feldbruggem joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 2 months ago
periz replied to the topic Accuracy of my data in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 2 months ago
first of all, to be able to obtain accuracy, we would need the truth, which usually we don’t have. So, it would be better to talk about precision.
In any case, the standard deviation is calculated from the phase residuals (observed interferometric phase after removal of the model you choose for the processing). As a consequence, you can…[Read more] -
paulinanino started the topic Accuracy of my data in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 2 months ago
I have 2 questions regarding the accuracy of my data.
1. I understand that to obtain the deformation precision in a particular trajectory I must occupy the “stdev” which is the standard deviation.
However, when I obtain the vertical deformation using two trajectories (ascending and descending) in the multi-sensor analysis it only gives me the…[Read more] -
yushu joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 2 months ago
m-kanwar replied to the topic Undefined function or variable 'matlabrc' in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
Thanks for your advice,
I was able to run the software by reinstalling the MCR and deleting the cache file.
Thanks for the response.
Regards -
m-kanwar replied to the topic Undefined function or variable 'matlabrc' in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
Greetings of the day!!
Below is the attached screenshot that shows the available mcrcachesir files on my desktop. As proposed by the link it should have been in a folder also there’s no temp folder being created that I could delete. -
periz replied to the topic enhancing accuracy of time series results in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
1. you did not include all pictures (velocity is not visible). you have to compare all parameters in the same coordinate system (like in sar coordinates)
2. if height and velocity are correlated, something is wrong
3. the range of values to be estimated is too small (both for velocity and height). also, you have lots of images, it means no risk to…[Read more] -
azarakhsh started the topic enhancing accuracy of time series results in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
Dear prof. Prission,
Could you please give me suggestion and opinion about my PS-InSAR results?
I have processed 222 Sentinel-1 images from 2015 to 2022 and attached the results. The velocity range is between -3 to 2 mm/year and where we have high height the velocity is positive and the pattern of uplift has correlation with topography. Do you…[Read more] -
m-kanwar replied to the topic Undefined function or variable 'matlabrc' in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
Hello forum.
I opened the “main” file (Matlab R2017a_win64 version) and SARPROZ launched properly. Although, when I closed and re-opened it, the software did not launch and the following message appeared:
Undefined function or variable ‘matlabrc’.
And I cannot locate the cashed component of the main.exe.
Kindly guide what should I do?
Thanking in advance. -
pramod joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 3 months ago
azarakhsh joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 3 months ago
m-kanwar joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 3 months ago
rasheed01 joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 3 months ago
emre replied to the topic Earthquake deformation detection in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
I tried it and I am sharing the results with you. Thank you for your help.
antig replied to the topic Earthquake deformation detection in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
Fringes are visible
Try multilook result Rg 15 Az 5 before UW -
emre started the topic Earthquake deformation detection in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
Dear managers, I am using Sarproz software to study the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Turkey on February 6, 2023. However, although I followed the steps in the Napa earthquake application example, I could not determine the displacement. The data I used are two sentinel 1 images dated January 29, 2023 and March 30, 2023. I am sharing…[Read more]
emre joined the group sarproz-group 1 year, 3 months ago
periz replied to the topic Geocoding shifts in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
you previously posted your question in a discussion on a different topic, so, it has been moved here.
the question you are asking has been discussed in many other posts.
here an example:
please read carefully the forum and the documentation before…[Read more] -
agata039 started the topic Geocoding shifts in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 year, 3 months ago
I have a similar problem after processing 109 images from Sentinel 1. I am investigating displacements over an underground gas storage facility using the PS technique. I’ve done the calculations based on the tutorial https://www.sarproz.com/publish/QYTutorial4.pdf. Obtained PS points are shifted as you can see in the attached file. What could…[Read more] - Load More