
  • periz replied to the topic DEM void in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    yes void/nan values are interpolated

  • periz replied to the topic ERS Orbits in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    Your case needs to be debugged. Please arrange installing teamviewer 10 and let’s schedule a remote connection by email

  • minosfylaktos started the topic ERS Orbits in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    Hello professor.
    Currently I am working on the Evros Delta with ERS images. Because of my little knowledge about PRC (ERS orbit files), I was looking for posts in this forum about it. I found that we have to download the files manually from ESA On-the-fly. Which I did and went well.
    Here is the post I’ve read about ERS/ENVISAT…[Read more]

  • antig started the topic DEM void in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    Program warns that there are voids in used ext.dem model (NaN values). Does it interpolate then Nan values or do nothing?

  • Option A. just check the folder where data/results are saved. if your result is a full matrix, you will find also a jpeg image. E.g. in FITTED you find jpegs of each image. For map changes (in RESULTSCHDETECT), if they have been filtered, most of the area is zero, they are saved as sparse mat files, you can load them in matlab.

    Option B. you…[Read more]

  • Hi All,
    I’m working on change detection tool recently
    I want to export my change detection outcome under slant range, but there are only geocoding and orthorectify two options in change detection tool Data export section.
    Anyone know that is it possible to do this?

    Many thanks,

  • It looks like somehow my previous answer to this post went lost…
    In your recap you list 3 main steps.
    The first 2 are common to all Time-Series approaches.
    The third one corresponds to the classic Persistent Scatterers method.
    If you want to apply other methods, you might need to process interferograms first.
    Also, in some cases you do not use…[Read more]

  • hamidbanan replied to the topic APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    Dear Dr periz
    thank you for quick reply. In InSAR analysis of 2 coherent images (with 1 year interval), I realized that the maximum range of subsidence is 17 cm in bowl center (Just as a theory), so is it logical to put (0 , -170) or (170 , -170) for linear trend? Also I found there is gap between the results of sentinel-InSAR analysis in SARPROZ…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    the default value of linear deformation trend is -100 / 100 mm/year.
    when you estimate the def trend in the APS processing, you estimate it between close points (the network connections). So, -100 / 100 is already a pretty big range.
    in any case, if you have no previous knowledge, the histograms and all plots you get after the processing will help…[Read more]

  • hamidbanan replied to the topic APS estimation in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    Dear Prof.Daniele
    I have a question about APS estimation. Actually I have no extra data or no idea about the amount of subsidence or deformation size. So in processing parameters, What strategy should be followed about numeric value of the range in linear trend? The default value (-1.1) seems to be wrong in my study area.

  • periz replied to the topic SBAS processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    that’s just a matter of spatial sampling. use the scatter plots module, filter/matrix visualization function to decide how to re-sample plots. you find some examples in the tutorials

  • hamidbanan replied to the topic SBAS processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    In the time series analysis, if we want to create continuous maps instead of PS points (like SBAS results in StaMPS) What steps should we take?

  • I don’t understand. Where is no such warning discribed in forum (I searched). And no lasterror.mat also because this is a warning not error

  • please read the forum rules

  • Hi and Happy New Year

    If SarPROZ download Sentiel 1 precise orbit then I got warning
    [> In deserialize at 9

    In remoteParallelFunction at 37]

    Precise Orbit is used for S1A and 2016/08/20

    Warning: Calling STRUCT on an object prevents the object from hiding its implementation details and should thus be avoided. Use DISP or DISPLAY to see…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic Weather Data News in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    The only weather variable that is actually used in an operational and quantitative way is the temperature. Temperature is used if you decide to estimate the thermal expansion from your phase time series. If you do not estimate the thermal expansion, your results won’t be affected.

  • hamidbanan replied to the topic Weather Data News in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years ago

    Please let me know how Exact Results Are Without Atmospheric Information?

  • Thank you for the detailed answer. I applied as follows;

    – Preliminary Analysis ( Reflectivity Map – Mask Generation),
    – Preliminary Geocoding ( GCP Selection – Ext. DEM in SAR Coordinates),
    – Multi-Image InSAR Processing ( APS estimation – Sparse Points Processing)

    and after these steps, I used load…[Read more]

  • thank you very much
    Your speech is completely correct, but I have already communicated and they also said that you must process it separately.
    Now, my question is, how can I combine them together when I get both kml files?
    best regards.

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