
  • periz replied to the topic GCP location error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    In the GCP selection module there is a flag: ‘OVW’ which stays for “overwrite”.
    If you do not flag it, it will load the previous “mean kml” map.
    Since you are not the first one asking about it, I switched it to checked as default…
    You’ll get it in the next version, for the moment just check it manually.

  • Hi professor,

    In the “GCP selection” module, no matter I choosed “keep current orbits” or “through external DEM”, the result of “Mean kml” has shown the location of automatic GCP was not matched with my study area and was too far away .And the amplitude map was far away from study area in Google earth ,but they couldn’t be displayed in the same…[Read more]

  • HI DP
    I have tried to export .0_A to SLC using SARSCAPE,which include _slc, sml, hdr
    However, SARProz is not able to recognize the SLC format.

    any suggestion?

  • yuyu replied to the topic DEM export in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks, DP

    I prefer to display geotiff value that represent elevation value.
    It would be handy when we would like to compare INSAR DEM with other DEM source, such as SRTM.

    Thank you


  • periz replied to the topic DEM export in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    Question for you and for all geotiff users:
    is anybody needing an RGB DEM?
    Or can I switch the system to automatically (and always) output geotiff DEM files in “black and white”?
    After getting a feedback on this, I just need to change 1 line…

  • hi Yuyu,

    as you can read in the sw specifications, sarproz accept SLC data as inputs, that is, focused data.
    Level 1.0 is raw data, and it cannot be imported.
    You can either order again your data, asking for level 1.1 (SLC or focused) or use an other software to focus it (as roi-pac)

  • periz replied to the topic DEM correction in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Milan,

    the key question is: in which format is your DEM?
    if it’s geotiff, nothing to do (unless you find the way to re-write the geotiff).
    The sw reads the fill-in boxes only if you are loading a matrix in gamma-format (read the manual).
    In that case, changing the lat-lon coordinates has the wished effect.

    To understand the error message you…[Read more]

  • Hi PY,

    my suggestion would be first of all to look at interferograms.
    case A. you have no coherence. Then the question is: is it on the mountains?
    case A1. yes it’s on the mountains. Then download the last sw version and use the DEM-dependent coregistration refinement. This module requires a well aligned DEM. And it still needs some optimization…[Read more]

  • yuyu started the topic DEM export in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    Dear Prof DP
    I was wondering if SARPROZ could export insarDEM into DEM geotiff file.
    It seems the file I have exported was a image (RGB) tiff, not a DEM geotiff .

  • Dear Prof
    The PALSAR data I got is .0_A. When I put the dataset in the folder of SLC, SARPROZ cannot read this file.
    Any suggestion? Is there any data conversion required?


  • Hi,

    I use external DEM but it is shifted. I found out the correction coefficients in WGS-84 (shift is cca 0.025°N and -0.1°E) and used them to correct the Corner Lat/Lon boxes in “External DEM selection”.
    After this change I have remade External DEM and synthetic amplitude in SAR coordinates. But nothing changed. The obvious shift is still p…[Read more]

  • Dear all, Daniele,

    2 weeks ago, a large underground quarry (near the surface) collapsed.
    I have already processed the area with a standard PS approach using ERS and ENVISAT data to see if something was already happening in the past.
    But as it is a field area, I have not any PS in my results.

    Any suggestions? How does Quasi-PS works?

    Thanks for…[Read more]

  • Dear Ana,

    Indeed the area should be larger – don’t worry to extend it. To check the small area (after you prepare project using bigger area), there is special Toolbox in Sarproz called Small Area Processing. It works very well!


  • periz replied to the topic "set orbits" error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    download the last pcodes (through the “manage version” module), I included a version check and an automatic choice between flip and flipdim

  • You mean I should rename the MATLAB system function file “flipdim”?

    But I found three flipdim.m files in MATLAB, which one should I choose?

  • periz replied to the topic "set orbits" error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    this is a new matlab function: flip.
    if you get an error, it means u do not have it, that is, u have an older matlab
    I’ll insert a simple version check.
    U can quickly solve it by copying and renaming the function “flipdim” to “flip”

  • Thank you,professor.

    I download a new version instead of the old one and the problem has been solved. But another problem is coming when I clicked “master extraction”…

    THis zip file included lasterror.mat and log file

  • periz replied to the topic "set orbits" error in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 5 months ago

    to upload mat and log files, please zip them.
    Without them I cannot track the error
    Anyway, I guess that you did not download the last sw version, did you?
    To do so, use the “manage version” module.
    I think that that error was a temporarily caused by a sw update and it was already fixed…

  • Hi Ana,
    the size you have chosen is even smaller than the (default) reference window used for the coregistration (64 pixels as you can see in the coregistration parameters).
    Maybe if you make those numbers match it will work (I never tested the smaller possible area to coregister).
    Usually, even for test or educational purposes, we take bigger…[Read more]

  • The files couldn’t be uploaded.The error was
    Undefined variable “p_orbit” or class “p_orbit.coef_pos.x”.

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