Active 1 year, 5 months ago-
ABraun replied to the topic GCP location error in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
the dem was all fine, but the second point helped to load it at a correct position, thank you!
I however noticed that the subset in the “SLC Data Import” wasn’t applied correctly so that confused me a lot 😀 Was probably my fault, I’ll run it again with the correct subset. -
periz replied to the topic GCP location error in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
1. check that you have a DEM correctly loaded. to check it, you can click “dem visualization” in the frame “preliminary geocoding” in “site processing”. if you get a green flat picture, probably it failed downloading SRTM data (you should have got messages about that). In such a case delete the corresponding SRTM files (SRTM directory in the…[Read more]
ABraun replied to the topic GCP location error in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
Dear all, I use 16 Sentinel-1 SLC scenes (same track) for change detection analysis.
I followed the tutorials I and II for data import. Master selection and coregistration worked well but I keep struggling with the GCPs as the scene is always shifted to a large degree (please see screenshot below).Do I miss anything that is not contained in…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic about time series in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi Cecilia,
yes, on the manual you find some explanation, here in particular http://sarproz.com/manual/geocod.html
what you have written is correct if no correlation with temperature was estimated. If on the contrary you did remove a temperature-correlated trend, then you have to tick on the corresponding box to see it, otherwise it is removed…[Read more] -
ceciliabo started the topic about time series in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
I got maybe a stupid question but I got suddenly unsure.
So when in Geocoding (Small processing) I click on “Data series” I get the time series of the point but, please correct me:
-if I do not tick anything I get the residues phase, which is the phase minus the topographic and the movement component
-if I tick “mov” I add the movement…[
Yuxiao replied to the topic Not enough points! Aborting! -Coregistration- in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
It would also be nice to see the jpeg image of the master in your FITTED folder. Could you share that as well? You can upload the jpeg file to wetransfer and paste the link here.
geoalicia replied to the topic Not enough points! Aborting! -Coregistration- in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
I m having error “cull_points: fewer than minimum points” in 15 images. Im using the version 18-sep-2017, my master image has no rain/snow and and area of 20km radius, also already try orbit and coarse xcorr. co-registration but with the same outcome error
Yuxiao replied to the topic Not enough points! Aborting! -Coregistration- in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
Yes. We closed this issue but forgot to post the solutions here.
There were several errors/messages mentioned in this post. Which one exactly are you getting?
We have fixed all the errors that were discussed in this post, so the first thing is to make sure you have the newest version of sarproz.
Then please let us know which error you are…[Read more]
geoalicia replied to the topic Not enough points! Aborting! -Coregistration- in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
Did any solution came from this post? Im facing the same problem cull points:fewer than minimum points
periz started the topic Weather Data News in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
Dear all,
last week we discovered a change in the policies/formats of the website from where Sarproz is downloading weather data (wunderground.com). With old software version you will not be able any more to download weather data.
Wunderground is now requiring to register on their webpage to get an API code to download weather data.We have…[Read more]
cp02 replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
It works. Thank you for your assistence.
periz replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
please check your email
periz replied to the topic Reference point in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
You can choose any parameter for your reference selection: temporal or spatial coherence, amplitude stability index, reflectivity map or whatever.
Or you can even pick it up manually (ticking the corresponding box) depending on other infos/observations (e.g. you want it on the ground, in a stable area or whatever).
InSAR is a differential…[
ali-roozban91 started the topic Reference point in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
I’ll appreciate you if answer my question:
Which parameters should i choose in “small area processing > multi image analysis” module where is located in “reference point” section? And why the results varies with choosing different parameters of reference point?Thanks and best regards
cp02 replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
I’m sorry, but when I click on “Check online”, another error message is created.
Please, in attachment you will find it.
Thank you. -
periz replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
please update your code http://sarproz.com/manual/manage_version.html and try again
cp02 replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
periz replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
can you please send error and log again?
no need to rar them -
cp02 replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi! I followed all the instructions but I cannot import S1A data.
I put the zipped folders, ended in “.SAFE” inside the SLC folder. The SLC folder is inside a folder called TEST:
Please, in attachment you will find the error message.
Thanks. -
periz replied to the topic SRTM download issues in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
An alternative link has been included for SRTM data download and a new Sarproz version is currently being uploaded.
Please use the “manage version” module to update your Sarproz version and fix the SRTM data download issue
http://sarproz.com/manual/manage_version.html - Load More