steffan replied to the topic Change Detection error in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 11 months ago
My apologies. Here are the files.
steffan started the topic Change Detection error in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 11 months ago
Dear all,
I am processing change detection for image pairs. I am using Normalization. I would like the color scale to be -1 / 1 because I think Sarproz is setting to Min/Max when I use Stretch -> None (-0.6 / 0.6). If I use Stretch -> Absolute Value I get an error:
Undefined function or variable ‘d’
Am I doing something wrong here?
steffan started the topic How can I display PS points onto regular grid in Google Earth? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago
I am going to export PS scatter plot to KML for viewing in Google Earth. Naturally these points are arranged erratically according to real world PS position. I would like to arrange points onto a regular grid of equidistant spacing along Lat/Long for better presentation. Is it possible to do this in Sarproz or would I have to post-process the…[Read more]
steffan replied to the topic Displacement velocity too high? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Dear friends,
I have good news and bad news…
Good news – Using “orbits only” coregistration parameter not only made coregistration much faster but also corrected the failed interferograms from before, excelent!
Bad news: There is still ramping, mostly in azimuth, and strange results.
A – First the ramping pairs:
B – Now the…[Read more]
steffan replied to the topic Displacement velocity too high? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Dear Yuxiao,
I have sent you the site log file to the provided email address.
In the meantime I will check out “orbits only” coregistration.
steffan replied to the topic Displacement velocity too high? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
So I re-cogistered the dataset (I know I didn’t have to, oh well) and increased the number of reference points to 500K. Didn’t notice any errors except S1_Stitching like before. Using Max Area for AOI selection.
Then I changed to MST graph I processed Interferograms. There still seems to be a lot of problems…
Ramping in numerous images, here…[Read more]
steffan replied to the topic Displacement velocity too high? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
So for APS estimation with 130+ images I can reduce amp. stab. thresh to much lower levels? I will try something like .75 and see what happens.
The only coregistration errors I got were S1 Stitching erros, which I inquired in another thread and was told to ignore. I will try coregistering the dataset again and see if there are any errors on those…[Read more]
steffan started the topic Sparse Points are offset? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
Hello Forum,
Is there any way to better align exported points with Google Earth?
Here is an example:
steffan replied to the topic Displacement velocity too high? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
Hello friends,
I followed the tutorial by Mr. Yuxiao very closely. Results seem much better than before, but there are still a couple of anomalies.
First, the resulting points from 0.85 thresh amp. stab:
Coherence Before:
Graph Coherence;
Parameters Plot…
Coherence after weighting (0.8; 0.95)
Coherence…[Read more]
steffan replied to the topic Displacement velocity too high? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
After reprocessing the point of interest with 135 images, the results are the same (extremes of displacement).
Here are examples:
Here are APS parameters:
Maybe this time series can provide some insight:
Thank you!
steffan replied to the topic S1_STITCHING error in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
Thank you Yuxiao
steffan replied to the topic Displacement velocity too high? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
Dear periz,
I am reprocessing the dataset with 135 images (from 60 previous), I will post the results soon.
Thank you
steffan started the topic S1_STITCHING error in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
Hello Forum,
I am processing 135 Sentinel 1 images. During Slave extraction I get the following error on many images:
Extract Slave from a different look: date 20170201…Done.Is this a problem or can I ignore it?
Thank you
steffan started the topic Displacement velocity too high? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
I have been experimenting with a stack of 60+ S1 images from Jan 2017 to Dec 2017. I have followed the tutorials, especially the notes by Mr. Timo Balz, and have completed all the steps with the recommended parameters.
I exported the def. trend to analyse the velocities of the points, and some of them have extreme results (40-50mm per…[Read more]
steffan started the topic Normalization in change detection? Yes or no? in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Normalization places the amplitude values of the product in well defined parameters, correct?
For Long term change analysis, does this in any way result in the loss of information? Does it facilitate comparison between images taken in different periods? What benefit is there leaving it off?
The tutorials available on the site all seem to have…[Read more]
steffan replied to the topic How can I stop Google Earth auto-loading KML after Export? in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Thank you!
steffan started the topic How can I stop Google Earth auto-loading KML after Export? in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I am processing a very large volume of change detection (60+ S1 images), and exporting as KML for later viewing in GE. The problem is GE opens the output every time after processing, is there any way I can stop it?
steffan replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
For anyone having the same problem, selecting an appropriate manual GCP seems to fix the problem. Roads and other landscape features are properly aligned now. I used a floodlight from a football field and it seems to do the job just fine.
The all zero error seems to be due to ocean, as the satellite data does cover some coastal area.
Thanks for the help.
steffan replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I am now getting an SRTM error:
sel_par: neither file D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017RESULTSDemSynt nor D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017RESULTSDemSynt.mat found
files D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017RESULTSDemSynt and D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017RESULTSDemSynt.mat not found
leggi_srtm: Warning! file D:SNAPBejaBeja_SARSLC2017..SRTMN05W033.hgt is all zeros!!…[Read more]
steffan replied to the topic Slight offset after orthorectification (S1) in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I will try to select a different GCP than the auto GCP option. What are the best practices for GCP selection at Sentinel 1 resolution? I am aware posts are good for higher res. sensors, but what about ST1? A building?
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