antig replied to the topic sarproz crashes in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I zipped dumb file, because original was allowed upload
periz replied to the topic sarproz crashes in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
are you starting matlab with the -noDisplay option? remove it. check the following
http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/release-notes.html#br5ktrh-3 -
antig started the topic sarproz crashes in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Sarproz start crash suddnly. Seemes like some kind of SaRProz->Matlab problem because if I start SarProz I’ll got Warnings
Warning: uiwait is no longer supported when MATLAB is started with the -nodisplay or -noFigureWindows option or there is no display. For more information, see “Changes to -nodisplay and -noFigureWindows Startup Options” in…[Read more]
antig replied to the topic Noisy lines in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Thank You for explanation.
Yuxiao replied to the topic Noisy lines in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
The message tries to be self-explanatory.
In some cases, one cannot achieve a perfect “burst alignment” for TOPS. Burst alignment here means the following:
Say, line no. 100 of the master image comes from burst 1; then line 100 of slave image must also come from burst 1. If it comes from burst 2 you will see noisy lines in the interferogram…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic PSInSAR Result Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
overfit is caused by trying to fit too many parameters in few data. the range of v and h does not cause overfit. range of v and h should be chosen depending on the analyzed area
antig replied to the topic PSInSAR Result Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
What is the “normal” APS values for trend and H if I dont want to overfit?
antig started the topic Noisy lines in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I extract slaves to my stack. Some images give warnings
Interferograms with 20161128 will see noisy lines!!!<<<so what is correct to do. Remove or keep them in the stack?
It is Sentinel 1 images -
antig replied to the topic estimated height output in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
thank You. I’ll keep it mind. error was not main issue. output was and I ‘ll got answer. so I dont upload this error logs
periz replied to the topic estimated height output in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
1. please read the forum rules https://www.sarproz.com/groups/sarproz-group/forum/topic/forum-general-rules/
if you encounter errors u MUST include lasterror and log files to get answers2. ur data is sparse. exporting a raster of sparse data is not a good idea. use the filter/matrix visualization in scatter plots and export it from there
antig started the topic estimated height output in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
I wanted output estimated H by raster using Extended data export
got error
orthorectifying Height [m]
loading file /export/sille/analysis_home/analyzes/analysis_1570/SUBSET/RESULTS/MATLAB/GeoShifts
An error occurred and was saved in the file lasterror.mat, directory /opt/sille/tools/sarproz_compiled
If you need assistance, please…[Read more]
periz started the topic Sarproz Updates Server in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
In the past days we went through an extraordinary maintenance of the online updates server. The server references changed and for this reason you need a new software version to be able to access it. Hereafter we post the new versions that you can use to re-connect to the updates server. The links will be active for 7 days (till Aug…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic full graph coherence generation in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
The log says that file M:ICELANDRESULTSMATLABInSarParam.mat is corrupted.
Unless this is a system/matlab problem (in which case the solution is surely more complex), simply delete the file and try again.
best -
mohsen-ebrahimian posted an update in the group sarproz-group 7 years ago
hi to all
my study area is in two sub swath in ascending mode S1A data and in one sub swath in descending mode .first time I processed in descending mode in one sub swath, and now i want to process 2 sub swath in ascending mode simultaneously.It is important for me that reference hight point was same in ascending and descending and psc and ps…[Read more] -
periz replied to the topic DEM outside SRTM in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
You can add your own DEM from the coregistration parameters
top right button
best -
antig replied to the topic DEM outside SRTM in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
thank you
I found that external dem can add in site protsessing stage. Is it correct?
Warnings in corecistration stage have to be ignore? mainly warnings are that SRTM tiles are zeros. -
periz replied to the topic Mask for Sparse points selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
regenerate the mask file
the file is corrupted -
venera replied to the topic Mask for Sparse points selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
hi Danielle,
thank you for you help, the problem is solved, but there is a problem related to APS..
Have I missed important settings/parameter?
periz replied to the topic Mask for Sparse points selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Try please to see if this solves your issue: https://we.tl/mDZabGeY6b
Let me know
best -
venera started the topic Mask for Sparse points selection in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years ago
Hi there
In site processing module it seems to me that I do have a problem with sparse point selection.
Processing concluded successfully, but the button is still red..
Please find the attached files.
Do you have any advice for me?
Thanks in advance!
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At this moment it is not possible to process two subswath at the same time. I am working on that feature now. For now you can only process the two subswath separately. For combining the data from ascending track and descending track there is the function multi-sensor analysis that you can use.
p.s. next time please post your question as a…[Read more]
thanks for your response.