ivca-cz started the topic coregistration and the files in FITTED/ in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 9 months ago
I performed the coregistration, everything went fine except for the warnings that the area cropped is too small (I cannot enlarge it without significantly reducing the number of images and it always worked despite of the warning, with possible phase ramps) and the displayed coregistered images looked fine.
However, I got stuck at the…[Read more]
ivca-cz replied to the topic A new (and major) update for Sentinel S1A in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 9 months ago
Hi Yuxiao,
I am sorry for this error, it is my mistake. I really mixed one ascending image into the descending set. However, the date reported is significantly different from the one it really was: while the ascending image is 20160224, the reported one was 20150329, and then 20150410.
Very sorry for that,
ivca-cz replied to the topic small area: time series CSV export in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 9 months ago
normally… attached
ivca-cz replied to the topic small area: time series CSV export in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 9 months ago
Thank you, it works for my first AOI (I checked only if the model line is fractional or not).
However, in my second AOI, the model line is a straight line for most of the time, however at the end, it gets fractional again.
The weather data is complete here so that I do not understand it. However, as you answered me recently in a different topic,…[Read more]
ivca-cz started the topic small area: time series CSV export in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 9 months ago
I am asking about exporting time series in small area module.
Normally, I tick “mov”, “temp” and “model” to see the “real” movement happening there, and the model line is fractional (of course), and then press CSV.
But if I want to see the movement without the temperature component, I tick “mov” and “model” and expect the line to be…[Read more]
ivca-cz replied to the topic A new (and major) update for Sentinel S1A in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 9 months ago
thank you for the new version.
I still encounter an error with multiple imaging modes detected. For this one set, on my computer (did not try yet this dataset on the supercomputer, and did not try other datasets on my computer). I already reported this problem in the beginning of April.
The problem emerges in the “get contents” step.
ivca-cz replied to the topic A new (and major) update for Sentinel S1A in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 9 months ago
please, if the new S1 (coregistration) scripts were already updated, can you also please upload the linux-compiled version? The last version available is still 12-May.
Thank you very much, Ivana
ivca-cz replied to the topic Weather module in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi Yuxiao,
I am sorry, I did not mentioned the path where the lasterror is. Hope it is fine now.
Thank you for the answers. I will therefore try to re-download the data in all cases. The distance is not so critical, I was just astonished that for two tracks, the stations are so far away from each other…
When the weather data was not complete…[Read more]
ivca-cz started the topic Weather module in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 11 months ago
I am not able to load my own temperatures after downloading weather, error attached.
Some more minor notes to the weather module (not critical):
– the weather (as it seems to me) is downloaded from the stations close to image center, not the center of the crop, for different tracks (one area), the weather stations are more than 150 km…[Read more]
ivca-cz started the topic Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 11 months ago
I have encountered this error message for more times in different datasets, in the small area -> geocoding tab.
I do not understand why I get it when processing only 3900 points while before, in other dataset, the number of processed points was about 10times higher (the number of images is more or less the same), without such a…[Read more]
ivca-cz started the topic S1 Load SLC module in update mode in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 11 months ago
I am processing a (small) area located on S1 image overlaps. I have already processed the area with 34 images. Now I am trying to update it with 4 new images.
The size of the area is 1850 pixels x 790 lines.
The first try was not successful because the coregistration failed for 2 images (yes, those problematic ones). I decided to perform…[Read more]
ivca-cz started the topic multiple imaging modes detected in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 11 months ago
I am facing a problem I never faced ago, while processing the same data (for many times, but for the first time in the update mode).
All the data seem to be ok (and have been processed), but now I can see (in versions of 04-04 and 21-03 at least) that one of the images has one swath ascending, which is not right, see the logs in the…[Read more]
ivca-cz replied to the topic Sarproz Release 2016.30 in the forum Sarproz Forum 8 years, 12 months ago
this is my second experience with the MISP/time series module, and I am getting an error I did not get for the first time, so maybe I did something wrong, but in the previous version (21-Mar), it still works.
Thank you, Ivana
ivca-cz started the topic time series module in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
I am starting to use the time series module, using “sparse TS geocoding” because I need a CSV. My question is: the numbers I get for each date, are time series (rad? mm?) or residues (rad? mm?)?
It seems to me that these are residues (in mm as in small area export?). Therefore, if order to get the movement time series, is it necessary to…[Read more]
ivca-cz started the topic APS estimation for a part of the area in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago
Hello Daniele,
I am processing an area of approx 10×10 km, trying to estimate APS.
However, the extracted area is much larger in order to improve the S-1 coregistration.
Is it somehow possible to limit the area for APS estimation? I tried to use scatter plots to save the points and load them in the APS window, but it does not work (seems to…[Read more]
ivca-cz replied to the topic Slave extraction: no images found in TIFF file in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi Daniele and Yuxiao,
thank you, the problem was solved by deleting the one image,
it is S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20151004T045254_20151004T045321_007998_00B312_5C90.SAFE (IW3),
however now, the process of slaves extraction gets stuck on a different image,
(with no…[
ivca-cz started the topic Slave extraction: no images found in TIFF file in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
I have encountered a problem as never before, attached.
I checked the directory, all the files have a reasonable size, the number of images also corresponds to what sarproz says.
I know an image may have a problem with one swath – but how to find which image is the problematic one to delete it?
Thank you, Ivana
ivca-cz replied to the topic Sentinel-1 SLC IW intensity grayed out, corregistration not possible in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 2 months ago
Hi Yuxiao,
I am sending all the filenames (zipped) I use. As master, I am using 20150703, IW2, center 50.54, 13.5, radius 20 km.
Using MST as with long temp baselines, it gets heavily decorrelated.
So, these are the pairs with phase ramps (is it possible, that the phase ramps are only in the “upper” part of the interferograms?)
20151124 -…[Read more]
ivca-cz replied to the topic Sentinel-1 SLC IW intensity grayed out, corregistration not possible in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 2 months ago
Hi Yuxiao,
thank you, it is ok now. And the December 2015 interferograms are the most coherent ones (for my AOI)!
Unfortunately, I can still see few phase ramps within the interferograms (about 3 in 30-40 interferograms). It seems that this did not improve since October. Do you need the test data?
Thank you again, Ivana
ivca-cz replied to the topic Sentinel TOPS threads in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years, 3 months ago
I am attaching an error I encountered more times (but sometimes not; in different areas), I am processing an area close to image border; what is the problem here and how shall I avoid it?
If I understand it well, it concerns the number of bursts…?
Thank you, Ivana
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