mohsen-ebrahimian started the topic method PSI (STAR 1 sensor) in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 4 months ago
What is the main article that describes the method PSI (STAR 1 sensor) in SARPROZ ? I mean an article that can be cited, also with a flowchart and etc
best regards -
mohsen-ebrahimian posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
thanks for your response.
mohsen-ebrahimian posted an update in the group sarproz-group 6 years, 6 months ago
hi to all
my study area is in two sub swath in ascending mode S1A data and in one sub swath in descending mode .first time I processed in descending mode in one sub swath, and now i want to process 2 sub swath in ascending mode simultaneously.It is important for me that reference hight point was same in ascending and descending and psc and ps…[Read more] -
mohsen-ebrahimian started the topic spars point selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
after spars point processing, i need a kmz or csv file Contains spars points that Are located only in a Specific polygon , because Results of the Specific areas are more important for me . so i made a polygon in custom mask generation and loaded it . but in spars data export step, the kmz file that was created contained all sampled points…[Read more] -
mohsen-ebrahimian started the topic 2 S1A images coregistration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
I am trying to process 2 S1A images. In coregistration step, i faced with a problem.It is worth noting that the orbits are not downloaded and I downloaded them manually.
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Thanks -
mohsen-ebrahimian became a registered member 6 years, 11 months ago
At this moment it is not possible to process two subswath at the same time. I am working on that feature now. For now you can only process the two subswath separately. For combining the data from ascending track and descending track there is the function multi-sensor analysis that you can use.
p.s. next time please post your question as a…[Read more]
thanks for your response.