, timestamp = {2015.02.08}, }
G. Gatti, D. Perissin, T. Wang, and F. and Rocca, “DEM Retrieval and Ground Motion Monitoring in China,” in ESA Dragon Special Publication, 2010.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{gatti-dragmmic2010, Title = {DEM Retrieval and Ground Motion Monitoring in China}, Author = {Gatti, G. and Perissin, D. and Wang, T. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {ESA Dragon Special Publication}, Year = {2010}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
G. Gatti, T. Wang, and D. and Perissin, “Railways Monitoring by Means of Repeated Spaceborne SAR Images,” in Proceedings of Int. Workshop in CUHK, Hong Kong, 2010.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{gatti-rmbmorssi2010, Title = {Railways Monitoring by Means of Repeated Spaceborne SAR Images}, Author = {Gatti, G. and Wang, T. and Perissin, D. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Int. Workshop in CUHK, Hong Kong}, Year = {2010}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
M. Montopoli, F. S. Marzano, E. Pichelli, D. Cimini, R. Ferretti, S. Bonafoni, D. Perissin, F. Rocca, and N. and Pierdicca, “Water Vapor Integration Methods to Improve the Quality of Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations,” in Proc. ERAD 2010 ( 6th European Conf. on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology: Adv. in Radar Technology), Sibiu (Romania), 2010.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{montopoli-wvimtitqosaro2010, Title = {Water Vapor Integration Methods to Improve the Quality of Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations}, Author = {Montopoli, M. and Marzano, F. S. and Pichelli, E. and Cimini, D. and Ferretti, R. and Bonafoni, S. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, F. and Pierdicca, N. and }, Booktitle = {Proc. ERAD 2010 ( 6th European Conf. on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology: Adv. in Radar Technology), Sibiu (Romania)}, Year = {2010}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, E. Pichelli, R. Ferretti, F. Rocca, and N. and Pierdicca, “Mitigation of Atmospheric Water-Vapor Effects on Spaceborne Interferometric SAR Imaging Through the MM5 Numerical Model,” in Proceedings of PIERS 2010, Xian (China), 2010.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-moaweosisittmnm2010, Title = {Mitigation of Atmospheric Water-Vapor Effects on Spaceborne Interferometric SAR Imaging Through the MM5 Numerical Model}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Pichelli, E. and Ferretti, R. and Rocca, F. and Pierdicca, N. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of PIERS 2010, Xian (China)}, Year = {2010}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
T. Wang, M. Liao, J. Tang, D. Perissin, F. Rocca, and A. and Rucci, “Landslides Monitoring over the Three Gorges Region with C- and X-Band InSAR Data,” in ESA Dragon Special Publication, 2010.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{wang-lmottgrwcaxid2010, Title = {Landslides Monitoring over the Three Gorges Region with C- and X-Band InSAR Data}, Author = {Wang, T. and Liao, M. and Tang, J. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, F. and Rucci, A. and }, Booktitle = {ESA Dragon Special Publication}, Year = {2010}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.09.17} }
T. Wang, D. Perissin, M. Liao, and F. and Rocca, “Three Gorges Dam Monitoring by Means of Temporal SAR Image Series Analysis,” in Proceedings of Int. Workshop in CUHK, Hong Kong, 2010.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{wang-tgdmbmotsisa2010, Title = {Three Gorges Dam Monitoring by Means of Temporal SAR Image Series Analysis}, Author = {Wang, T. and Perissin, D. and Liao, M. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Int. Workshop in CUHK, Hong Kong}, Year = {2010}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
C. Prati, A. Ferretti, and D. and Perissin, “Recent Advances on Surface Ground Deformation Measurement by Means of Repeated Spaceborne SAR Observations,” Journal of Geodynamics, 2009.
