Active 1 year, 4 months ago-
espiritocz replied to the topic Is heading angle in 'SiteDescription.txt' file +ve w.r.t to geographic north? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
try to draw the angle to the piece of paper. You will realize that the value -129.6 deg is not the heading of the satellite track, while the value from SARPROZ is really heading angle of the satellite from the North (azimuth angle).
sekhar started the topic Is heading angle in 'SiteDescription.txt' file +ve w.r.t to geographic north? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
In the SiteDescription.txt file, I have observed a value for ‘AcqHeading’. I believe this as the heading or azimuth angle of the satellite. If so, is it calculated positive with respect to the geographic north?
For a particular S1 dataset acquired in ascending mode (track 72 over Iran), ESA SNAP software shows platform_heading_angle = -129.6 deg…[Read more] -
Yuxiao replied to the topic Coregisteration and Deramping.. in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
TerraSAR stripmap doesn’t require deramping.
If you are working with TerraSAR ScanSAR/TOPS mode, I don’t think sarproz support those formats yet.
Yuxiao replied to the topic Coregisteration and Deramping.. in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
For Sentinel, Deramp is automatically done (during coregistration).
paul replied to the topic Reference point selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for the information.
It is sentinel-1A data. One interesting thing is that in Site Processing – APS estimation, i generated the graph, and it gives me 25 auto point, and i chose a ‘best’ point with good distribution. Then, i moved to Site Processing -Sparse point processing. When i checked the distribution of the parameters, there is a…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Reference point selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
By looking at your results again, I notice that the deviation of the estimated height is particularly high: is this Sentinel? If so, the estimated residual height is not very accurate, because the normal baselines are very small. Do not get crazy with the ref point selection.
The suggested ref points are chosen also considering their phase…[Read more] -
paul replied to the topic Reference point selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
Thank you so much for the suggestion.
About the reference point choosing, i still have a question. When i read the SARPROZ tutorial ‘Demo: APS Estimation Multitemporal analysis with Sarproz’, it says that best reference point should reflects that both velocity and residual height distribution peak at 0. However, in the Site Processing – APS…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Envisat Importing problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
hi linweicheng,
sorry for the late answer. You are trying to import Alternating Polarization Envisat images. At the moment this particular Envisat Mode is not supported. We will include it in the near future.
Best -
periz replied to the topic Reference point selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
first of all,
velocity and residual height are two different parameters belonging to two different physical characteristics, very different from each other and usually not correlated.
then, even if the majority of radar reflections would be higher than the ground level, still, reflections would be at different height values. Unless you are in an…[Read more] -
paul started the topic Reference point selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
A question about choosing reference point:
The image below is the study (urban) area (central Florida) which features with buildings. My question is about choosing reference point. I studied the online material which says integrated residual height and velocity are supposed to be peak at 0 value. However, there might be that majority of PS are on…[Read more]
linweicheng replied to the topic Envisat Importing problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
Sorry that I forgot to upload my attachment……
I’ve also tried to import another Envisat files, but I still met the same problem.
periz replied to the topic Envisat Importing problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
Problems can be solved by doing things step by step from the beginning.
Step 0: read this https://www.sarproz.com/groups/sarproz-group/forum/topic/forum-general-rules/
In particular for what concerns files to include when one encounters errorsbest
linweicheng started the topic Envisat Importing problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
I’m trying to import two Envisat N1 files into sarproz:
ASA_APS_1PNESA20090715_015253_000000162080_00418_38548_0000.N1 and ASA_APS_1PNESA20090819_015252_000000162081_00418_39049_0000.N1
but during the SLC data import step, when i’m trying “Master Extraction”,it always shows an error message :
Here a glimpse:
In an assignment A(I) = B, the…[
periz replied to the topic Coregisteration output file format in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
if you are using matlab, you can type “fast” at the command prompt, this will load all important variables and file names. the you can use “leggi” to read the data, with Type=1. here the help:
bridgetwang replied to the topic Sentinel-1A co-registration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for the suggestion.
But how can I’ve never used the compiled version yet. Could you please tell me how to open the compiled version, and how to luanch the co-registration in more detail ?
Best regards
periz replied to the topic Sentinel-1A co-registration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
sorry, no idea. since it’s the most recent version of Matlab, then the suggestion is to write to Mathworks reporting the error.
to temporarily solve the problem, you can use the Sarproz compiled version. you just need to launch the co-registration in the compiled version, then you can switch back to Matlab for doing the rest. The Sarproz license…[Read more] -
bridgetwang replied to the topic Sentinel-1A co-registration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
yes, this file exist. And the output of “license(‘test’,’Image_Toolbox’)” is 1
is this possibly a compatibility problem ?
periz replied to the topic Manage version in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
Sorry, it seems we overlooked your post…
It sounded a system/permissions problem anyway…
But, never mind, now it works… -
uros-djuric replied to the topic Manage version in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
This problem is not present anymore with upload version from 31-May, I have successfully uploaded version by manage version module.
Thanks anyway… -
periz replied to the topic Sentinel-1A co-registration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
does this file C:Program FilesMATLABR2018atoolboximagesimagesprivateresampsep.mexw64 exist?
what is the output of “license(‘test’,’Image_Toolbox’)” at the matlab command prompt?
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