
  • Dear Daniele,

    I started to process 2 ALOS data, but after coregistration step i get this error:

    Error in cull_points(): fewer than minimum points, only 17 left!
    WARNING!!! coregistration of image 20101212 failed!!!!

    And then i try to start again (re-run the tool, using SLC data module), “get contents”, check “update”, set orbits, then go to…[Read more]

  • fatma started the topic Recovery of operations in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago

    Hi Daniele,

    Thank you for your explanations, i considere. And also i am continuing to process, but i have new problem.
    While i am processing “interferogram processing” step, unfortunately my battery finished and process failed (it is about %43 finished).
    Can i continue or change something for repair this step?

    Thank you again,


  • fatma replied to the topic Co-registration Step in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago

    Hi Daniele,

    Thank you for your explanations, i considere. And also i am continuing to process, but i have new problem.
    While i am processing “interferogram processing” step, unfortunately my battery finished and process failed (it is about %43 finished).
    Can i continue or change something for repair this step?

    Thank you again,


  • fatma started the topic Co-registration Step in the forum Sarproz Forum 10 years ago

    Hi Dear Daniele and all,

    I am new at SarProz processing. Now i just finished the Co-registration step, but unfortunately in the last minutes Internet connection was failed and i get this message on terminal:

    allocating 7240 x 23700 samples, type: 1

    allocating 7240 x 23700 samples, type: 3

    prep_img: job ended

    setimageconf: converting…[Read more]