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  • in reply to: Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line #6455

      Just to complete this post with a good news:

      On MacPro 2019 I ran

      matlab -nodesktop -r “main(‘InputParFile.txt’);

      and it worked while when running the -nodisplay option it gives me the error above.

      in reply to: Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line #6453

        Hi Daniele,
        Regarding Point 1 I tried to launch the Matlab with -nodisplay option.
        We got the error below:

        $ /Applications/MATLAB/ -nodisplay -r “main(‘/Users/Desktop/test_full_VV_Full_Graph/5_78/20180810_VV_1/InputParFile.txt’); quit”

        < M A T L A B (R) >
        Copyright 1984-2021 The MathWorks, Inc.
        R2021a Update 4 ( 64-bit (maci64)
        July 1, 2021

        To get started, type doc.
        For product information, visit

        Welcome to SARPROZ

        by Daniele Perissin, copyright 2009-2021,

        Messages from this session are written in file 17_Nov_2021_22_42_16_sarproz.log
        directory /Users/pmilillo/sw/pcodes_2021-04-08

        MATLAB 9.10 (R2021a) 14-Nov-2020

        Sarproz is going to set the Java Path. After that you’ll need to restart Matlab.

        It looks like that you already restarted Matlab
        However, something is still wrong…

        Are you sure you are starting Matlab from the pcodes directory?

        (1) open a terminal. (2) type cd ‘/Users/pmilillo/sw/pcodes_2021-04-08’ (3) Launch Matlab from the command line

        (unix users) Try the following: (1) open a terminal (2) type ‘hostname’ (3) ping the returned name (eg: ping mycomputername)
        (4) if no packets are received, add the name returned by ‘hostname’ to the file /etc/hosts

        WARNING: you need to exit and restart Matlab!!

        Given that:
        a) I am in the codes directory and I do not want to launch Matlab by command line (we are trying to launch Matlab in -nodisplay mode)

        b)I added my hostname to /etc/host but still get the same error

        What is preventing Sarproz to run correctly? Please keep in mind that Matlab 2021a is the only version compatible with MacOs BigSur 11.6

        in reply to: Running SARPROZ from a Matlab .m file vs. command line #6450

          1.I do not understand why the script is useless. The way we work on the cluster entails that all the commands should be included in a script which then goes into a pipeline for processing.

          2.Yes when we run fig=main(InputPar.txt) in the Matlab graphic interface Sarproz runs. Instead when we launch the same command from a script it freezes.

          3. Yes we have the latest updated version of the software.

          4. Yes I experienced this bug already and I am aware of it. I do not see the RAM filling up while Sarproz is frozen (when we launch it from a Matlab script)

          I was wondering if there are any guidelines on how to install Sarproz without using the Matlab GUI. I would like to be able to run SARPROZ by writing a bash command like: ‘fig=main(InputPar.txt)’ has this been implemented and I was not able to find it on the Forum?

          Grazie 🙂

          in reply to: Sentinel1 coregistration #2004

            I also got an issue with SLC TOPS Reramping

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