[Bibtex]@Article{prati-raosgdmbmorsso2009, Title = {Recent Advances on Surface Ground Deformation Measurement by Means of Repeated Spaceborne SAR Observations}, Author = {Prati, C. and Ferretti, A. and Perissin, D. and}, Journal = {Journal of Geodynamics}, Year = {2009}, Doi = {doi:10.1016/j.jog.2009.10.011}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
T. Balz, D. Perissin, U. Soergel, L. Zhang, and M. and Liao, “Post-Seismic Infrastructure Damage Assessment Using High-Resolution SAR Satellite Data,” in Proceedings of EOGC 2009, Chengdu (China), 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{balz-pidauhssd2009, Title = {Post-Seismic Infrastructure Damage Assessment Using High-Resolution SAR Satellite Data}, Author = {Balz, T. and Perissin, D. and Soergel, U. and Zhang, L. and Liao, M. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of EOGC 2009, Chengdu (China)}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, E. Pichelli, R. Ferretti, F. Rocca, and N. and Pierdicca, “MM5 Numerical Model to Correct PSInSAR Atmospheric Phase Screen, The,” in Proceedings of FRINGE 2009, Frascati (Italy), 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-tmnmtcpaps2009, Title = {MM5 Numerical Model to Correct PSInSAR Atmospheric Phase Screen, The}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Pichelli, E. and Ferretti, R. and Rocca, F. and Pierdicca, N. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of FRINGE 2009, Frascati (Italy)}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, T. Wang, and F. and Novali, “Monitoring Terrain Motion in China by Means of Spaceborne SAR Images,” in Proceedings of 2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, Shanghai (China), 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-mtmicbmossi2009, Title = {Monitoring Terrain Motion in China by Means of Spaceborne SAR Images}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Wang, T. and Novali, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of 2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, Shanghai (China)}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, T. Wang, C. Prati, and F. and Rocca, “PSInSAR Analysis over the Three Gorges Dam and Urban Areas in China,” in Proceedings of 2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, Shanghai (China), 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-paottgdauaic2009, Title = {PSInSAR Analysis over the Three Gorges Dam and Urban Areas in China}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Wang, T. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of 2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, Shanghai (China)}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
N. Pierdicca, F. Rocca, P. Basili, S. Bonafoni, D. Cimini, P. Ciotti, R. Ferretti, W. Foster, F. S. Marzano, V. Mattioli, M. Montopoli, R. Notarpietro, S. Padmanabhan, D. Perissin, E. Pichelli, S. Reising, S. Sahoo, and G. and Venuti, “Atmospheric Water-Vapour Effects on Spaceborne Interferometric SAR Imaging: Data Synergy and Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements and Meteorological Model Simulations at Urban Scale,” in Proceedings of EUCAP 09, Berlin (Germany), 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{pierdicca-aweosisidsacwgmammsaus2009, Title = {Atmospheric Water-Vapour Effects on Spaceborne Interferometric SAR Imaging: Data Synergy and Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements and Meteorological Model Simulations at Urban Scale}, Author = {Pierdicca, N. and Rocca, F. and Basili, P. and Bonafoni, S. and Cimini, D. and Ciotti, P. and Ferretti, R. and Foster, W. and Marzano, F. S. and Mattioli, V. and Montopoli, M. and Notarpietro, R. and Padmanabhan, S. and Perissin, D. and Pichelli, E. and Reising, S. and Sahoo, S. and Venuti, G. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of EUCAP 09, Berlin (Germany)}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
N. Pierdicca, F. Rocca, B. Rommen, P. Basili, S. Bonafoni, D. Cimini, P. Ciotti, F. Consalvi, R. Ferretti, W. Foster, F. S. Marzano, V. Mattioli, A. Mazzoni, M. Montopoli, R. Notarpietro, S. Padmanabhan, D. Perissin, E. Pichelli, S. Reising, S. Sahoo, and G. and Venuti, “Atmospheric Water Vapor Effects on Spaceborne Interferometric Sar Imaging: Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements and Meteorological Model Simulations at Different Scales,” in Proceedings of IGARSS09, Cape Town (South Africa), 2009.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{pierdicca-awveosisicwgmammsads2009, Title = {Atmospheric Water Vapor Effects on Spaceborne Interferometric Sar Imaging: Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements and Meteorological Model Simulations at Different Scales}, Author = {Pierdicca, N. and Rocca, F. and Rommen, B. and Basili, P. and Bonafoni, S. and Cimini, D. and Ciotti, P. and Consalvi, F. and Ferretti, R. and Foster, W. and Marzano, F. S. and Mattioli, V. and Mazzoni, A. and Montopoli, M. and Notarpietro, R. and Padmanabhan, S. and Perissin, D. and Pichelli, E. and Reising, S. and Sahoo, S. and Venuti, G. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of IGARSS09, Cape Town (South Africa)}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and C. and Prati, “Identifying Urban SAR Permanent Scatterers for Motion Interpretation and Multi-Track Data Fusion,” AIT Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. Vol. 40, p. Pages: 115–121., 2008.