
  • Sorry, your mail ended up in the junkmail folder, so I didn’t see it right away.
    Thank you very much for the new code, SARPROZ is working now 🙂

  • Hey,
    thank you for your quick reply!
    You were right, I only created a startup.m file with “cd C:programspcodes”, so this was initially not the correct start path. I changed the userpath and it looks like it is trying to execute the next step. But now I get the following error:

    Configuration check…

    license file license.key not found
    [Read more]

  • Hi all,
    I am new to SARPROZ and I want to use it to process Sentinel data in my area of interest. Two weeks ago, I got the pcodes for three months of free trial. I wanted to start processing now, but unfortunaltey, SARPORZ doesn’t run properly. Every time I want to start the program with fig=main; I get the message

    Sarproz is going to set the…[Read more]

  • wammar became a registered member 8 years, 3 months ago