admin replied to the topic Co-registration Step in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi Fatma,
there are many messages in your log:
a. failed to connect to askgeo.com! This means that weather data have not been downloaded. You can do it manually later (from the dataset selection window). By the way, Yuxiao just updated this code, it will be more efficient in a future Sarproz release.
b. WARNING probably the shift is too large.…[
periz replied to the topic interpretation of results: results attached in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi Shweta.
About your questions:
a. if you get errors, you have to send me the lasterror.mat and the log file. Anyway, here the last version of pcodes (which may have solved your matter): http://we.tl/bw8etoJaqY
b. not all operations in the sw have to be performed. E.g. the MST estimation is optional. Be careful: if you do it, automatically…[Read more] -
admin replied to the topic Reg: interpretation of results: results attached in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi Shweta.
Firstly, apologies to the forum members for spamming their email folders.
Let’s see if the jpg I am attaching is going to work.About your questions:
a. if you get errors, you have to send me the lasterror.mat and the log file. Anyway, here the last version of pcodes (which may have solved your matter): http://we.tl/bw8etoJaqY
b. not…[
admin replied to the topic Reg: interpretation of results: results attached in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
test again
admin replied to the topic Reg: interpretation of results: results attached in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Testing an attachment
admin replied to the topic Radarsat-2 data in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
I suggest you to go through the tutorials and exercises section in this website.
To export your data in google earth, you should use the extended geocoding function.
Please be aware that, if you import SLC data, the software gives you all the tools for area selection, visualization and so on.
If you import RSLC data, the assumption is that you…[Read more] -
admin replied to the topic Radarsat-2 data in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
If you want to ” re-extract and co-register” you need original SLC data.
If you want to choose a different master among your images (no re-extraction co-registration) you can do it via “Dataset selection”.
If you want to extract a new (smaller area) dataset from the current one, use “sub-dataset extraction”.Sarproz usually chooses the Master…[Read more]
admin replied to the topic Radarsat-2 data in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
If you are importing data which have already been extracted and co-registered by Gamma, then there is no need any more to extract and co-register them again… Not only: since you do not have original SLC data, the SLC data module cannot work… The software is right in telling you that no data is found (if you would be importing SLC data, you…[Read more]
admin replied to the topic Radarsat-2 RSLC data import in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
I need to see the log file and the lasterror.mat. Anyway, check your file permissions in the directory where Sarproz is installed and also in the data directory. Usually, when you launch it, Sarproz checks if you have write permissions and it returns a warning message if anything wrong is found…
periz created the group sarproz-group 10 years, 1 month ago