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-iuspsfmiamdf2008, Title = {Identifying Urban SAR Permanent Scatterers for Motion Interpretation and Multi-Track Data Fusion}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and }, Journal = {AIT Italian Journal of Remote Sensing}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {Pages: 115--121.}, Volume = {Vol. 40}, Doi = {doi:10.5721/ItJRS200840210}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. and Perissin, “Validation of the Sub-Metric Accuracy of Vertical Positioning of PS’s in C Band,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. Vol. 5, p. Pages: 502 – 506., 2008.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-votsaovpopicb2008, author = {Perissin, D. and}, title = {Validation of the Sub-Metric Accuracy of Vertical Positioning of PS's in C Band}, journal = {IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters}, year = {2008}, volume = {Vol. 5}, pages = {Pages: 502 - 506.}, doi = {10.1109/lgrs.2008.921210}, owner = {periz}, timestamp = {2015.02.08}, }
D. Perissin and C. and Prati, “Comparison Between SAR Atmospheric Phase Screens at 30′ by Means of ERS and ENVISAT Data,” in Proceedings of IGARSS 2008, Boston (USA), 2008.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-cbsapsa3bmoeaed2008, Title = {Comparison Between SAR Atmospheric Phase Screens at 30' by Means of ERS and ENVISAT Data}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of IGARSS 2008, Boston (USA)}, Year = {2008}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
T. Wang, M. Liao, D. Perissin, and F. and Rocca, “Deformation Monitoring by Long Term D-InSAR Analysis in Three Gorges Area, China,” in Proceedings of IGARSS 2008, Boston (USA), 2008.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{wang-dmbltdaitgac2008, Title = {Deformation Monitoring by Long Term D-InSAR Analysis in Three Gorges Area, China}, Author = {Wang, T. and Liao, M. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of IGARSS 2008, Boston (USA)}, Year = {2008}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and C. and Prati, “Characterization of Urban SAR Permanent Scatterers,” AIT Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. Vol. 38, p. Pages 85–95., 2007.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-cousps2007, Title = {Characterization of Urban SAR Permanent Scatterers}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and }, Journal = {AIT Italian Journal of Remote Sensing}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {Pages 85--95.}, Volume = {Vol. 38}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and A. and Ferretti, “Urban Target Recognition by Means of Repeated Spaceborne SAR Images,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. Volume 45, p. Pages: 4043 – 4058., 2007.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-utrbmorssi2007, Title = {Urban Target Recognition by Means of Repeated Spaceborne SAR Images}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Ferretti, A. and }, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {Pages: 4043 - 4058.}, Volume = {Volume 45}, Doi = {doi:10.1109/TGRS.2007.906092}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. and Perissin, “Comparison Between SAR Atmospheric Phase Screens at 30′ by Means of ERS and ENVISAT Data,” in Proceedings of Fringe 2007, Frascati (Italy), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-cbsapsa3bmoeaed2007, Title = {Comparison Between SAR Atmospheric Phase Screens at 30' by Means of ERS and ENVISAT Data}, Author = {Perissin, D. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Fringe 2007, Frascati (Italy)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. and Perissin, “Validation of the PS Height Estimate by Means of Photogrammetric Data,” in Proceedings of ENVISAT 2007, Montreux (Switzerland), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-votphebmopd2007, Title = {Validation of the PS Height Estimate by Means of Photogrammetric Data}, Author = {Perissin, D. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of ENVISAT 2007, Montreux (Switzerland)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, A. Ferretti, R. Piantanida, D. Piccagli, C. Prati, F. Rocca, A. Rucci, and F. and Zan, “Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry with Partially Coherent Targets,” in Proceedings of Fringe 2007, Frascati (Italy), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-rsiwpct2007, Title = {Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry with Partially Coherent Targets}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Ferretti, A. and Piantanida, R. and Piccagli, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and Rucci, A. and de Zan, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Fringe 2007, Frascati (Italy)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, R. Piantanida, D. Piccagli, and F. and Rocca, “Landslide in Dossena (BG): Comparison Between Interferometric Techniques,” in Proceedings of BIOGEOSAR, Bari (Italy), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-lidcbit2007, Title = {Landslide in Dossena (BG): Comparison Between Interferometric Techniques}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Piantanida, R. and Piccagli, D. