
  • periz started the topic Sarproz Release 2021.0 in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Dear all,
    after more than one year of pandemic, lockdowns and all related issues and troubles, we want to summarize a bit what is going on about Sarproz.

    As you know, we have switched to an online remote mode for delivering Sarproz courses. Next SAR/InSAR Sarproz course will be held in June. Please write to courses at sarproz…[Read more]

  • dumindarw replied to the topic Spatial Ramps in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Dear Professor Periz

    Thank you for your respond, I do really appreciate your attention on the matter and I am really sorry for being in the middle during a very busy time. I will write to support!

    Thanks a lot!

  • periz replied to the topic Spatial Ramps in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Hi Duminda,
    to give you a proper advice we need to see your data. Please be patient a few days, it’s a busy time. Please write an email to support, we’ll get back to you soon.

  • dumindarw replied to the topic Spatial Ramps in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Spatial Trends and parameters

  • dumindarw started the topic Spatial Ramps in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Dear Professor Periz

    I have been working with 33 Sentinel 1(mid 2019-2021) images on a Mater area of Radius 10Km in a mountainous region under small scale earthquake deformation study. In the APS estimation for the estimated parameters especially the Integrated Velocity shows spatial ramps in the inverted residuals estimation. I have gone through…[Read more]

  • bridgetwang replied to the topic Big dataset processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Now it is totally clear to me. I appreciated all of your answers, thank you!

  • periz replied to the topic in the forum Big dataset processing 4 years ago

    ASI and reflectivity maps are calculated using the set of images of your dataset, independently from the images graph (which is something related to operations involving pairs of images)
    this means, if you change the set of images, you have to reprocess ASI and REFL maps

  • bridgetwang replied to the topic in the forum Big dataset processing 4 years ago

    Thank you so much for the prompt reply. Now I understand where the problem is.

    So does it also mean that, everytime if I change the graph e.g. from STAR to Full graph or MST, I should re-process the ASI for the current graph?

  • periz replied to the topic in the forum Big dataset processing 4 years ago

    if you select your points based e.g. on the amplitude stability index == ASI > 0.75 and you get the same amount of points in subsets A, B and C, the explanation is only one: ASI is the same in the 3 datasets.
    Instead, for each subset you have to re-process the ASI so that you will get 3 quantities: ASI_A, ASI_B and ASI_C

  • bridgetwang replied to the topic Big dataset processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Dear Prof. Daniele,

    I had asked in the forum that I coregistered and processed a long time series dataset including 280 images, and then I changed the “Dataset.txt” to process different subsets individually in one project. Here is the question link:Big dataset processing

    The 3 subset is 2010-2012,2012-2014,2014-2016, and the whole dataset is fr…[Read more]

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your reply. We will have to analyze large areas, so a per pixel value is of interest. Is it possible to have a value at the 4 corners of the area of interest to interpolate the incidence angle per pixel instead?

  • bridgetwang replied to the topic Temporary PSI in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Thank you very much for your answer as quick as ever! I’ll follow the tutorial to do a test.
    Sure, I’d like to take the course when our financial support could afford it. 🙂

  • Hi,
    at the moment we do not have an option to generate a matrix of incidence angle values for all pixels, accessible from the compiled version. You can get it only using the pcodes, because it’s a low-level function. However, do you really need this value for all pixels? if you are not analyzing a huge area, probably an average value is enough. To…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic Temporary PSI in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    here you can see how to process and check amplitude time series (part III):
    To use the result of the amplitude time series processing in the phase time series analysis, you just need to use the amplitude model as weight.
    For a more complete discussion and explanation, the best way would be taking a…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,

    I am interested in getting the value of the incidence angle per pixel. I saw on the forum a way of doing it with the MATLAB version of SARPROZ, however I am using the compiled version. How could I get this information using the compiled version of SARPROZ?

    I intend to use the incidence angle per pixel for post-processing…[Read more]

  • bridgetwang started the topic Temporary PSI in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years ago

    Dear Daniele,
    I’m processing a long time series of CSK urban data spanning more than 5 years. I’d like to try to implement the “Temporary PSI” method in SARPROZ to get estimation of temporary targets sunch as new constructions or collapse.
    Could you please give me a guidence on how to implement this method in SARPROZ?
    Also, I’ve read your paper…[Read more]

  • Hi,
    generally speaking, read carefully this:
    In your case, given this message: “get_master_pts: previous files available. Exiting. ”
    start over the whole process again (don’t update the site, re-extract the master image)

  • Hi,

    I want to use an external DEM, and I selected it at the DEM source at coregistration parameters, but when I try to run coregistration I get the error I listed below this message.
    I have tried 2 DEM .tif files:
    – High Mountain Asia from NSIDC
    – AW3D30 from JAXA
    and they definitely cover the selected area.

    Coordinates System:
    Horizontal…[Read more]

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