
  • jsal replied to the topic Using GAMMA .rslc in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Dan,
    I’ll have to look into re-ordering the SLCs. In the meantime I’m running the refinement with GAMMA and I’ll then import the files again. But do you think this is a good approach if I ultimately want to run PS?
    I have attached the zipped up error files.

  • Dear Daniele,
    I have CSK raw data which I focused with GAMMA and I “roughly” coregistered them. I have successfully imported the resulting .rslc into sarproz, and the mean amplitude looks good. But I would like to perform the coregistration refinement using the external DEM now, is this possible or do I have to do it previously in GAMMA? (asking…[Read more]

  • Dear Daniele,
    I’m looking at almost one year of TSX spotlight data on cooling lava which sits on the summit of a volcano. I have a relatively good idea of the displacements already: the cumulative displacements over the year are between 40 and -140 cm, the velocities however decrease over the year, only a small proportion happens in the last 4…[Read more]

  • jsal became a registered member 9 years, 3 months ago