
  • you insist willing to include dependent pixels, and this is a clear example that dependent pixels create only problems, without increasing a single little bit the information that you can extract
    in that plot you have 2 scatterers, one covering 3 pixels, the other one covering 2 pixels
    the height you estimate is fake, because it’s pixel…[Read more]

  • type “fast” in Matlab
    and then use the following expression
    el=1 corresponds to WGS84
    otherwise input a string like GRS80 or the ellipsoid you need

    to extract phase/amp values the easiest way is to use the small area.
    when you load a small area, complex numbers are accessible in the…[Read more]

  • We are working at stitching subsequent images together. Up to now Sarproz never did it, we always worked with single footprints.
    The reason for renaming images acquired on the same day was a quick and dirty solution for managing TanDEM-x bistatic pairs without changing the naming convention.
    What you can do at this moment is working on them…[Read more]

  • the “smart” function implements a non-linear analysis, so, it is clear that the linear velocity will not be estimated
    use the Cumulative displacement instead.
    consider anyway that here the key point is the estimation of the height.
    after the smart, you could repeat the analysis reading the height previously estimated and estimating a new linear…[Read more]

  • 1. that is no “software error”. it’s a message about terms called “master error” and “reference error”. if the software returns an error you get the usual messages “an error occurred … lasterror.mat was saved …”
    2. probably you clicked on a pixel which is not a PS. but as I can see from that attachment, a PS IS selected and its parameters ARE…[Read more]

  • I am afraid this is an overfitting case.
    I suppose you do not have many images, so, in such case I do not suggest you to estimate the thermal expansion.
    Also, keep height and velocity ranges small in the APS estimation.
    Better you remove high points when estimating the APS.
    The APS estimation process should be kept as simple as possible. Later in…[Read more]

  • I am tempted to answer in the following way:
    whatever the initial PSC you select, there is no better way to identify the good targets as with the temporal coherence. That is, the best way to state if a point is reliable or not is to look at the phase dispersion after analyzing the connections. With “analyzing the connections” I mean processing the…[Read more]

  • DataSet Selection –> Advanced Parameters –> disable “Play Sounds”
    let me know if this solves your issue

  • What do you mean that this is wrong? How can you say it’s wrong?
    Don’t be afraid that a temporal noise in this case is not corresponding to a spatial noise.
    In space you are applying several smoothing operations (interferogram filtering, unwrapping, APS estimation)
    so, it is reasonable to expect a spatial correlation in the results
    the problem is…[Read more]

  • There are no better or worse things. They are simply different and they apply to different analysis/objectives.
    Using the Amplitude (Models!) is useful e.g. in the case of temporary targets. You don’t use it in multi-master approaches.

    The MST is by definition connected. However, even if theoretically interesting, the MST is practically not very…[Read more]

  • I looks like the following:
    – you are processing a multi-master images graph (it would be nice to see it)
    – you are using the coherence as a weight in the inversion (is this the right choice? you need to look carefully at all your interferograms)
    That message says that there are points for which some low spatial coherence values break the images…[Read more]

  • Hi Ana,
    data are ok and everything works.
    Did you try to save the geocoding window?
    In such case, I believe you have overwritten and messed up the pcodes.
    You can download the last pcodes version and it should clean up the installation.
    Otherwise delete all files (but keep the license!!) and re-install the pcodes from the original tar file.

  • do the following things:
    a. save the small area (“save” button in “small area processing” window). give it a name you like.
    b. go to “dataset selection” and click on “export site param”
    c. send me by email or wetransfer or whatever you want the .mat file of the small area and the ExportPar.tgz file

  • select a PS point first

  • Send the errors please.
    By the way, are you using the pcodes version? What’s your Matlab version?

  • Hi Ana,
    we are going to add a check in the code. Anyway, please notice that you are trying to display the quantity “PS Type”, which for sure you did not calculate in your analysis. So, for the moment, simply choose an other quantity to display…

  • Yes, you found the answer. I was wondering whether you were saving your results after processing.
    Please notice 2 things:
    a. in your descriptions you’ve never given all the needed details to understand you case. Even more, you descriptions were wrong (you were speaking about the APS module)
    b. if you would keep reading the messages from the…[Read more]

  • first comment:
    Sarproz was designed in a way that you never need to repeat steps. even if your computer suddenly crashes in most cases sarproz can recover the job avoiding to start over again.
    second comment:
    the APS module is aimed at estimating the APS (Atmospheric Phase Screen), not at estimating/saving results as velocity and DEM.
    For that,…[Read more]

  • As I said, it’s a network problem.
    Did you resart Matlab?
    Check hostname and IP address. There is a conflict somewhere. The workers try to send signals to the main Matlab instance, but it’s addressed in a wrong way and so the parallel job freezes.

  • As I said, it’s a network problem.
    Did you resart Matlab?
    Check hostname and IP address. There is a conflict somewhere. Matlab tries to send signals to the workers, but they are addressed in a wrong way and so it freezes.

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