ewid replied to the topic Phase unwrapping after APS removal in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years ago
Dear Prof. Perissin,
thank you for your quick reply! I tried to follow your advice to do it manually in Matlab with leggi and scrivi. With the leggi function it could read the data (Matlab showed all the values in the lines) but when I wanted to plot the Data (with plot(Data)) there were strange figures which did not correspond to the…[Read more] -
ewid started the topic Phase unwrapping after APS removal in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years ago
Dear SARPROZ community,
after processing the APS module I didn’t find a way to unwrap this corrected Interferogram. I followed for most parts the tutorial “Atmospheric Delay Mitigation on Single (or few) Interferograms” but I did not do the Multi-looking. I checked the “Stratif.”-Box in the APS-options. I could export it as tif and as jpg file but…[Read more] -
ewid joined the group sarproz-group 5 years ago
ewid became a registered member 5 years ago