leewoneung started the topic Why create a TIN during the PS-InSAR process? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
Permanent scatterers are selected in the PS-InSAR process
Why create a TIN with a selected permanent scatterers?
I think it seems that the TIN does not calculate the surface displacements between the Permanent scatterers through interpolation.
And what is the strength of the TIN ?
What is the difference depending on the strength of the TIN?
leewoneung replied to the topic Differences and Correlation between Cumulative Displacement and final value. in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 12 months ago
I would like to see the settlement of PS points over time. So is it better to use a time-series analysis rather than a cumulative displacement??
leewoneung started the topic Differences and Correlation between Cumulative Displacement and final value. in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 12 months ago
By setting the smart value to 5 and executing the time series module, the settlement value of PS-InSAR was obtained as the excel data.
However, there are many differences from the last value of the time series and the cumulative displacement.
I know that cumulative displacement analyzes the first and last images using a specific module.
I used 21…[
leewoneung replied to the topic The displacement value comes out "increase" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 4 months ago
oh sorry, I have some mistake that is my question.
First I had choosed spatial coherence > 0.7 and I completed a series of preliminary works.
And I choosed 1-Sigma/mu Index ,So I completed a series of PSInSAR works.—————————————————-
First I had choosed 1-Sigma/mu Index > 0.7 and I completed a series of…[Read more]
leewoneung started the topic The displacement value comes out "increase" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 4 months ago
I worked PSInSAR Process.
First I had choosed spatial coherence > 0.7 and I completed a series of preliminary works.
And I choosed 1-Sigma/mu Index ,So I completed a series of PSInSAR works.
I Wanted to Decrease Values That are displacement. but I getted Increase Values.
My Study area is railway so I think that place should be subsidence. -
leewoneung started the topic cumulative displacement in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
I unchecked Linear processing when I did ‘time series processing’ and ‘Sparse point processing’ too.
and then I tried cumulative displacement,
but I couldn’t get the cumulative displacement when ‘LOAD MASK’ step.
Only “0” when I checked cumulative displacement in Load mask.
How can I get the cumulative displacment?? -
leewoneung replied to the topic cumulative displacement. Load mask error in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 7 months ago
3. if the cumulative displacement CumDisp.mat file is not there, it means it was not saved. Is the velocity there? If the velocity is there and the cumulative displacement not, it means you estimated a linear model, so, the cumulative displacement was not produced. To know to cumulative displacement, just multiply the velocity by the observation…[Read more]
leewoneung started the topic cumulative displacement. Load mask error in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 7 months ago
I can’t select cumulative displacement at Load mask.
If I select cumulative displacement, I have only 0 selected points.
before the select cumulative displacement at Load mask, I seleceted Amp. Stab. Index 1-Sigma/Mu, and Temporal coherence. and I finished APS estimation and Sparse Points Processing. I checked Linear Trend and Height estimate at…[Read more] -
leewoneung started the topic resampling kml mapping in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 7 months ago
at time series module, I want to polygon or raster style map.
but scatter map is only point map, and resampling map is No blank(The No data is calculated with a value of zero, I don’t want it, I wanna just blank)I want to make the maps likes Beijing Cumulative Displacement detected by two parallel TSX tracks and Los Angeles Cumulative…[Read more]
leewoneung became a registered member 7 years, 7 months ago