
  • This is a matlab bug,
    we tried some workarounds but sometimes it’s still there.
    u have several ways to monitor it anyway..
    one of them is the hybrid batch mode, for which u can kill with a click
    we hope to find a stable solution soon

  • periz replied to the topic Kompsat-5 reader in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Milan,
    above you can read: “(please before attaching MAT, LOG, KMZ files zip them)”

    about your problem, it’s affecting the compiled version. The pcodes version works.
    In the next update it will be fixed.

  • periz replied to the topic amplitude values in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Santiago,
    first of all, the Synthetic Amplitude (which you can plot using the view params module) is the amplitude generated from the DEM (showing the geometric distortions derived from the topography).
    Secondly, the parameter choice in the TS module is for displaying points with a color. So, used only in case you export a kml.
    Thirdly, the…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic Plot problems in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 8 months ago

    Hi PY,
    I had a feedback from an other user who met the same problem. But he has 2 computers, and it happens on only one of them. It looks like it is related to openGL. At this moment I have no more clues, I’ll let you know

  • periz replied to the topic Plot problems in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 8 months ago

    Hi PY,
    is this happening after a sarproz update?
    if so, would you mind switching back to a previous version and try if that solves the problem?
    without any other information, it sounds like it’s a system/matlab problem…
    could you single out any other software/system change on your PC? Maybe related to Java?
    We may need to investigate it directly…[Read more]

  • ok, now I understand the issue.
    in fact, we did not consider this situation, we will modify the code for that.
    The fact is that you are multilooking. as a consequence, the “Amp. Stab. Ind plus Sp. Coher.” is useless.
    in fact, the amplitude stability index is a full-resolution index. if you multi-look, it makes no sense using it…

  • the message u posted states that the “Amp. Stab. Ind plus Sp. Coher.” parameter is not found.
    Such parameter is generated when you save the Spatial Coherence.
    So, my suggestion is: run the coherence map generation again. I expect that in this way you will solve the problem.
    If on the contrary the “Amp. Stab. Ind plus Sp. Coher.” will still be…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic Weather module in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Ivana,
    yes, the your first note is a bug. please give us 1 day to upload the fixed version.
    Second note: if you download the weather data at the beginning of the SLC extraction process, yes, the center of the footprint is used. But if you download the data again after working on the crop, the crop center is used. If still the weather station is…[Read more]

  • As checked together,
    probably there were corrupted files in the optical images directory, changing the directory or deleting/moving the downloaded Google Earth files solves the problem.
    We take the chance to remind here that GE files are downloaded in this directory: ‘../GIS/GOOGLEEARTH/’
    with reference to the current site directory.
    In case of…[Read more]

  • Hi Ivana,
    that error happens while loading the image in the background.
    The sw searches in the directory that you can change through the “layer” button.
    If you change the directory, you should temporarily solve your problem.
    To investigate why that happens, you could save the small area (with the same conditions as when the error occurs)
    and pass…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic original PS method in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 10 months ago


    In Sarproz you can implement almost everything. However, instead of having buttons as “PSI”, “SBAS”, or whatever, you have a series of tools/options that you can combine. Clearly, this requires understanding the operations. It’s more difficult than having predefined buttons, but I think it’s more powerful.

    The 2 conditions you mention…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic original PS method in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Yasser,

    original PSI: STAR graph, no weights, no filtering
    QPS: non-STAR graph, weights (spatial coherence), filtered phase
    Anyway, Sarproz gives you the choice to combine those options and do what you want. You do not need to call what you do “PSI” or “QPS”.

    However, you have to be aware of the following: when you choose the option “coher”…[Read more]

  • Yuxiao,

    can you check one image is detected as ascending?

  • That is the incidence matrix of the images graph
    each row is a connection between 2 images
    each column represents an image
    in a row, 1 and -1 locate which image to take with the plus sign and which one with the minus
    interf = im1.*conj(im2) = a1.*exp(j.*ph1).*a2.*exp(-j.*ph2)
    read the various QPS papers in the publications section

  • it should be the same bug reported by Ivana,
    so, the solution may already be online

  • Hi Ivana,

    thanks for the feedback, it’s a bug, we are uploading a fix, it will be ready online soon!

  • Hi Yasser, the reply of a similar answer is here:

    if your matrix is small is just because there were no interferograms with coherence higher than the threshold you used…

  • periz replied to the topic SRTM DEM 30m in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 10 months ago

    hi Yasser,
    first of all, are you aware that you can put the software in “help mode” and receive some description for each module of the sw?
    You can do this with the corresponding flag in the main window.

    If you will do it, you will see that you only need to select a geotiff file to load a dem in such format.
    The corresponding module and help file…[Read more]

  • Changes/new features in the new Sarproz version:

    – a new option is now available in the APS module: you can export time series directly from there, without processing the MISP. This option is particularly useful in difficult cases when the MISP analysis is not converging. This function is generating a TS object that you can load from the Time…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic changing the graph in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 10 months ago

    For the coregistration the same applies:
    the final aim is to have all images coregistered on the same grid.
    If you do this by processing the coregistration via a STAR graph or via an other graph, the accuracy/precision may be different, but the final result will be the same: N images coregistered on one common grid.
    By the way, up to this moment…[Read more]

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