
  • Hi Jaroslav,

    your log there is empty and does not contains the corresponding error. Please paste the correct one so I can know exactly what happened.

    Based on lasterror.mat, here is what I suspected: An orbit product was downloaded but corrupted somehow and ended in an error. To demonstrate if this is true: since you know the problematic image,…[Read more]

  • Yuxiao replied to the topic data update in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago

    Sorry Ivana, I had a fever last week and left a pile of things ahead of me.

    To solve this problem:
    Go to your corresponding /ORBITS folder and delete the “S1A” folder you’ve got there.
    Then try again.

    It should work, please let me know if it turns out the otherway.

    If it works I’ll upload a new version of codes, otherwise we need to do more…[Read more]

  • Dear Ivana,

    Among your warnings, there’s this one:

    “Your S1A imgfile: /media/DATA/mosty_ova/124_IW2_precorbs/SLC/S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20151021T050106_20151021T050133_008246_00B9C7_193A.SAFE/measurement/s1a-iw2-slc-vv-20151021t050107-20151021t050132-008246-00b9c7-005.tiff seems to be corrupted and NO HEADER INFO can be read!!! Further Process with…[Read more]

  • your log and lasterror.mat does not correspond with what you described here.

    please send them again.

  • Hi all,

    Today we’ll release a major update on Sentinel TOPS module. This update will include two main functions:

    1. Support of Sentinel-1B data;

    2. Support of automatically merging adjacent images (on azimuth direction).
    Now, if you have two (it can be more, as long as all of them are adjacent) TOPS SLC images, on the same date, same orbit,…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    Today we’ll release a major update on Sentinel TOPS module. This update will include two main functions:

    1. Support of Sentinel-1B data;

    2. Support of automatically merging adjacent images (on azimuth direction).
    Now, if you have two (it can be more, as long as all of them are adjacent) TOPS SLC images, on the same date, same orbit,…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    Today we’ll release a major update on Sentinel TOPS module. This update will include two main functions:

    1. Support of Sentinel-1B data;

    2. Support of automatically merging adjacent images (on azimuth direction).
    Now, if you have two (it can be more, as long as all of them are adjacent) TOPS SLC images, on the same date, same orbit,…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    Today we’ll release a major update on Sentinel TOPS module. This update will include two main functions:

    1. Support of Sentinel-1B data;

    2. Support of automatically merging adjacent images (on azimuth direction).
    Now, if you have two (it can be more, as long as all of them are adjacent) TOPS SLC images, on the same date, same orbit,…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    Today we’ll release a major update on Sentinel TOPS module. This update will include two main functions:

    1. Support of Sentinel-1B data;

    2. Support of automatically merging adjacent images (on azimuth direction).
    Now, if you have two (it can be more, as long as all of them are adjacent) TOPS SLC images, on the same data, same orbit,…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    Today we’ll release a major update on Sentinel TOPS module. This update will include two main functions:

    1. Support of Sentinel-1B data;

    2. Support of automatically merge adjacent images (on azimuth direction).
    Now, if you have two TOPS SLC images, on the same data, same orbit, adjacent on azimuth direction, you can simply put the two…[Read more]

  • Hi Jaroslav,

    The oversample of Sentinel is currently not supported.

    Is there a particular reason you want to oversample Sentinel data?


  • It is good to know this is a corrupted file instead of a sarproz bug. Can you probably try it again when you download again the correct file and see if it works well?


  • We need to investigate if with a good SLC file it ended up extracting a wrong area. That is why I need you to keep these files and do some tests to see if indeed there’s a bug in extracting slave images in such a case.

  • Hi Milan,

    I need you to do one experiment here:

    Create a new dataset, with ONLY the master image and all those problematic slave images.

    Then try to extract the master and slave image with the EXACT parameters you used for every step.

    Can you then check by “View Master” and “View Slave” if they roughly correspond to the same area?

    It should…[Read more]

  • Hi Milan,

    I will need the following things from you:

    1. the footprints of all your images;
    2. A printscreen of SLC import, including your master image, the center lat/lon, samples/lines;
    3. Try to see what are the slave images that are not extracted. You can do so by checking dataset.txt and see what is missing.

    I will need those info to check…[Read more]

  • Dear all,

    I see a lot of you guys are asking about sentinel orbits in sarproz, and I feel the necessity to explain it a bit better.

    Q: What are the orbits used for Sentinel?
    A: First of all, there are three types of sentinel orbits.
    The first is the built-in orbits that comes with your sentinel image. This one is the least precise orbit and is…[Read more]

  • Dear all,

    I see a lot of you guys are asking about sentinel orbits in sarproz, and I feel the necessity to explain it a bit better.

    Q: What are the orbits used for Sentinel?
    A: First of all, there are three types of sentinel orbits.
    The first is the built-in orbits that comes with your sentinel image. This one is the least precise orbit and is…[Read more]

  • Yuxiao replied to the topic Sentinel-1 issues in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Mehall,

    Do you also have a complete log (in your data folder)?

    It would be nice to look into the log also.



  • Yuxiao replied to the topic Sentinel-1 issues in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Mehall,

    The attached is not the corresponding log.

    Could you please zip the lasterror.mat and the correct log for me to take a look?



  • Yuxiao replied to the topic import sentinel data error in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years ago

    Hi Kapil,

    I’m going to take a look at the error and update the fix asap. I will let you know,


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