
  • Thanks!
    it was indeed a bug. But in the future we’ll remove the fine APS processing in the MISP module, because it’s not really needed.
    The updated version (which is in fact coming with many new things -check the updates list!-) is already online.

  • Dear all,

    in the last Sarproz release a new module is included: “Manage Version” (button in “DataSet Selection”).
    You can use that module to download new releases and also for switching between different sw versions.
    This can be particularly useful for fast bug solving and/or beta testing of new features.
    A full list of software modifications…[Read more]

  • Based on the Radarsat-2 data we processed up to now,
    the software searches for directories containing the string “_RST2”.
    I suggest you at this moment to manually rename your directories including such string.
    We may change the code later when we will confirm the naming convention.

  • periz replied to the topic QPS with DEM in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 12 months ago

    Hi Ivana,

    first of all, QPS is a title which we used in a paper. However, as you have seen, Sarproz does not allow straight “PS” or “QPS” approaches. In fact, one can choose among many different options:
    a. Images graph. The Star graph is adopted for PS-like approaches. For other approaches, you can choose the images graph better suiting your…[Read more]

  • Good we have analyzed and solved all matters.

    1. if in a dataset of 15 images there are 2 or 3 bad images with high shifts, it is useless to process all of them with non-standard parameters: firstly, one has to coregister the dataset with standard parameters, after that one can deal with the faulty images one by one searching for the proper way…[Read more]

  • 1. “Size inputs must be integers” never happened to me before. please let’s have a remote session, if the image is corrupted we need a better check with consequent message.
    2. “corregistrated slaves were shifted directly in the image where Slaves Extraction is stopping now” don’t know what you mean
    3. Higher Delta and Coarse Xcorr usually sol…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic DEM coregistration in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago

    At this moment the preliminary geocoding options are:
    – keeping the orbits as they are
    – using an automatic way through an external DEM (which is done just comparing the reflectivity map with the synthetic amplitude)
    – using a manual ground control point

    Since the software was initially designed for high-quality high-resolution urban-structural…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago

    The stratification option is used to estimate a correlation between APS and elevation (DEM).
    If you work in a mountainous area and if you have coherent point at different altitudes, you can use it and it should help compensating the vertical stratification of the APS.

    DSF is the downsampling factor of the final APS. R is the length of the…[Read more]

  • You are correct.
    Sarproz is also doing some further checks. E.g. in the recent releases it tells you explicitly if there was any kind of precipitation in the date chosen as Master. It’s important to avoid any possible source of errors in your Master image.
    Also, it would be a good practice to chose the Master image in winter, when the atmospheric…[Read more]

  • Hi Ivana
    This is the logic behind Sarproz: it firstly estimates the center of the scene, and it gives you an area around the center with a given radius. If you want to move the area, you have to shift the coordinates of the center. Then the extension is chosen either by changing the radius, or by inputting manually the desired final size of your…[Read more]

  • it looks correct, but you have to unpack the files
    if anything is not in the right place, the sw will tell you what he searches for

  • the error u sent here shows that the sw cannot connect to the ftp server for downloading orbital data

    u have the following options:

    a. find a better internet connection (e.g. via a VPN)

    b. download manually the data from and store them in a folder called G:ORBITS
    files have to be organized according to sensor and year…[Read more]

  • Hi Vinay,
    as you can clearly read in the messages, if you get an error, in order to get assistance you have to send the lasterror.mat and the log files

  • Hi Vinay,
    as you can clearly read in the messages, if you get an error, in order to get assistance you have to send the lasterror.mat and the log files

  • Hi Vinay,
    as you can clearly read in the messages, if you get an error, in order to get assistance you have to send the lasterror.mat and the log files

  • The software has some default parameters for coregistration.
    If the coregistration fails at the first step, one has to plot the images to check why it failed.
    Then, depending on the reason, you can change the coregistration parameters.

    In your case, the two images look similar and have corresponding features that can be used for coregistering…[Read more]

  • a. before exporting data, I suggest you to use the “visualization tools” to explore the results. In particular, histograms and scatter plots are very useful tools. In the scatter plots, you can analyze the correlation between different parameters, you can plot them in 2D/3D in SAR coordinates or geographic coordinates, you can place many…[Read more]

  • While waiting for more documentation to come,
    I open a new topic on this matter for the newcomers.
    In Sarproz, Persistent Scatterers interferometry is applied to un-filtered full-resolution data.
    This means that you do not need to generate interferograms if you want to process Persistent Scatterers.
    It is suggested to process interferograms if…[Read more]

  • Hi Fatma,
    I moved your post to a new topic, because it’s dealing with an important matter.
    Sarproz has been designed to recover from almost any situation.
    You should NEVER need to start processing things over again.
    In particular, for interferogram processing, in InSAR Params (section of the manual) you can tick the “update”
    option and…[Read more]

  • admin replied to the topic APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Qingli.

    APS processing module options:
    – I.P. stays for Inverted Parameters
    – I.R. Inverted Residuals
    – Tri. I.R. Triangular Inverted Residuals
    Generally, you should use the I.R. option. If the APS looks ok and the test shows a homogeneous high coherence in your analyzed area, then you can proceed further and be assured that everything is…[Read more]

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