Hello periz,
Thanks for the detailed response.
When applying spatial filtering, in InSAR parameters, should be selected “Output Coherence = post-filtering”? So that this post-filtered Coherence was used on MISP module as Weights. I would appreciate it if you clarify this doubt.
Regarding AutoMISP-PRJ-Atmo.mat file, the image shows APS for 5 dates and three models. The same APS estimation (Full graph and linear model) was used on the three models, but the models differ on the MISP processing.
Model3 -> Full graph and liner model
Model5 -> Star graph and linear model
Model6 -> Star graph and Non-linear (Smart 5), not sure what 5 stand for?
My question is: Why Model 3 APS are different from Model 5 and 6? Note that I only estimated APS for model 3 and load the same APS in model 5 and 6.
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