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of BIOGEOSAR, Bari (Italy)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and C. and Prati, “SAR Multi-Track Analysis in Urban Sites,” in Proceedings of EARSEL 2007, Bolzano (Italy), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-smaius2007, Title = {SAR Multi-Track Analysis in Urban Sites}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of EARSEL 2007, Bolzano (Italy)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and C. and Prati, “Target Recognition by Means of Spaceborne C-Band SAR Data,” in Proceedings of URBAN 2007, Paris (France), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-trbmoscsd2007, Title = {Target Recognition by Means of Spaceborne C-Band SAR Data}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of URBAN 2007, Paris (France)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. and Rocca, “ASAR Parallel-Track PS Analysis in Urban Sites,” in Proceedings of IGARSS 2007, Barcelona (Spain), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-appaius2007, Title = {ASAR Parallel-Track PS Analysis in Urban Sites}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of IGARSS 2007, Barcelona (Spain)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, C. Prati, F. Rocca, D. Li, and M. and Liao, “Multi-Track PS Analysis in Shanghai,” in Proceedings of ENVISAT 2007, Montreux (Switzerland), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-mpais2007, Title = {Multi-Track PS Analysis in Shanghai}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and Li, D. and Liao, M. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of ENVISAT 2007, Montreux (Switzerland)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, F. Rocca, and T. and Wang, “DEM Retrieval and Landslide Monitoring in Badong, Three Gorges, China by Means of InSAR Partially Coherent Targets,” in Proceedings of Dragon Symposium 2007, Aix En Provence (France), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-dralmibtgcbmoipct2007, Title = {DEM Retrieval and Landslide Monitoring in Badong, Three Gorges, China by Means of InSAR Partially Coherent Targets}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Rocca, F. and Wang, T. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Dragon Symposium 2007, Aix En Provence (France)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
T. Wang, M. Liao, D. Perissin, and F. and Rocca, “Coherence Decomposition Analysis, a Case Study in Three Gorges Area, China,” in Proceedings of Dragon Symposium 2007, Aix En Provence (France), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{wang-cdaacsitgac2007, Title = {Coherence Decomposition Analysis, a Case Study in Three Gorges Area, China}, Author = {Wang, T. and Liao, M. and Perissin, D. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Dragon Symposium 2007, Aix En Provence (France)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
T. Wang, D. Perissin, M. Liao, L. Lu, and F. Rocca, “Coherence De-Composition Analysis,” in Proceedings of Fringe 2007, Frascati (Italy), 2007.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{wang-cda2007, Title = {Coherence De-Composition Analysis}, Author = {Wang, T. and Perissin, D. and Liao, M. and Lu, L. and Rocca, F.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Fringe 2007, Frascati (Italy)}, Year = {2007}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and F. and Rocca, “High Accuracy Urban DEM Using Permanent Scatterers,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. Volume 44, p. Pages: 3338 – 3347., 2006.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-haudups2006, Title = {High Accuracy Urban DEM Using Permanent Scatterers}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Rocca, F. and }, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {Pages: 3338 - 3347.}, Volume = {Volume 44}, Doi = {doi:10.1109/TGRS.2006.877754}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, C. Prati, M. Engdahl, and Y. -L. and Desnos, “Validating the SAR Wave-Number Shift Principle with ERS-Envisat PS Coherent Combination,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. Volume 44, p. Pages: 2343 – 2351., 2006.
[Bibtex]@Article{perissin-vtswspwepcc2006, Title = {Validating the SAR Wave-Number Shift Principle with ERS-Envisat PS Coherent Combination}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Engdahl, M. and Desnos, Y. -L. and}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {Pages: 2343 - 2351.}, Volume = {Volume 44}, Doi = {doi:10.1109/TGRS.2006.875455}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
A. Ferretti, A. Parizzi, D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. and Rocca, “Accurate DEM Reconstruction from Permanent Scatterers and Multi-Baseline Interferometry,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium – IGARSS 2006, Denver (Colorado), 2006, p. Pages: 157 – 160..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{ferretti-adrfpsami2006, Title = {Accurate DEM Reconstruction from Permanent Scatterers and Multi-Baseline Interferometry}, Author = {Ferretti, A. and Parizzi, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2006, Denver (Colorado)}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {Pages: 157 - 160.}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
A. Ferretti, D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. and Rocca, “On the Physical Characterization of SAR Permanent Scatterers in Urban Areas,” in Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar – EUSAR 2006, Dresden (Germany), 2006.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{ferretti-otpcospsiua2006, Title = {On the Physical Characterization of SAR Permanent Scatterers in Urban Areas}, Author = {Ferretti, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar - EUSAR 2006, Dresden (Germany)}, Year = {2006}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
C. Colesanti and D. and Perissin, “A First Experiment of 3D Imaging with a Ground Based Parasitic SAR,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium – IGARSS 2006, Denver (Colorado), 2006, p. Pages: 1192 – 1195..
