
  • Hi Ivana,

    Sorry for asking this, I want to get a clearer idea about your question: are you referring to the overlapping of different subswath? Can you give a few screenshots or something so I can have a better understanding towards your question?



  • Hi Matus,

    Yours is indeed not S1 image but TOPS based on the sarproz log file.

    This is something we never encountered and I will be more than happy to take a look.

    Just while I was doing the investigation, can you also tries to update to the newest pcodes, clean up all the directories and start with only the SLC folders again? During the last…[Read more]

  • Yuxiao started the topic MST in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    Hi there’s one question.

    I know that you advice against using MST connection in PS analysis all the time. Even when using QPS you suggested using star graph.

    My question is that: is there any kind of circumstances, that using MST is preferred? Or, in other words, MST could possibly give a better result than star-graph?

    I believe not, though..


  • Hi Dora,

    I strongly advise against using ERS-2 images after gyroscope failure. The reason is:

    It is not as simple as you change the threshold for DC, the threshold are there for a reason: it is usually set between ±0.5*(doppler centroid frequency) to discard those images that might be aliased during resampling process in coresgistration process…[Read more]

  • Yuxiao replied to the topic Geocoding in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Santiago,

    Dan will be quite busy these days so let me try to answer your questions.

    1. You can try use the external DEM in this case. There is one simple judgement to whether your geocoding went well. After geocoding, geocode your reflectivity map into Google Earth kmz file, and check in Google Earth if it is geocoded well. If it is then you…[Read more]

  • If you believe you have the correct orbit file, in the same level of your data folder, create a folder by the name of “ORBITS”, and put your orbit file in structures like this:

    ORBITS/ENVISAT/yyyymm or
    ORBITS/ERS1/yyyy or

    where yyyy is the year and mm is the month of your orbit file

    But you must make sure you have the correct one

  • Can you try to make a new folder, and only put the two envisat into the SLC folder of your new folder, and see what happens?

    It’s kind of wired because the name looks like exactly an envisat SLC image.

    Besides, what’s the point of putting three pairs of SAR images required in 1991, 1999 and 2010 together? It is pointless.

  • Can you try to make a new folder, and only put the two envisat into the SLC folder of your new folder, and see what happens?

    It’s kind of wired because the name looks like exactly an envisat SLC image.

    Besides, what’s the point of putting three pairs of SAR images required in 1991, 1999 and 2010 together? It is pointless.

  • Hi,

    Sorry that I missed a detail in your attached picture.

    I see that you’re using two sensors.

    If you want to do this, did you follow this instructions?

    “The software has also the possibility of processing two sensors together (as ERS and Envisat. See References).
    To do this, you need to create another folder within the DataSet directory.…[Read more]

  • It simply means your data is not supported, it is not IMS or APS data

    Look into the name of your N1 data, and you will know what it is

    or you can post the name here so we can know what type it is