
  • One particular I forgot to add:
    the hybrid batch mode is now implemented in the SLC processing module and in the Site Processing for the following sections:
    – Preliminary Analysis
    – Preliminary Geocoding
    – InSAR processing
    Remaining sections are still under development.

  • A new functionality is under development: hybrid batch processing mode (now available for downloading via “manage version”).
    The concept is that demanding processing operations are not executed from the main instance of Sarproz any more.
    Instead, the software can launch the operations in background, detached from the interface.
    In this way, you…[Read more]

  • I’m sorry, I must have corrupted processing folder working on many workstations (Windows, Linux), with different Matlab versions, using different pcodes version, my fault.

    Have a nice day

  • Hi,

    I get “Index exceeds matrix dimensions.” when updating stack of Radarsat-2 images for new acquisition.


  • periz replied to the topic Sarproz Release 2016.20 in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    you should make an effort and do 2 important things:
    a. if you get an error, send us lasterror.mat and log file. from the log you sent us, you encountered some errors, but you did not submit us the lasterror.mat, so, we cannot help you
    b. make use of the manage version module. first of all, updates have been released after March 6, and…[Read more]

  • sgishwar replied to the topic Sarproz Release 2016.20 in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    Sir, I think the new version is posing problems in site processing module, Particularly in Interferogram generation and Coherence map generation. Interferogram is not generated and folder remains empty. Kindly verify. Attaching files for your reference. Please guide.

  • periz replied to the topic updating in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    Hi Matus,

    as we have checked together, the sw was not finding the DEM that was loaded.
    Don’t forget to read the messages, which tell you if something wrong is going on…


  • matusbakon started the topic updating in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago


    while updating set of already processed Sentinel-1 images, I couldn’t perform it using “Update” option in SLC DATA Processing window. .mat and .log file attached.


  • the error seems being generated by a corrupted site description file
    if you delete the SiteDescription.txt file, it should work
    anyway, a pcodes bug fix is being uploaded

  • Hi,

    I get “Reference to non-existent field ‘CreationDate'” while opening folder processed previously.



  • sgishwar replied to the topic Manage version in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    Inspite of downloading psftp.exe, unable to update version and still using version 18 Jan. 2016. Please suggest.

  • periz started the topic Sarproz Release 2016.20 in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    Dear all,

    revolutionary updates are available in the version that is going to be uploaded today, March 6th 2016.

    New Optimized Automatic PSC Graph Generation.
    I’ll start from the last update in chronological order, but the first in order of importance. In the APS processing module, you can now choose which graph to apply to the PSC selection…[Read more]

  • I am trying to coregister a set of 12 ALOS PALSAR images. I am getting the following warning at the coregistration step.

    “Undefined variable “ParforProgressClient2”

  • The idea was correct,
    but you should not LOAD the points, you should pick up the file you saved using the menu on the left (menu item: choose a real file).
    Save/Load options use an internal format. While saving a subselection of points from scatter plots writes values in a SxL matrix (the common sw format). Make sure to choose also a parameter for…[Read more]

  • Hello Daniele,

    I am processing an area of approx 10×10 km, trying to estimate APS.

    However, the extracted area is much larger in order to improve the S-1 coregistration.

    Is it somehow possible to limit the area for APS estimation? I tried to use scatter plots to save the points and load them in the APS window, but it does not work (seems to…[Read more]

  • dear dan or yuxiao,
    The latest version is download and installed.
    it reminds like this:
    Could u just tell me what i need to type in the matlab?

    Lab 1:
    Warning: The class file for ‘ParforProgress2’ has been changed; but the change
    cannot be applied because objects based on the old class file still exist. If
    you use those…[Read more]

  • Hello Daniele,

    I ask you again about the YYYYMMDD fields but this time in the .csv file created from the Small Area processing.

    According to what I see it seems that they contain the single displacement for each date instead of the cumulative one (in the field corresponding to the master image eveything is 0, that’s why I think this is the…[Read more]

  • seppi-santiago replied to the topic Parameters Range in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    Yes, this question regards APS processing (and Sparse Points processing too), and yes, there is a particularly rapidly moving point (in comparison to the others), with which I didn’t mean that the rest or the points are stable, but moving slower instead. It is a landslide area where only few points (among them the Corner Reflectors) are identified…[Read more]

  • periz replied to the topic Parameters Range in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago

    symmetric ranges are needed only in the APS processing, here you are not specifying in which module you are working.
    it sounds strange saying that most points are stable and only a few move a lot
    in any case, whether searching for a wide range of values can affect the estimate depends on many factors, like number of images and their time…[Read more]

  • seppi-santiago started the topic Parameters Range in the forum Sarproz Forum 9 years ago


    I’ve got a number of GPS measurement for a set of Corner Reflectors which are identified as PS within SarProz.

    When looking at the GPS measurements, projected into LOS, the displacement velocity ranges in general from 0 to -500 mm/yr, except for 1 point where that reaches almost -1000 mm/yr.

    The question is, is it ok to input this -1000…[Read more]

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