
  • periz replied to the topic DEM correction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Milan,

    the key question is: in which format is your DEM?
    if it’s geotiff, nothing to do (unless you find the way to re-write the geotiff).
    The sw reads the fill-in boxes only if you are loading a matrix in gamma-format (read the manual).
    In that case, changing the lat-lon coordinates has the wished effect.

    To understand the error message you…[Read more]

  • Hi PY,

    my suggestion would be first of all to look at interferograms.
    case A. you have no coherence. Then the question is: is it on the mountains?
    case A1. yes it’s on the mountains. Then download the last sw version and use the DEM-dependent coregistration refinement. This module requires a well aligned DEM. And it still needs some optimization…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic "set orbits" error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    download the last pcodes (through the “manage version” module), I included a version check and an automatic choice between flip and flipdim

  • periz replied to the topic "set orbits" error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    this is a new matlab function: flip.
    if you get an error, it means u do not have it, that is, u have an older matlab
    I’ll insert a simple version check.
    U can quickly solve it by copying and renaming the function “flipdim” to “flip”

  • periz replied to the topic "set orbits" error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    to upload mat and log files, please zip them.
    Without them I cannot track the error
    Anyway, I guess that you did not download the last sw version, did you?
    To do so, use the “manage version” module.
    I think that that error was a temporarily caused by a sw update and it was already fixed…

  • Hi Ana,
    the size you have chosen is even smaller than the (default) reference window used for the coregistration (64 pixels as you can see in the coregistration parameters).
    Maybe if you make those numbers match it will work (I never tested the smaller possible area to coregister).
    Usually, even for test or educational purposes, we take bigger…[Read more]

  • Hi Ana,
    from the pictures you are attaching here I cannot see your problem.
    Did you generate the kmz file of the Reflectivity Map? Only with that kmz you can see if your image has been geocoded well.
    Please consider one factor more: for precise geocoding, you (the software) need to consider also the external DEM.
    if you geocode the reflectivity…[Read more]

  • Hi Ana

    1) if you plot the GCP in geographic and in SAR coordinates, the 2 pictures will not be matching, because SAR images are plotted with the range in the vertical direction and azimuth in the horizontal one. If you want to plot the SAR image in geographic coordinates, you can press the “Mean Kml” button (in the GCP selection module): you will…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic DEM extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    Just a couple of comments to close this topic

    Ivana: thanks to your case I inserted a couple of minor corrections to provide a better match between the SAR and geographic coordinates in the Master area selection, SLC module. Pcodes are online, compiled version for windows is uploading, and the linux compiled version will be available in the next…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic DEM extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    The height is considered. However, what is used is the height coming with the SAR image, which is usually 1 value for the whole image. We can work at improving it. But we would need to get 2 sample images in which the shift is present and significant.
    Ivana, could you share 2 images out of your case?

  • periz replied to the topic DEM extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Farnoosh,
    some comments below:

    1. in the software manual, you can check how the software can ingest external DEMs at the paragraph “ External DEM Selection”
    2. probably the easiest way for you is to create a geotiff DEM (with an other software) and import it in Sarproz
    3. anyway Sarproz can manage TDX bistatic pairs and respective…[Read more]

  • Milan:
    the data were stored in a flipped format. Now the data extractor has been generalized and the image has the right orientation.
    I saw the big orbital data errors. However, we did not test the phase flattening yet.
    Let me know if you still get big ramps. If so, we’ll also generalize an orbit correction.
    Pcodes and compiled version for windows…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic Licensing Problems in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 10 months ago

    For those who cannot use the “Manage Version” module to download the update, I paste here temporary links for direct download:

    – pcodes:
    – compiled for linux:
    – compiled for windows:

  • Dear all,

    a server to which Sarproz was connecting for licensing purposes started suddenly and inexplicably sending wrong messages (causing problems in the license verification).
    The server is not managed by us, so, we had to change a piece of code and recompile the software.
    You can now download pcodes and compiled version for windows. The linux…[Read more]

  • Hi Ana,

    at this moment the “super-MST” is not implemented yet. The options are those you can see in the menu (star, mst, delaunay, small temp baselines, full graph and so on). However, as you can see you have the option to load your own graph. So, you can design yourself a kind of “super-MST”. You just need to learn the format of a graph. For…[Read more]

  • CNU_lee: at this moment you cannot mix gamma RSLC images with new SLC images… in principle it’s possible but at this moment the sw is not considering such option… we will implement it in the future, but for now I suggest you to find a different solution…

    Milan: I see such thing for the first time. Probably the orbital data are flipped. Can…[Read more]

  • right, this works:

  • sorry, the string _RST2 must be included but the directory must also terminate with _SLC
    if you rename it e.g. RS2_OK55634_PK527325_DK467628_F23_20140808_163838_VV_RST2_SLC it will work

  • Hi Eric,
    you have a dataset of mixed multiple polarizations (HH single pol and HH/HV multiple pol). As a consequence, the only choice is using HH. Would you have had a choice, the suggestion is never to use cross-polarizations for multitemporal analyses. In the future we may include polarimetric techniques and make use of all channels, but this is…[Read more]

    there was a hidden bug in the use of PSFTP.EXE which was preventing from downloading new versions (in windows).
    Please find the new pcodes here:
    And also the new compiled version for windows here:
    Many changes are going on, consider it as a beta version.
    In case of new bugs, you can…[Read more]

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