
  • I have one probably trivial question, when we export E-W cumulative displacement map in Multi-Sensor map, negative values stands for moving toward east or toward west? I suppose that positive values should be east and negative to the west, but just to clarify. Also, what are the conditions to use sparse export in same module? When I try to use it…[Read more]

  • Thank you prof. Perissin, for clarification, now everything is clear to me.
    The reason why I have date_1 in table is because I have loaded csv into QGIS and plotted it. Since in GIS same column name cannot exist twice, suffix _1 was added to second (fitted) value automatically by QGIS. In original .csv file everything is fine and without _1 at…[Read more]

  • Hello prof. Perissin,

    When I export processed data to CSV from time series module, (e.g. cumulative displacement), I can see that there are actually two dates and two values for the same point (latter is with _1 suffix). I suppose that those are components of cum. displacement, but can you please answer me which value stands for what (date &…[Read more]

  • Thank you for the suggestion, I will try out them.

    are you processing the full frame? if not, do it.

    I have tried both options, full frame (max extent) and smaller area.

    but the question is: what are you using these data for? for sure, no interferometry will be possible

    Actually, I was trying to recreate steps from Yuxiao tutorial (Earthquake),…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,

    I am trying to follow Yuxiao SAR intereferometry tutorial with two ERS 2 images. I have downloaded 2 time close images (11.2010 and 09.2010). Loading images is fine, I have downloaded orbits manually and selected common area for extraction.

    But when I come to co-registration, it always fails and button become yellow. I have read…[Read more]

  • This problem is not present anymore with upload version from 31-May, I have successfully uploaded version by manage version module.
    Thanks anyway…

  • Hi,

    I have problem updating to the newest version of SarProz (29. May),
    whenever I try to update it via Manage Vesrsion model, I alwasy get the same error
    “Unable to write file “C:SarProZarchivetmpmain.exe”.
    The entry may be password-protected or encrypted.”

    I always start SarProz with Run As Administrator. But, since today I have noticed
    that…[Read more]

  • Dear prof. Perissin,

    Thank you for your answer and willingness to help me.
    Answer to your questions are following:
    1. I have 47 images, Sentinel 1A sensor, IW Beam mode, subswath 2, descending aq. mode
    2. Temporal and spatial distribution you can see on attached images and dataset plots & graphs that I believe can be useful to you
    3. I am also…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,

    I would like to ask what parameters are crucial for coherence connection estimation? How to improve coh. connection in case of low results?

    I am constantly getting low coh. connection values, and most of connections are blue, while only on urbanized part of area of interest my connections are high.

    Below you can see the coh.…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    I have downloaded the newest version of Sarproz, and I am working on 48 images of Sentinel 1a data.
    Frist, I would like to say that in previous version of SarPROZ I didn’t have this issue and everything worked perfectly (same datasets).

    During Slaves extraction, I receive this error “Image N does not cover your AOI! Check footprints of N…[Read more]

  • Dear Yuxiao,

    It seems that you were right about blocked FTP. After yesterday proxy settings and updating to the newest version, on University computer, after Set orbits command, i receive following error:

    Cannot Connect to FTP site for S1 External Orbits.
    The server might be down! Please contact qyuxiao@

    Yesterday there was different error (WAR…[Read more]

  • Dear mr. Periz,

    Until now, I have changed proxy using your trick, but that have changed the license.key so you have to issue me new one.
    After that, I have started SarPROZ again, but I still have troubles with connection to internet and orbits download. So issue is still opened.On University I will have to download everything manually including…[Read more]

  • Dear mr. Periz,

    Thank you for fast answer. Before my first post, I have read the topic that you have sent me, I am aware of the possibility that I could download the orbits manually, but if I dont fix this, I could later have problems with external DEM, right? And with all other options that request connection (google image for plotting, site…[Read more]

  • Hi everyone,

    Generally, I have problem with internet connection, my computer is on University network,
    so every time when I start SarPROZ, I have error message in log

    Configuration check… having some troubles in connecting to internet, going on anyway
    …, but email after license expiration is always sent without problem

    Now, when I want…[Read more]

  • uros-djuric became a registered member 7 years, 1 month ago