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{colesanti-afeo3iwagbps2006, Title = {A First Experiment of 3D Imaging with a Ground Based Parasitic SAR}, author = {Colesanti, C. and Perissin, D. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2006, Denver (Colorado)}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {Pages: 1192 - 1195.}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
A. Ferretti, D. Perissin, and C. and Prati, “Spaceborne SAR Anatomy of a City,” in Proceedings of FRINGE 2005, Frascati (Italy), 2005.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{ferretti-ssaoac2005, Title = {Spaceborne SAR Anatomy of a City}, Author = {Ferretti, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of FRINGE 2005, Frascati (Italy)}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
A. Ferretti, D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. and Rocca, “On the Physical Nature of SAR Permanent Scatterers,” in Proceedings of URSI Commission Symposium – URSI 2005, Ispra (Italy), 2005.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{ferretti-otpnosps2005, Title = {On the Physical Nature of SAR Permanent Scatterers}, Author = {Ferretti, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of URSI Commission Symposium - URSI 2005, Ispra (Italy)}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
A. Parizzi, D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. Rocca, “Artificial Scatterers in SAR Interferometry,” in Proceedings of Dragon Symposium 2005, Santorini (Greece), 2005.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{parizzi-asisi2005, Title = {Artificial Scatterers in SAR Interferometry}, Author = {Parizzi, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Dragon Symposium 2005, Santorini (Greece)}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin, A. Parizzi, C. Prati, and F. Rocca, “Monitoring Tianjin Subsidence with the Permanent Scatterers Technique,” in Proceedings of Dragon Symposium 2005, Santorini (Greece), 2005.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-mtswtpst2005, Title = {Monitoring Tianjin Subsidence with the Permanent Scatterers Technique}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Parizzi, A. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of Dragon Symposium 2005, Santorini (Greece)}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and C. and Prati, “On the Physical Nature of Urban SAR Permanent Scatterers,” in Workshop AIT SIFET, Mantova (Italy), 2005.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-otpnousps2005, Title = {On the Physical Nature of Urban SAR Permanent Scatterers}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and }, Booktitle = {Workshop AIT SIFET, Mantova (Italy)}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
D. Perissin and F. and Rocca, “Urban DEM,” in Proceedings of FRINGE 2005, Frascati (Italy), 2005.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{perissin-ud2005, Title = {Urban DEM}, Author = {Perissin, D. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of FRINGE 2005, Frascati (Italy)}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
A. Ferretti, D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. Rocca, “ERS-ENVISAT Permanent Scatterers,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium – IGARSS 2004, Anchorage (Alaska), 2004, p. Pages: 985 – 988.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{ferretti-eps2004, Title = {ERS-ENVISAT Permanent Scatterers}, Author = {Ferretti, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2004, Anchorage (Alaska)}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {Pages: 985 - 988}, Volume = {vol.2.}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
M. Arrigoni, C. Colesanti, A. Ferretti, D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. Rocca, “Identification of the Location Phase Screen of ERS-ENVISAT Permanent Scatterers,” in Proceedings of FRINGE 2003, Frascati (Italy), 2003.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{arrigoni-iotlpsoeps2003, Title = {Identification of the Location Phase Screen of ERS-ENVISAT Permanent Scatterers}, Author = {Arrigoni, M. and Colesanti, C. and Ferretti, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of FRINGE 2003, Frascati (Italy)}, Year = {2003}, Volume = {ESA SP-550}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
C. Colesanti, A. Ferretti, D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. and Rocca, “ERS-ENVISAT Permanent Scatterers Interferometry,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium – IGARSS 2003, Toulouse (France), 2003, p. Pages: 1130 – 1132.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{colesanti-epsi2003, Title = {ERS-ENVISAT Permanent Scatterers Interferometry}, Author = {Colesanti, C. and Ferretti, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F. and }, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2003, Toulouse (France)}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {Pages: 1130 - 1132}, Volume = {vol.2.}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }
C. Colesanti, A. Ferretti, D. Perissin, C. Prati, and F. Rocca, “Evaluating the Effect of the Observation Time on the Distribution of SAR Permanent Scatterers,” in Proceedings of FRINGE 2003, Frascati (Italy), 2003.
[Bibtex]@InProceedings{colesanti-eteotototdosps2003, Title = {Evaluating the Effect of the Observation Time on the Distribution of SAR Permanent Scatterers}, Author = {Colesanti, C. and Ferretti, A. and Perissin, D. and Prati, C. and Rocca, F.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of FRINGE 2003, Frascati (Italy)}, Year = {2003}, Volume = {ESA SP-550}, Owner = {periz}, Timestamp = {2015.02.08} }