
  • Hello,

    I have a number of datasets that I’ve created long ago by cropping an original one.

    I would like to get the footprint of these datasets, similar to the MasterArea.kml file that is created when master and slaves images are extratcted (in SLC data import).

    Is there anyway to get it? Or Is there any file (log file maybe?) from where I can…[Read more]

  • Hello Daniele,

    I’m interested in getting this information too. I exported the Synthetic Amplitude via the Time Series Module and would like know whether its values are the normalized ones you mention to Ivana.

    I enclose the created CSV file. As you see the values for the first date are always 0. Why? Is it the Synthetic Amplitude the correct…[Read more]

  • Hi Daniele,

    Yes, you are right! I confused the terms. I know that what I’m seeing are amplitude values,

    Thanks for the description and the info,

  • Hello,

    I need some help with the interpretation of the Amplitude Stability Graph.

    The file I attach corresponds to a plot created from the results of Small Area Processing,in the geocoding section. Which are the points which actually show the Amplitude Index? The small red dots? What do the other points mean?

    Thank you.


  • Hello Daniele,

    I ask you again about the YYYYMMDD fields but this time in the .csv file created from the Small Area processing.

    According to what I see it seems that they contain the single displacement for each date instead of the cumulative one (in the field corresponding to the master image eveything is 0, that’s why I think this is the…[Read more]

  • seppi-santiago replied to the topic Parameters Range in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    Yes, this question regards APS processing (and Sparse Points processing too), and yes, there is a particularly rapidly moving point (in comparison to the others), with which I didn’t mean that the rest or the points are stable, but moving slower instead. It is a landslide area where only few points (among them the Corner Reflectors) are identified…[Read more]

  • seppi-santiago started the topic Parameters Range in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago


    I’ve got a number of GPS measurement for a set of Corner Reflectors which are identified as PS within SarProz.

    When looking at the GPS measurements, projected into LOS, the displacement velocity ranges in general from 0 to -500 mm/yr, except for 1 point where that reaches almost -1000 mm/yr.

    The question is, is it ok to input this -1000…[Read more]

  • Hello,
    The R and DSF parameters stand for stratified APS processing? what do they mean and how are they used?



  • Hello,
    The R and DSF parameters stand for stratified APS processing, what do they mean and how are they used?



  • Ok, I’ve visualized it and it is wrong, all zero values. The command prompt tells me this:

    ” wrong saturation values!” Must be NaN < Min < Max < NaN”

    I reselected the DEM, I manually re-wrote the GCP and projected again the DEM amplitude in SAR coordinates. Still seeing all zeros in SAR coordinates.

    What should I do?


  • Dan,

    I’ve checked it with the DEM Visualization tool (screenshot attached), finding no NaNs, but according to the manual this displays the DEM in Geo coordinates, which file corresponds to the DEM in SAR coordinates?


  • I enclose my log file,

    I remember that when you warned me about NaN values in my DEMI checked it and I converted them to zero.
    When I made that correction I restarted the process again from the external DEM selection to make sure it was updated.


  • Lasterror.mat was not attached in the previous message,

  • Hi dan,

    Then it is desirable to ckeck it even if estimating displacement only (from what you say I interpret that it is used to remove the topographic phase reding it from my DEM, which in this case is a high-resolution one).

    I have tried to re-process my dataset again with this option checked, and apart from taking too long (~8 hrs) I can’t…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    According to Timo’s notes, I interpret that the Ext. DEM option is for Height Estimation only.

    However some times I have accidentally ckeched the Ext Dem option, when estimating displacement only(height neglected), and I’ve seen the Connections Processing takes much longer. My question then is, does the Ext. Dem option have something to…[Read more]

  • seppi-santiago started the topic Sub-setting in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago


    I’ve made a subset of my images, but then I have realized that the extracted area exceeds my DEM coverage. However, my AOI (around the yellow placemark in the screenshot) is fully covered.

    Will that bring problems in the further processing or I can I proceed without inconvenience?


    PS: In enclose a screenshot, in blue the DEM…[Read more]

  • Ciao Dan,

    Here the names of two of the images:


    I know this is not the propper place to ask this, but have you experienced recently problems to download Sentinel-1 data?


  • Hello, I’m starting to work with a small dataset of Sentinel-1 TOPS images to create some interferograms.

    These images have VV and VH polarizations. However, when getting the contents in SLC Data Import, only the VV one is available to choose.

    Has this happened to anyone here? Has this issue already been discussed in another thread?

    Thanks ,

  • Then, the cumulative displacement shouldn’t be equal to the displacement for the last acquisition?

    I give you a concrete example:

    20120803 (First Acquisition): 0.00
    20120819: 0.43
    20150112 (Last Acquisition): -14.53 —-> This is the displacement of 20151212 respect to 20120803??
    CUMULDISP: -15.54

  • Hello Daniele,

    I have a doubt regarding the fields YYYYMMDD (created with the time series option) which seem to be showing displacement values. These values refer to a cumulative displacement (i.e. the cumulative displacement at date 20010721) or to the single displacement registered for that acquisition (in that case, respec to to whom or when?…[Read more]

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