sjhossene replied to the topic Sentinel orbits problem, new release, new server in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi Prof
Thank you, professor, I did your instructions and the system was fixed and updated.Thanks
sjhossene replied to the topic Sentinel orbits problem, new release, new server in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 4 months ago
Hello Prof Periz
Where we can download last version of SARPROZ. I can not update my sarproze. when I want to update, the below err appeared.An ERROR occurred and was saved in the file lasterror.mat, directory C:SARPROZE
The LOG FILE can be found here 09_Nov_2021_12_41_36_sarproz.log, directory C:SARPROZE
Please read carefully the document…[
sjhossene replied to the topic Sarproz Release 2019.1 in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 12 months ago
Hi Prof Periz
Thanks for the quick response,, I’m still having trouble downloading meteorological data from darksky.com ( read_w_darksky: failed reading data online!!!).
I installed a new Java version, but can not download meteorological data from darksky.com.
Thanks in advance.
SJ-Hossene -
sjhossene replied to the topic Sarproz Release 2019.1 in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years ago
Hi Prof Periz
I have encountered a problem recently when I want to download data from the site of darksky.com. Is this a software issue or is it due to stop and not support the site?
Thank you -
sjhossene replied to the topic E-W, U-D decomposition in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 3 months ago
Hello professor
Thank you for your quick response and accurate.Please let me ask you three questions in this regard
1- How can we calculate time series changes along east -west and vertical velocity for a given point?
2- Is not possible to export e-w velocity and vertical velocity in Multi- Sensor Module or other section of SARPROZ?
3- What…[Read more]
sjhossene replied to the topic E-W, U-D decomposition in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Hello professor
Thanks for your quick response.How can I decomposing them?
I downloaded the last version of the software today and did these steps to to estimate the vertical and E-W components.1- Imported TS objects for AS&DS tracks and loaded them in the multi-sensor module. In this step PASS and Track in upper table are empty!? while PASS…[Read more]
sjhossene replied to the topic E-W, U-D decomposition in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Hello professor
Thanks for your quick response.
That is true.
These values are along LOS. I generated TS objects for AS&DS and then loaded them in the multi-sensor module and combined them to estimate the vertical components.Figure A shows combination of Ascending-Descending TS objects.
And Figure B shows combination of Ascending -De…[Read more]
sjhossene started the topic E-W, U-D decomposition in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Hello dear colleagues
one question
The following figures show the deformation evaluation of the 2 salt diapirs in the ascending and descending tracks.
Why are the values inverted in two ascending and descending tracks ?The following figure 2 shows Vertical Velocity Displacement along Ascending and Descending tracks
thanks in advance
sjhossene replied to the topic Small area geocoding panel in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Thank you for your quick response.
How can I attend courses or can I upgrade one at my university?
Are there no distance learning courses? (Webinar?)Best
sjhossene replied to the topic Small area geocoding panel in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Hi dear colleagues
I have a basic question about “parameters range” in “APS Estimation” or”processing parameters“.
In the “Multi-Image InSAR Processing” section, when i selecting “APS Estimation” , on what basis should values be selected in1- Linear trend (On what basis parameters range should be chosen?)
2-Hieght (On what basis par…[
sjhossene replied to the topic Sentinel-1 interferograms processing problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
sjhossene replied to the topic Sentinel-1 interferograms processing problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
I got a problem !!
On site processing
In the «InSAR processing»
In the «Interferogram processing»It only goes up to 25% and will not change !!
sjhossene started the topic Small area geocoding panel in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
Hello colleagues
What’s the difference between the following 5 numbers?
What is the annual rate?
What is the cumulative annual rate?
Which one does the graph represent? -
sjhossene replied to the topic update online error in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 7 months ago
Hello dear colleagues
What is the latest version of SARPROZ?
I installed compile_2019-07-15.
Is there a newer version of SARPROZ?
Hossine -
sjhossene replied to the topic update online error in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 7 months ago
Hi Prof and thanks to reply speedly
when i want to update SARPROZ the below error appear :Connection SetUp
An error occurred and was saved in the file lasterror.mat, directory C:SARPROZE
If you need assistance, please send the file lasterror.mat to support@sarproz.com
Please include also file 27_Aug_2019_09_14_37_sarproz.log
Here a…[Read more]
sjhossene replied to the topic update online error in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 7 months ago
Hello dear colleagues
What is the latest version of Matlab compiler that support by SARPROZ software? -
sjhossene became a registered member 5 years, 7 months ago