mahtab started the topic Scatter Plot in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Dear SARPROZ Team,
I have applied Boolean conditions to extract my sparse point dataset in the scatter plot module and used latitude and longitude for the X and Y axes. However, the resulting plot still shows the axes in Line and Sample coordinates (please see the attached pic).
How can I save this selection with the correct latitude and…[Read more]
mahtab replied to the topic Sentinel-1 orbits – new repository (Nov 2023) in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year ago
Dear Daniele,
Problem solved! I noticed that I did not put my account information in the advanced parameters for the automatic downloading. I am all set now.
Mahtab -
mahtab replied to the topic Sentinel-1 orbits – new repository (Nov 2023) in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year ago
Dear Daniele,
I am using the latest version of the software; however, it still seems automatic downloading does not work for Sentinel-1 orbit files. I have got empty folders of orbits. Is the issue with my case specifically or it has not been implemented yet in the software?
Just in case I have also attached the log file.Best regards,
Mahtab -
mahtab started the topic Orbit heading angle in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
I have a question about the orbit heading angle that SARPROZ gives us. In the SiteDescription.txt file for a time-series in Ascending orbit, I see AcqHeading: <<-169.7791>>.
Is this Acquisition Heading angle the orbit heading angle? if so, I expect for an ascending orbit, the orbit heading angle (αh) should be the blue angle as plotted in…[Read more] -
mahtab replied to the topic No trend shown in exported KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
You were right, there was a bit difference in the name of the file from the automatic one, that I don’t know how!, but yes the name was the issue!
Thank you for your helpful hints.
Best regards,
Mahtab -
mahtab replied to the topic No trend shown in exported KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
Hello again,
Yes, I know it is not an issue with the software. I thought maybe I am exporting wrongly.
Thank you for the hints, all answers are yes, same things, but the problem is still there. I need to investigate what is going on afterwards as you mentioned.Thank you 🙂
Best regards,
Mahtab -
mahtab started the topic No trend shown in exported KML file in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 years, 9 months ago
An issue with the KML file: When the software creates a KML output file, it gets automatically opened on GE and deformation time series trend will be shown for each point; however, if I close the KML file and reopen it, time series trend for each point will get disappeared. I would appreciate it if you help me to solve the issue.
Best…[Read more]
mahtab replied to the topic ERS data coregistration in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 8 months ago
Oh Sorry I sent it mistakenly.
Could you please take a look at the new attachment ? it seems that the DC should be changed to 2.5, right? the warning is because of that?Best
mahtab replied to the topic ERS data coregistration in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 8 months ago
However the parameters show a Normal Baseline of about 700m and it doesn’t exceed the default value !!
Anyway sth is wrong with my data/process and I cannot figure it out. Supposing they are co-registered correctly, when I wanted to make reflectivity map I encountered an error. I attached the log file again.
Thanks for your help. -
mahtab replied to the topic ERS data coregistration in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 8 months ago
.rar file is not supported. I attached .zip file.
mahtab replied to the topic ERS data coregistration in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for your reply.
I attached the site.log file. Could you please check it?
Thanks in advance
mahtab started the topic ERS data coregistration in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 8 months ago
Dear Daniele,
I am processing two ERS data. However, in the first step, the co-registration button appears in yellow color while I don’t receive any kind of error messages. I am wondering that whether I can trust the co-registration result or something else needed to be done to solve this issue.
I really appreciate your help in advance. -
mahtab replied to the topic different color in resampled version of KML scattered in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for your reply.
mahtab replied to the topic different color in resampled version of KML scattered in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Both color bars are attached.
mahtab replied to the topic different color in resampled version of KML scattered in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for your reply.
I zoomed to the maximum resolution but still the colors are different as you can see in the attachment.
mahtab started the topic different color in resampled version of KML scattered in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
I’m exporting a resampled version of my KML result. The strange thing is that although minimum and maximum values are equal in both outputs, the colors are not same as you can see in the attached files.
Could you please give me the reason and solution?
mahtab replied to the topic Sentinel-1A slave images extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years ago
Hello Dr. Perissin
The problem was because of my data set, one of the images was corrupted. SARPROZ just works fine.
Mahtab -
mahtab started the topic Sentinel-1A slave images extraction in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years ago
Hello Dear Yuxiao
I’m using Sentinel-1A images and have problenm in slave extraction step.Error files and list of images attached.
Mahtab -
mahtab replied to the topic Life time index for point selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 1 month ago
Hello again
Thank You Doctor. I got it. But the Number of selected Points with spatial coherency index is less than ones with Amplitude stab. index.
In my case, most of the points have low spatial coherency.Result of selected Points using spatial coherency and amplitude stab. indices with the same threshold are attached here.
mahtab started the topic Life time index for point selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 1 month ago
Hi Dr.Perissin
I want to select the Sparse Points based on their life time index, to use in the QPS technique. But when i choose the life time from parameters and press ‘Go’, no Sparse points are selected.
What should i do ?! in other words, Which parameter should be used for Points selection in the QPS technique ?!Thanks.
Mahtab - Load More