bridgetwang started the topic Sentinel-1A coregistration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
Dear all,
I encountered with these warnings in the coregistration step for sentinel1-A.
Could you please tell me the reason and how to correct it ?
Thank you so much.
periz replied to the topic Using for two different study area in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
is this error happening in both matlab windows or in just one of them?
I am afraid this is a problem of that particular matlab version.
We tested it with versions equal or higher than 2014a and it works -
periz replied to the topic Using for two different study area in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
are you opening two matlab windows and running a sarproz instance in each of them?
periz replied to the topic Using for two different study area in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
Launch it twice.
But make sure the two instances are not using the same CPU cores, or as a result they will run slower. You may want to assign half number of CPU cores to each instance. Moreover, one of the bottle necks of InSAR is the quantity of data: if you don’t have very fast disks, attempting to read data from multiple disk locations at the…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic APS Processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
The NL weights are used to decide which coherence values are good and which are not good.
In fact, the value of the coherence is not universal. The value depends on the dataset that you are using (number of images and distribution of baselines) and on the parameters that you estimated (as deformation model, height and so on).
The sw runs a test to…[
krzych1234 replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
It works 🙂 Thanks for help.
periz replied to the topic ALOS CEOS format in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
there is some error relative to the coordinates
before the error you report here an other one happened, it would be useful to look into it
also, we may need to check the contents of the hand_slc_module structure that you can get by typing “fast” at the command prompt -
matusbakon started the topic ALOS CEOS format in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
I have troubles importing ALOS-1 in CEOS format.
Yuxiao replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
when you download your Sentinel SLCs, create your own directory for data, like, “TEST”, then inside this folder create a new one called “SLC”, and put either all the .zip files of Sentinel inside, or the zipped folders, ended in “.SAFE” inside the SLC folder. then read the “TEST” folder in sarproz.
krzych1234 replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
I do not know if I understood correctly.
I work in windows. So I do not have to create “SLC” directories. All I’m putting in to directory, whose name terminates with .SAFE ?
I did that and it didn’t work.What are corrently directories structure?
periz replied to the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
All satellite data come in a specific format.
The format is not only about the file containing the data.
Format may include also subdirectories and additional meta data.
You should never touch such structure and never separate original files.
In particular Sentinel data are organized in directories whose name terminates with .SAFE
and they have…[
krzych1234 started the topic import sentinel 1A data in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
How to import sentinel 1A data?My soure image is TIFF format,it’s in a folder called ”S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20170319T073316_20170319T073344_015758_019F18_2569” ,its original name is s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20170420t045223-20170420t045248-016223-01ad22-004.tiff .
So I put image in folder “SLC” : /C/Us…[Read more]
Yuxiao replied to the topic Error on "import stripmap sentinel data" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ali,
After we updated the Sentinel TOPS code recently, we didn’t include the stripmap part. Thus in the current version, the stripmap is not supported.
I will have this implemented very soon. I am a bit busy the coming week, but I will have Sentinel stripmap function ready to be used by the first week of May.
Yuxiao replied to the topic Error on "import stripmap sentinel data" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ali,
After we updated the Sentinel TOPS code recently, we didn’t include the stripmap part. Thus in the current version, the stripmap is not supported.
I will have this implemented very soon. I am a bit busy the coming week, but I will have Sentinel stripmap function ready to use by the first week of May.
Yuxiao replied to the topic Error on "import stripmap sentinel data" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ali,
After we updated the Sentinel TOPS code recently, we didn’t include the stripmap part. Thus in the current version, the stripmap is not supported.
I will have this implemented very soon – but I apologize here – It is approaching my finals as my semester is ending in two weeks. I am getting extremely busy this week preparing for my…[Read more]
ali-roozban91 started the topic Error on "import stripmap sentinel data" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
I encounter an error When I insert Stripmap images of Sentinel sensor into “slc data import” module and choose “get contents” which it might have the meaning that this software doesn’t support “stripmap” mode, however it is written in the sarproze’s site that the “stripmap” mode of sentinel sensor is supported.
I’ll appreciate if you let me…[
Yuxiao replied to the topic Master extraction error in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 11 months ago
Hi Jaroslav,
Please send me the following file:
In your EXT folder, go to the master image folder, you will find the file named yyyymmdd_PP.meta.mat (PP is polarization, VV or VH in typical).
Send it to me qyuxiao@sarproz.com and I can take from there.
jaroslav started the topic Master extraction error in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 11 months ago
I’m trying to co-register Sentinel images with “Max. Area” checked. I always get error message, that matrix exceeds dimensions. -
periz started the topic Sarproz Release 2017.3 in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 11 months ago
Dear all,
thanks to Yuxiao’s efforts, a new Sentinel code has just been released.
The new code implements a new coregistration strategy, new algorithms for detecting and removing phase jumps, new files and data organization, new updating algorithms. In particular, de-ramping and re-rampig operations have been embedded in the resampling function.…[Read more] -
benattou replied to the topic Master extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 11 months ago
hi periz,
thank you so much, i’ll try to do it and let you know - Load More