periz replied to the topic Sentinel TOPS threads in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
We are working at stitching subsequent images together. Up to now Sarproz never did it, we always worked with single footprints.
The reason for renaming images acquired on the same day was a quick and dirty solution for managing TanDEM-x bistatic pairs without changing the naming convention.
What you can do at this moment is working on them…[Read more] -
matusbakon replied to the topic Sentinel TOPS threads in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
hi there, apparently there’s a problem with renaming the Sentinel-1 images with the same dates.
when the duplicates are deleted from SLC directory, it is possible to continue with proccesing.
lasterror.mat and log files attached
stevexu replied to the topic SPP geocoding export in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for your suggestion. I am trying, ‘Height’ here mean the accumulative height, doesn’t it?
periz replied to the topic SPP geocoding export in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
the “smart” function implements a non-linear analysis, so, it is clear that the linear velocity will not be estimated
use the Cumulative displacement instead.
consider anyway that here the key point is the estimation of the height.
after the smart, you could repeat the analysis reading the height previously estimated and estimating a new linear…[Read more] -
stevexu started the topic SPP geocoding export in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
The result estimated by linear trend is not so impressive. I shall consider use the smart5, but how to make it export the geocoded SPP displayed on the Googleearth? Last time I directly use the smart5, system give an error on the miss of inupt Vel.mat.
The result does not show the main subsidence in Xiaodian area, which was eager to detected.
anarizka replied to the topic Geocoding Display Error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
Dear Prof.Daniele
Please, Find attach error file below
Best Regards,
periz replied to the topic Geocoding Display Error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
1. that is no “software error”. it’s a message about terms called “master error” and “reference error”. if the software returns an error you get the usual messages “an error occurred … lasterror.mat was saved …”
2. probably you clicked on a pixel which is not a PS. but as I can see from that attachment, a PS IS selected and its parameters ARE…[Read more] -
anarizka replied to the topic Geocoding Display Error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
Dear Prof.Daniele
From the problem above, It is SOLVE and OK.
But, After I re-processing my data, Any problem occur.
I used 20 ENVISAT ASAR image and using STAR-graph (before I used MST-graph).
In Site Processing toolbox, I have done and have very good result based on coherence graph (See image).
I want to generate Geocoding, it’s mean I must…[Read more] -
stevexu replied to the topic Concerning parellel ool numbers in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
I think I made a mistake, it was the logical cores…
stevexu started the topic Concerning parellel ool numbers in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
I change to a 8 core machine, why the SARproz can only find 4 local workers?
periz replied to the topic PSInSAR Result Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
I am afraid this is an overfitting case.
I suppose you do not have many images, so, in such case I do not suggest you to estimate the thermal expansion.
Also, keep height and velocity ranges small in the APS estimation.
Better you remove high points when estimating the APS.
The APS estimation process should be kept as simple as possible. Later in…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic Generic question about PS preliminary selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
I am tempted to answer in the following way:
whatever the initial PSC you select, there is no better way to identify the good targets as with the temporal coherence. That is, the best way to state if a point is reliable or not is to look at the phase dispersion after analyzing the connections. With “analyzing the connections” I mean processing the…[Read more] -
alfredo_rocca replied to the topic APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
Hi Anarizka,
1) Here my personal suggestion about your first question. The best way to understand the goodness of your results (both preliminary and final) is based on the knowledge about the process you are investigating. You should address your specific case study (landslide? subsidence? localised structural issues?) being driven by a general…[Read more]
stevexu started the topic Generic question about PS preliminary selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
I do got this quest for quite a long time, as we use the typical solution of selecting PS candidates by choosing
1.Amp Stab. 1-sig/mu, which is a modified version of amplitude dispersion index. What about other choices?
2.RCS, is that for the ratio of clutter and signal?
3.Temp-phase, is that for the phase dispersion index?
4.Amp Stab…[Read more]
stevexu replied to the topic Audio output concerning error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
I am running with your suggestion, it will take quite a while, hope it works.
periz replied to the topic Audio output concerning error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
DataSet Selection –> Advanced Parameters –> disable “Play Sounds”
let me know if this solves your issue -
anarizka started the topic PSInSAR Result Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
dear prof.Daniele
Could you give me suggestion and opinion from my PS results?
1. Why residual height results still rather high? In APS parameter I put -50 x 502. Why thermal expansion is not linear with building height ?
I have assumption, I dont know it’s true or not.
-Right side area is more density than left area, so in right area thermal…[Read more] -
stevexu started the topic Audio output concerning error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
I do not know why, but soft is plagued by some audio output error, and following by some errors of simulating noise statistics. Why could be the underlying causes, how could I solve it?
anarizka replied to the topic APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
Dear Prof.Daniele
I would like to ask,
1. based on what we can conclude that SAR has good results and can use the APS options ( IP , IR , Tri.IR ) in the area of the case study ? Can you attach some paper / reference, in order to we can understand more each parameter. It is not enough to judge like your say that “the APS looks ok and the tes…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic MST sparse point Multi-image processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 6 months ago
What do you mean that this is wrong? How can you say it’s wrong?
Don’t be afraid that a temporal noise in this case is not corresponding to a spatial noise.
In space you are applying several smoothing operations (interferogram filtering, unwrapping, APS estimation)
so, it is reasonable to expect a spatial correlation in the results
the problem is…[Read more] - Load More