
  • Hi all,

    Today we’ll release a major update on Sentinel TOPS module. This update will include two main functions:

    1. Support of Sentinel-1B data;

    2. Support of automatically merging adjacent images (on azimuth direction).
    Now, if you have two (it can be more, as long as all of them are adjacent) TOPS SLC images, on the same data, same orbit,…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    Today we’ll release a major update on Sentinel TOPS module. This update will include two main functions:

    1. Support of Sentinel-1B data;

    2. Support of automatically merge adjacent images (on azimuth direction).
    Now, if you have two TOPS SLC images, on the same data, same orbit, adjacent on azimuth direction, you can simply put the two…[Read more]

  • Yes, you are right, all the problems are solved now.

    Thank you, Ivana

  • hi Ivana,
    all these errors are relative to file permissions…

  • Hello,

    I am attaching another error I got within the coregistration process, it looks similarly, so maybe it is a kind of general error… I don’t know.

    Please let me know if the problem is on my side… but I am encountering it for the first time in two different (coregistration) directories.

    Thank you, Ivana

  • Hello,

    I am using the sub-dataset function for the first time and I found a small bug (however, it does not let me continue). Attaching the log. Despite all the warnings, the refl map looks normally, the “final” problem is with writing the GCP data.

    (linux-compiled version)

    Thank you in advance,

  • Hi Yuxiao,
    I just got an advice, that oversampling could improve the results, and could not though, so I wanted to try it.
    Since it’s neither likely to help, nor supported in SARPROZ, I don’t see a reason to raise a dust.


  • Hi Jaroslav,

    The oversample of Sentinel is currently not supported.

    Is there a particular reason you want to oversample Sentinel data?


  • Hello,
    I wanted to oversample my Sentinel-1 data, but got message, that oversampling for Sentinel-1 is not supported.
    Is it not implemented yet or just a tomporary problem?


  • It is good to know this is a corrupted file instead of a sarproz bug. Can you probably try it again when you download again the correct file and see if it works well?


  • ok,

    so, I have tried this – i used the same master and put only 4 wrong slaves in a “test” project.
    Two of them were extracted (normally?):

    4 Slave images have not been extracted!!

    Extracting Slave Images

    SLC data extraction

    Your S1A imgfile:…[Read more]

  • We need to investigate if with a good SLC file it ended up extracting a wrong area. That is why I need you to keep these files and do some tests to see if indeed there’s a bug in extracting slave images in such a case.

  • Thank you Yuxiao, in the meantime I tried something else:

    I have removed the corrupted files and removed also these wrongly cropped images, re-extracted slaves and – it is working normally now..

    I would like to recommend some test for corrupted files. Also, I don’t understand why the presence of one corrupted file caused that another file was…[Read more]

  • Hi Milan,

    I need you to do one experiment here:

    Create a new dataset, with ONLY the master image and all those problematic slave images.

    Then try to extract the master and slave image with the EXACT parameters you used for every step.

    Can you then check by “View Master” and “View Slave” if they roughly correspond to the same area?

    It should…[Read more]

  • Hi Yuxiao,

    thank you.
    So, I have realized that the coreg-erroneous slave images are cropped from totally different area!
    (it is strange, even the jpg previews were not generated, i had to do it manually and saw that they are after Slave Extraction from totally different location.. please note that I use precise orbits normally here…)

    Let’s try…[Read more]

  • Hi Milan,

    I will need the following things from you:

    1. the footprints of all your images;
    2. A printscreen of SLC import, including your master image, the center lat/lon, samples/lines;
    3. Try to see what are the slave images that are not extracted. You can do so by checking dataset.txt and see what is missing.

    I will need those info to check…[Read more]

  • only adding a comment – the coregistration errors are accompanied by following message:
    Error in amp_corr(): Match parameters missing!

    do you have any clues?
    thank you

  • Hi,

    using the latest (compiled) version, I got some error (attached) when trying to extract slaves.
    This was tried in two different datasets (same area, but ascending and descending tracks).
    I have manually checked the files and they should contain the overlapping area normally..

    Does the lasterror say something about corrupted images?…[Read more]

  • hi Dan,

    thank you very much. I have recreated the Image.conf using the command you wrote me. Everything works well now.
    I will perform the same processing steps in another area to see if i can recreate the error. Anyway, it can be also again caused by the permissions due to my VM system, maybe due to accessing the structure from…[Read more]

  • Thanks Dan,
    Yes, I tried with these options and it gives very good output when we have dense PS, but in case of sparse point it overlap the PS after increasing the radius. Is there any way to change the background colour of these map output? We completely lost the all PS which has the blue colour due to blue background. It will be very good if in…[Read more]

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