
  • antig started the topic Noisy lines in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 1 month ago

    I extract slaves to my stack. Some images give warnings

    Interferograms with 20161128 will see noisy lines!!!<<<

    so what is correct to do. Remove or keep them in the stack?
    It is Sentinel 1 images

  • thank You. I’ll keep it mind. error was not main issue. output was and I ‘ll got answer. so I dont upload this error logs

  • Hi

    I wanted output estimated H by raster using Extended data export

    got error

    orthorectifying Height [m]

    loading file /export/sille/analysis_home/analyzes/analysis_1570/SUBSET/RESULTS/MATLAB/GeoShifts

    An error occurred and was saved in the file lasterror.mat, directory /opt/sille/tools/sarproz_compiled

    If you need assistance, please…[Read more]

  • antig replied to the topic DEM outside SRTM in the forum Sarproz Forum 6 years, 1 month ago

    thank you

    I found that external dem can add in site protsessing stage. Is it correct?
    Warnings in corecistration stage have to be ignore? mainly warnings are that SRTM tiles are zeros.

  • Hi all

    I have AOI outside SRTM area. SARPROZ warn
    leggi_srtm: Warning! file /export/sille/analysis_home/analyzes/SRTM/N61E019.hgt is all zeros!!

    Does SARPROZ download automatically some additional DEM (ASTER for example) or have to find dem myself?

  • thanks again periz for good paper

  • Does SarProz have opputurnity to choose whitch plane to orthorectify exported points. Issue is that Firstly I geolocate refelctivity map. Ussualy it fits good in Google earh. After point protsessing, using H estimator for purpses that you are talked, points dont fit to reflectivity map. I have to move them by hand right place. So exlude that move…[Read more]

  • sry I dont understood correctly. Does H estimation in urban areas are nessery or not? If ext. Dem is ok.

    I agree that in SarProz I can do everything. But I want to do something meaningful, because I think it is not a toy.
    So I have to know that philosophy is behindthose buttons that I push.

  • Thank You. It was very fruitful reading. If I understood correctly the positional shift caused mainly by DEM error.
    In Sarproz displacement calculation totorials mainly H is also estimated. I deal with Sentinel data mainly. According to my knowledge, Sentinel is not very good dataset for dem estimation. So, does H estimation have some other…[Read more]

  • Hi everybody
    I have a problem with point position after export.
    If I calculate points with small area method using height estimation, then points are not in right place after export (positon.png). Background reflectivity map is also orthorectified. In Geocoding window is everything ok. Points are center of reflected areas like they should be. But…[Read more]

  • antig became a registered member 6 years, 2 months ago