Yuxiao started the topic A minor update of S1 TOPS in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
There has been a minor update to S1 TOPS. Below is a list of the new updates.
1. In the older versions, for the SLC folder, when there are two adjacent scenes that could be merged, the code will create a new “merge folder (that will end in SRPZ.MRGE)” that stores necessary new files. When coregistration finishes these merge folder will be…[Read more]
Yuxiao started the topic A minor update of S1 TOPS in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
There has been a minor update to S1 TOPS. Below is a list of the new updates.
1. In the older versions, for the SLC folder, when there are two adjacent scenes that could be merged, the code will create a new “merge folder (that will end in SRPZ.MRGE)” that stores necessary new files. When coregistration finishes these merge folder will be…[Read more]
Yuxiao replied to the topic Sentinel-1 co-registration warnings in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Venera,
First of all, please make sure you are using the newest version.
Second, it would be helpful to check the coherence of the pair that shows this warning. The goal is to check that if the coherence of interferogram is indeed so bad that accurate subpixel coregistration could not be performed.
At last, it would be helpful if you pass…[Read more]
ali-roozban91 replied to the topic Error on "import stripmap sentinel data" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
I look forward to your reply and i’ll appreciate your fast response,
Thank you in advanced
Best regards -
venera replied to the topic Sentinel-1 co-registration warnings in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the quick response.
jaroslav replied to the topic Sentinel-1 co-registration warnings in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
I didn’t actually completely overcome this issue yet.
However, the master choice seems to help sometimes. In cases of problematic co-registration I usually try to manually evaluate image list in order to exclude the most noisy ones and choose the most contrast image as a master.
Somebody, correct me if I’m wrong, please. -
venera replied to the topic Sentinel-1 co-registration warnings in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Jaroslav,
How did you overcome your issue?
I am facing these warnings, however I am processing a whole subswath..Thanks.
Yuxiao replied to the topic Error on "import stripmap sentinel data" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
I am still working on it, please give another couple of days. Thanks.
ali-roozban91 replied to the topic Error on "import stripmap sentinel data" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
I’m still waiting for the sarproz update to processing stripmap data of Sentinel sensor. I’ve been using version 5-may-2017 recently, i’ll be thankfulness if you notice me whenever new sarproz update arrives, which has the capability of processing stripmap sentinel data, and give me new pcodes file.
ali-roozban91 replied to the topic Error on "Dem visualization" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
Thanks very much for your helpful tips. -
wmzhou replied to the topic Error on "Dem visualization" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
you can download srtm from this websit. -
ali-roozban91 replied to the topic Error on "Dem visualization" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Periz
How can i download SRTM manually and place them in that folder?Thanks
periz replied to the topic Weather data download problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Pawel,
we could change that piece of code to allow you using that function with your old matlab version.
However, you may find other issues later on. If it is easy for you to upgrade matlab, please do it. If you cannot, let us know and we will make those changes
best -
Yuxiao replied to the topic Weather data download problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
If you are using MATLAB R2011a or previous version I would suggest switching to R2012a or later.
I will leave this to Dan for adding comments.
pawello started the topic Weather data download problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
I have run into a problem with downloading the weather data. When I try to get it there is an error message as follows: “Undefined function or method ‘narginchk’ for input arguments of type ‘double'”. So I tried to skip this step and do without the weather data. That didn’t work because the coregistration process seems to require temperature…[Read more] -
ali-roozban91 replied to the topic Error on "Dem visualization" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Periz
How can i download SRTM manually and place them in that folder?Thanks
periz replied to the topic Error on "Dem visualization" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
Those are not errors
they are informative messages.
If in your area no SRTM files are available, there is nothing wrong. If SRTM should be available, then the software cannot download them for some reasons. Do it manually and place them in that folder -
ali-roozban91 started the topic Error on "Dem visualization" in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
I encounter an error When I use “Dem visualization” module for snetinel-1 data.
I encountered with these error:SRTM data will be used
files I:sartehran-sarprozRESULTSDemSynt and I:sartehran-sarprozRESULTSDemSynt.mat not found
file I:sartehran-sarproz..SRTMN35E051.hgt is missing. Trying to download it
file…[Read more]
Yuxiao replied to the topic Sentinel-1A coregistration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Wang,
First of all, thank you for taking a carefully look at the log before processing the data to the next step.
Sentinel uses a method called spectral diversity (SD) for coregistration in order to meet the strict restriction of Sentinel TOPS coregistration. To give a simple explanation it uses the spectrum of TOPS for coregistration.
As…[Read more]
bridgetwang replied to the topic Sentinel-1A coregistration problem in the forum Sarproz Forum 7 years, 10 months ago
here is the log file.
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