
  • The reference point is a critical step. If the reference point is noisy, this can limit the precision of the final result. If the ref point is moving or if it is at high/low elevation, it can bias the result. If the ref point is in a remote area, errors can propagate and make the APS estimation worse. The software performs some automatic tests…[Read more]

  • The reference point is a critical step. If the reference point is noisy, this can limit the precision of the final result. If the ref point is moving or if it is at high/low elevation, it can bias the result. If the ref point is in a remote area, errors can propagate and make the APS estimation worse. The software performs some automatic tests…[Read more]

  • 1. 20 images is a relatively low number. so, you have to be careful in choosing things properly
    2. using the coherence as a weight means using the spatial coherence to keep coherent data and discard not coherent one. if you use the STAR graph, you should not expect high coherence, because of STAR graph long baselines. it means discarding data. it…[Read more]

  • 1. 20 images is a relatively low number. so, you have to be careful in choosing things properly
    2. using the coherence as a weight means using the spatial coherence to keep coherent data and discard not coherent one. if you use the STAR graph, you should not expect high coherence, because of STAR graph long baselines. it means discarding data. it…[Read more]

  • 1. 20 images is a relatively low number. so, you have to be careful in choosing things properly
    2. using the coherence as a weight means using the spatial coherence to keep coherent data and discard not coherent one. if you use the STAR graph, you should not expect high coherence, because of STAR graph long baselines. it means discarding data. it…[Read more]

  • 1. 20 images is a relatively low number. so, you have to be careful in choosing things properly
    2. using the coherence as a weight means using the spatial coherence to keep coherent data and discard not coherent one. if you use the STAR graph, you should not expect high coherence, because of STAR graph long baselines. it means discarding data. it…[Read more]

  • 1. 20 images is a relatively low number. so, you have to be careful in choosing things properly
    2. using the coherence as a weight means using the spatial coherence to keep coherent data and discard not coherent one. if you use the STAR graph, you should not expect high coherence, because of STAR graph long baselines. it means discarding data. it…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic Undo step in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago

    Hi Jaroslav,
    surely, you can undo/recover lots of things in Sarproz (in fact, almost all operations).
    In particular, you can undo “Residual fringes estimation and removal” by clicking on “reset flat/height constants”.

  • About a. b. and c. just go with a. The other options are still experimental.
    About thresholds, use the suggested ones as starting point. If you are not happy, try to rise the minimum value for being more restrictive.

  • The result looks reasonable.
    To check if the APS was well estimated, you the final “test” function. If the final coherence is high and evenly distributed, you are done. You can also plot the APS one by one to check for issues.
    To understand if the height estimation range is correct, check the histogram of the connections residual height. You can…[Read more]

  • You should follow the instructions:
    “you need to send an email to attaching the file license.key ”

  • By looking at your images I have to make the following comments:
    1. I am not sure if 0.7 ampl stab is a good threshold with 26 images. it would be useful to see the reflectivity map and the ampl stab map to have a better idea.
    2. the range of height you are trying to estimate is too big. consider that you are processing connections (nearby…[Read more]

  • Good that it was solved…

  • Hi Estelle,
    unfortunately the Matlab version you are using does not allow us debugging errors.
    My feeling is that you should kill everything, try again and it may work. If not, we need to look at that together via remote connection.

  • This is not a coregistration error, it’s a java problem
    are you sure you are starting matlab from the pcodes directory?

  • periz replied to the topic Slant Range in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 2 months ago

    EXT folder, there is a directory for each image
    inside those directories you can find a text file yyyymmdd.meta (careful, there is also a .meta.mat file).
    You can derive R0 from the Range Start Time that you find there.
    otherwise, type “fast” in matlab (without quotes) hit enter and then:

  • At the moment you can use a polygon at a time and generate 2 masks. Then, either you merge them in matlab or you can use the scatter plots and say “mask1 or mask2”. if you send us the kml, we’ll improve the code for importing MultiGeometry objects

  • The coregistration refinement is doing 1 single operation:
    it is taking the external DEM and it is using it to resample the image by correcting topographic distortions.
    In other words, the sw is not going to re-process the cross-correlation between patches, this was already done during the initial co-registration (and this is the reason why it…[Read more]

  • To check if the process was well concluded,
    you just need to plot the external DEM in SAR coordinates with the “view parameters” function.
    Also, to check your original DEM, you should plot it with “DEM visualization”.
    But surely the process failed, if you look in the log file, you got a considerable amount of errors.
    Probably your DEM is in UTM…[Read more]

  • A first question would be: did you select points representative of the area where they are located or did you choose outliers?
    Secondly, the software decomposes asce/desce velocities only on AD pairs. AD pairs are points located closely in A/D datasets. The sw selects them based on your inputs (AD processing) and based on the corrected shifts…[Read more]

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