mohsen-ebrahimian posted an update in the group sarproz-group 6 years, 7 months ago
hi to all
my study area is in two sub swath in ascending mode S1A data and in one sub swath in descending mode .first time I processed in descending mode in one sub swath, and now i want to process 2 sub swath in ascending mode simultaneously.It is important for me that reference hight point was same in ascending and descending and psc and ps network are located in same region and Seamlessly .sarproz only process one sub swath in same time. what should i do ?
At this moment it is not possible to process two subswath at the same time. I am working on that feature now. For now you can only process the two subswath separately. For combining the data from ascending track and descending track there is the function multi-sensor analysis that you can use.
p.s. next time please post your question as a forum post.
thanks for your response.