periz replied to the topic Sarproz Release 2016.00 in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
It’s a network problem. Try again later. Or check if your network is behind a firewall or a proxy. You can also try to use a different connection (like from home or through a mobile device)
venera replied to the topic Sarproz Release 2016.00 in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
I couldn’t update Sarproz version and I don’t have an antivirus which might cause problems. Could you please help to solve this issue?
periz replied to the topic Issue related to MCR component cache, in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
The cache of the MCR component can be found in a folder similar to the following one
delete the folder and then try again, it should work.
best -
nicosar started the topic Issue related to MCR component cache, in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Dear Periz.
After updating my AVG antivirus and running “main.exe” it appeared this message: “Could not access the MCR component cache”.
Could you help me with this issue, please? -
periz replied to the topic Spatial ramp for the distribution of PS points in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Spatial ramps can arise from the spatial graph integration. Such operation is weighted with the coherence of the connections. Check the coherence and check the Non-linear parameters used to set the range of reliable coherence values. Choosing carefully those parameter should help the stabilization of the integration. If that does not help, it…[Read more]
paul started the topic Spatial ramp for the distribution of PS points in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
When i do PS time series analysis, i got the result as shown in the first figure ‘PS overview’. This figure shows all the PS points with their color rendered by the deformation rate. There is a very obvious spatial ramp pattern that northeast corner shows stronger subsiding while the southwest corner shows much less subsidence trend. It looks…[Read more]
Yuxiao replied to the topic Error importing Sentinel-1 external orbits in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Update your software to the newest version first, please.
mihaelagheorghe started the topic Error importing Sentinel-1 external orbits in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Today, when I tried to import a Sentinel-1 dataset and set the orbits I have encountered a few errors, such as:
WARNING: An error occurred Downloading external S1 orbit. Built-in Orbit is used for date 2016/04/29.!No external orbit available for image 20160429
An error occurred and was saved in the file lasterror.mat, directory…[Read more]
paul replied to the topic Inconsistency of results from different processing steps in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Daniele,
Thanks for the suggestions.
periz replied to the topic Inconsistency of results from different processing steps in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Paul,
there is a high number of factors that can cause the difference in the results. One of them is the reference point. Then one should check all options you used for processing. Also the outcome of the APS processing plays an important role on the final result. The topic is too broad to be treated here in a single answer. I suggest you to…[Read more] -
paul started the topic Inconsistency of results from different processing steps in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
When i am processing Sentinel-1 SLC time series datasets, i encountered with a problem. First, i cropped the study area with 20km radius, and processed the time series with APS (by followed the manual ‘Demo on APS….’). Then i geocoded the result and export into Google earth, and the result is shown as attached. The result shows the…[Read more]
paul replied to the topic About coregistration, export kml not aligned with google earth in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Daniele,
Thank you very much for the suggestions. The coregistration works well now.
I did process the external DEM in SAR coordinates, but i did not choose ‘orthorectified’ in data export process, which is important. Besides, the data i am using is Sentinel data.Have a great day,
Paul -
periz replied to the topic About coregistration, export kml not aligned with google earth in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Paul,
you are missing the most important things:
1. you have to process the external DEM in SAR coordinates
2. you have to choose the “orthorectified” output, in the extended data export
You also miss to tell us which satellite data you are using.
If it is not Sentinel, probably you need to select a GCP manually.
Also, search in the forum,…[
paul started the topic About coregistration, export kml not aligned with google earth in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
I am currently dealing with SLC time series, and I need to coregister all images to the master image. I follow the step in the manual. After co-registration I opened SITE-PROCESSING- GCP selection – Keep current orbits (auto GCP). Then I applied Coregistration Refinedment (Optional). After all of these, I applied Extended Data Export…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Error in choosing AOI in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
Please take the time to read this https://www.sarproz.com/groups/sarproz-group/forum/topic/forum-general-rules/
if you want we understand what you are talking about, paste pictures, logs, messages, all possible information you can find. -
julinor started the topic Error in choosing AOI in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
When I choose the AOI, the Matlab command window show all images are out of the area, but in google earth, the AOI is inside the images area, what’s the problem?
espiritocz replied to the topic Is heading angle in 'SiteDescription.txt' file +ve w.r.t to geographic north? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
try to draw the angle to the piece of paper. You will realize that the value -129.6 deg is not the heading of the satellite track, while the value from SARPROZ is really heading angle of the satellite from the North (azimuth angle).
sekhar started the topic Is heading angle in 'SiteDescription.txt' file +ve w.r.t to geographic north? in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
In the SiteDescription.txt file, I have observed a value for ‘AcqHeading’. I believe this as the heading or azimuth angle of the satellite. If so, is it calculated positive with respect to the geographic north?
For a particular S1 dataset acquired in ascending mode (track 72 over Iran), ESA SNAP software shows platform_heading_angle = -129.6 deg…[Read more] -
Yuxiao replied to the topic Coregisteration and Deramping.. in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
TerraSAR stripmap doesn’t require deramping.
If you are working with TerraSAR ScanSAR/TOPS mode, I don’t think sarproz support those formats yet.
Yuxiao replied to the topic Coregisteration and Deramping.. in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
For Sentinel, Deramp is automatically done (during coregistration).
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